I think DA is Getting Year 4 (2 Viewers)

If he gets to the playoffs this year, and it isnt because of "soft" reasons... like convincingly makes it.. I say another year is warranted..

if not.. then he needs to go... post haste.
Another aspect that I think is getting lost is that he’s only 16-18 as Saints HC.
If he has a 10 win season, he suddenly has a winning record as Saints HC and that gives another reason for Loomis to keep Allen around.
I think Dennison will get a lot out of that unit. McCoy is still a top Center. Ruiz has potential for bounce back and lets not forget that Salidevri will be going into his 2nd year. There's a lot of young talented guys on the oline, it's not like that group is old. You land a young stud Tackle in the draft and suddenly the majority of the oline is under 27 years of age. It's not old and in shambles, just young and developing.

I like your optimism and certainly respect your opinions, but I can't really share the optimism. I just see so many unknows in Saldiveri, Penning, and Young with so few guarantees. Getting the right guy in the draft would certainly help, but without Ram you still have to figure out LG and RT with guys who are more or less unknowns. If they all work out, you are good and young, but I'm not sure any of them are close to sure things at this point.
In regards to the original post about DA being here for two more years, I definitely think the organization expects him to be because the organization believes he will win. Personally my criteria is the same as last year. Win the division and make the playoffs. Do I think the organization is drawing that same line in the sand, no. If he wins 8-9 he will be back regardless of how we finish in the division unless we start or end with 0-5 or something. 6-7 wins with certain circumstances, bunch of injuries, most losses being one score losses, offense showing lots of improvement, and defense not regressing he will probably be back in that case also. That’s not me saying what I want just what I believe will happen in those situations.
This isnt a soft rebuild though. We have 2 picks in the first 4 rounds. We are headed for another teens draft pick next year when we win 7-8 games.

We have at least 3 problems on the O line. And Ruiz isnt exactly a world beater.
We dont have a true WR1. Olave is a dynamic high end #2. But if we call Olave WR1, who is WR2? Shaheed seems to be a returner and deep threat.
TE is a problem. We'll see if Juwan decides to take a step up, but otherwise we could use a TE1
Carr is an average QB. He isnt good enough to beat teams without more help. And he isnt a guy youd bring through to the other side of a rebuild.
Kamara is getting older and has lost a step. Williams was a bust fa signing, who knows about Kendre Miller

Defense line, we have Old Cam, Chase Young on a 1 year deal and hurt, Granderson underperformed his contract last year. Bresee is a piece. Other than that we need help at DT.
LBs, DDavis has to fall off soon, and is definitely at the age where he wouldnt be part of any sort of rebuild. Werner and Gay could be pieces.
DBs, Taylor is a piece. Lattimore might be dealt, and if he isnt, has been hurt often. Badger isnt a rebuild. No one is writing home about Howden. Adebo might be a piece.

On offense, you have Olave.
On defense you have Taylor, Bresee and maybe Werner, Gay and Adebo.

This is a team that cant do a soft rebuild. They need to trade players with value and get draft picks. This team is built, in theory, to compete next year. We wont compete, but they are going about it as if they can compete. But this team is too old, too hurt and for the most part lacking talent across the board.
I 1000% disagree with this. Loomis, like anyone else, wants to win. Also despite what some people say he isn’t untouchable. He will get fired if the Saints aren’t successful. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, the simple fact is Loomis feels DA can win and be successful and that’s why he is still the coach. If Loomis believed DA couldn’t win or be successful he would fire him not keep him just so he didn’t have to “admit he was wrong”.

You underestimate Loomis' ego. Pride comes before the fall. Sure he wants to win, but he believes he can will the winning instead of doing the thing necessary to build a winner again. He is dragging out the past instead of looking to the future. This roster looks like the past. Its old, hurt and stale.
Regardless of circumstances. All teams go through trials and tribulations throughout the season. The teams that correctly (or triumphantly) navigate their way through the waters endure success. This isn’t Covid anymore. It’s put up or shut up time. Cant keep using excuses. He was hired to win, just as every other HC.
So he is not allowed to build a winner? he just better win because the Saints have always been a perennial 10+ win team.
I 1000% disagree with this. Loomis, like anyone else, wants to win. Also despite what some people say he isn’t untouchable. He will get fired if the Saints aren’t successful. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, the simple fact is Loomis feels DA can win and be successful and that’s why he is still the coach. If Loomis believed DA couldn’t win or be successful he would fire him not keep him just so he didn’t have to “admit he was wrong”.
Loomis thinks he’s the reason we won, not Sean. He still believes that, he’ll continue to believe that despite the evidence else wise.
So he is not allowed to build a winner? he just better win because the Saints have always been a perennial 10+ win team.

You cant build a winner with Dennis Allen. Once again, we have people referencing Allens job with the defense, completely ignoring that he is the head coach. He is going into season 6, with losing records with 2 franchises and a sub .350 win %.

If he wins 10 games, even Ill admit he wont get fired. And Im NeverDennis #1. But anything below 9 wins should be a definite canning, and 9-8 in the playoffs might be enough to keep Loomis hard headed.

Id be interesed to see if we start something like 3-6, 3-7 if Loomis decides to see what Kubiak can do running the ship for the rest of the season to give him an inside track to the job.
DA is here indefinitely and I doubt there is a change before he gets 5 seasons or more. He has to deal with the shirtshow SP left behind, complete a soft rebuild, guide the team while ML fixes the books, then be given a chance to win with what comes out the other side with. It's only CJGJ, MT and a few fans that have an issue with DA.
You serious? I admit I have a hard time understanding it
Loomis thinks he’s the reason we won, not Sean. He still believes that, he’ll continue to believe that despite the evidence else wise.
I don’t disagree with you there completely. I don’t think he believes he was the reason in a vacuum. He sees himself as the guy behind the scenes that hired the coach and kept the team together. He can recognize SP part of it while taking pride that he chose SP. And he fully believes that he can and wants to do that again. Right now he believes he can do that with DA so DA is here. If he thought it couldn’t happen with DA, he would fire him and replace him. Then if the team starts winning again he would be proud of finding the next coach. He will not/ is not deliberately keeping a coach he has no faith in because he wants to avoid admitting a mistake.

Like I said, agree or disagree with him, Loomis believes DA can be successful and win here.
This isnt a soft rebuild though. We have 2 picks in the first 4 rounds. We are headed for another teens draft pick next year when we win 7-8 games.

We have at least 3 problems on the O line. And Ruiz isnt exactly a world beater.
We dont have a true WR1. Olave is a dynamic high end #2. But if we call Olave WR1, who is WR2? Shaheed seems to be a returner and deep threat.
TE is a problem. We'll see if Juwan decides to take a step up, but otherwise we could use a TE1
Carr is an average QB. He isnt good enough to beat teams without more help. And he isnt a guy youd bring through to the other side of a rebuild.
Kamara is getting older and has lost a step. Williams was a bust fa signing, who knows about Kendre Miller

Defense line, we have Old Cam, Chase Young on a 1 year deal and hurt, Granderson underperformed his contract last year. Bresee is a piece. Other than that we need help at DT.
LBs, DDavis has to fall off soon, and is definitely at the age where he wouldnt be part of any sort of rebuild. Werner and Gay could be pieces.
DBs, Taylor is a piece. Lattimore might be dealt, and if he isnt, has been hurt often. Badger isnt a rebuild. No one is writing home about Howden. Adebo might be a piece.

On offense, you have Olave.
On defense you have Taylor, Bresee and maybe Werner, Gay and Adebo.

This is a team that cant do a soft rebuild. They need to trade players with value and get draft picks. This team is built, in theory, to compete next year. We wont compete, but they are going about it as if they can compete. But this team is too old, too hurt and for the most part lacking talent across the board.
You're absolutely right.

This is the offseason, where hope springs eternal, so I get why Vegas' predictions for next seasons and posts like this aren't going to be popular. Last year, we had a better roster than our final record, and the coaching staff (primarily offensive) held us back. A lot of us saw that exact scenario playing out, and predicted it. This year, we've rid ourselves of obvious duds on the staff (jury is out on the replacements) but the roster quality has dropped off a bit, and even our "win now" GM isn't pushing the envelope anymore.

This roster and this team overall has mediocre written all over it. Sorry folks, but that's what it is. Vegas says the over/under is 7.5 wins, and I'd say really smart money would be to take the under. I hope like hell that someone submits this post to Freezing Cold Takes after the season, but I'm not seeing it, and if y'all are being honest with yourselves, I think you see it too.
I don’t disagree with you there completely. I don’t think he believes he was the reason in a vacuum. He sees himself as the guy behind the scenes that hired the coach and kept the team together. He can recognize SP part of it while taking pride that he chose SP. And he fully believes that he can and wants to do that again. Right now he believes he can do that with DA so DA is here. If he thought it couldn’t happen with DA, he would fire him and replace him. Then if the team starts winning again he would be proud of finding the next coach. He will not/ is not deliberately keeping a coach he has no faith in because he wants to avoid admitting a mistake.

Like I said, agree or disagree with him, Loomis believes DA can be successful and win here.
Never said he doesn’t believe in Allen. Quite the opposite. Problem is every metric other than Loomis says he’s wrong.

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