I think DA is Getting Year 4 (3 Viewers)

Never said he doesn’t believe in Allen. Quite the opposite. Problem is every metric other than Loomis says he’s wrong.
Yeah I’m not going defend either of them at this point. I’m still holding out hope that they succeed and do believe it’s possible. I’m not convinced that it’s a forgone conclusion that we win 5 or less next year but not confident enough to say it won’t happen. I felt DA should have been let go and if we don’t win the division this year I would like to see him gone.

My only point was I disagree with people saying Loomis is keeping him here because he doesn’t want admit a mistake. I just don’t believe that. If Loomis thought da wasn’t the guy and he made a mistake he would fire him. He’s here because Loomis doesn’t think he made a mistake.
Funny everyone bi**hung bout DA
What had SP done since 09 really terrible draft picks would never cut PC loose got some side pieces s**ty FA
GW and DB won us our SB
Hell give DA a chance
You cant build a winner with Dennis Allen. Once again, we have people referencing Allens job with the defense, completely ignoring that he is the head coach. He is going into season 6, with losing records with 2 franchises and a sub .350 win %.

If he wins 10 games, even Ill admit he wont get fired. And Im NeverDennis #1. But anything below 9 wins should be a definite canning, and 9-8 in the playoffs might be enough to keep Loomis hard headed.

Id be interesed to see if we start something like 3-6, 3-7 if Loomis decides to see what Kubiak can do running the ship for the rest of the season to give him an inside track to the job.
He won 8 games his first year on the job with QB questions and offensive ineptitude, then proceeded to win 9 games with offensive ineptitude and offensive line problems.

I say if anything DA has done a good job managing this team through a transition of talent and new leadership and we have a good organization that backs him.
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He won 8 game his first year on the job with QB questions and offensive ineptitude, then one 9 games with offensive ineptitude and offensive line problems.

I saw if anything DA has done a good job managing this team through a transition of talent and new leadership and we have a good organization that backs him.
So basically 2 years on the job and both of them with offensive ineptitude. Yet here we are saying he’s doing a good job.
Maybe we should pull back the DA is good and just label him as average till he actually can prove he is a good coach.
Same. I think it's more than a few fans that feel that way, contrary to what Troll asserted.

I know it's more than a few fans. The name is Troll Hunter b/c I like to find the trolls and get them worked up. It doesn't take much. Just say something in support of DA, Carr or ML or something negative about JW, CJGJ or MT. It's entertaining and I know what their responses will be based on what is said. It keeps them distracted on these threads and then and we can have good discussions on other threads.
So basically 2 years on the job and both of them with offensive ineptitude. Yet here we are saying he’s doing a good job.
Maybe we should pull back the DA is good and just label him as average till he actually can prove he is a good coach.
….he's not an offensive coach, now if it was defensive ineptitude then you'd have an argument.
DA is here at minimum until the season after we get the Cap under control. So two or 3 more seasons. Everything Loomis has said and done so far this off season speaks loudly to the plan of getting the house in order, and no new coach is going to want to be a part of that. Loomis believes in DA enough to endorse him as the next "great" coach. We are stuck with what we are stuck with, hopefully it works out.
So he is not allowed to build a winner? he just better win because the Saints have always been a perennial 10+ win team.
🦌 said it himself….. “The turkey was handed to me, I just have to cook it”. Those are his words, not mine. He recognized the fact that he was given a blueprint, with an upclose view on how to build a winner. Two years, in the worst division, with an easy schedule. How much easier does he need it? Does he need SP to walk back in the door and set the timer and put the turkey in the oven for him? He’s going on year 3. He’s had his drafts, he got his QB, he has had the confidence of his GM/ownership. We watched other teams have issues last year and they made adjustments to where they got into the playoffs. We stood pat and watched a Baker Mayfield led team, take what could’ve/should’ve been ours. It is 100% put up or shut up time. He’s more than allowed to build a winner, but if the football gods essentially try to hand us the division, then you must seize it. Yet here we are for the 4,584,363rd time having this discussion. Yall don’t get it. We should not be having this discussion if we handled our dang business last year or the year before that. It literally is that simple.
I'm basing this on the team's current optics. Hearing things like a soft rebuild, clean up the cap, retool, etc.
Unless things go completely sideways, I think he'll return in 2025. No hyperbole.
If nothing else, it'll annoy the ones here who whine and complain all of the time and that in and of itself might be worth it.
Not falling for your bait. Have fun trollin for "trolls".

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