New Public Safety Systems (1 Viewer)

It wasn't a great response, but it wasn't nearly as bad as you portray. She openly admits this is a long process and doesn't just happen over night.

Can you even imagine fearing to call the police because they will likely escalate a situation and make things worse? Because, that's essentially what is happening and what these reforms are seeking to end.

According to her, she has been asked the very reasonable question of, "who do I call when my home is being broken into" many times, and yet she still doesn't have a legitimate answer. She admits that instead of providing anything that resembles a viable solution, she tries to shame her constituents by telling them that the question itself is the result of "privilege."

This thread is filled with intelligent people, and I have not seen anyone present even an idea (let alone try to address the details) of how to proceed after the police force has been dismantled.

To come out during the middle of a civil crisis and send the message the city is going to get rid of the police and not have the slightest idea of how that those functions will be taken care of afterward is just silly.

It sounds like a group project in a resentment studies course.
while still delving into this, i think something that might help tremendously is a youth service
like between the years of 18-28, young adults were 'required' to give 2 years of service - and civil public health and safety was an option for that service
No. Government mandating how you spend 2 years of your life would be the opposite of life, liberty, and happiness.

If you really want to do this, then ALL adults regardless of age should be required to do 2 years of service. Otherwise, this is just another “I got mine” idea that discriminates based on age.
While the intent behind Defund the Police seems admirable (ridding the dept of multiple bad apples/potential murderers)- in reality, it’s going to be extremely difficult to accomplish.. i read somewhere (no link) that defunding the police dept would require the full city council AND the mayor to be on board (we already know he isnt) and if not then it requires a vote of the people.. So i think it’s fairly safe to assume this wont happen.
According to her, she has been asked the very reasonable question of, "who do I call when my home is being broken into" many times, and yet she still doesn't have a legitimate answer. She admits that instead of providing anything that resembles a viable solution, she tries to shame her constituents by telling them that the question itself is the result of "privilege."

This thread is filled with intelligent people, and I have not seen anyone present even an idea (let alone try to address the details) of how to proceed after the police force has been dismantled.

To come out during the middle of a civil crisis and send the message the city is going to get rid of the police and not have the slightest idea of how that those functions will be taken care of afterward is just silly.

It sounds like a group project in a resentment studies course.
I think the answer should be pretty clear that you'd need a smaller more focused crisis response team which would handle it. Why she can't see that or say that is beyond me.
I think the answer should be pretty clear that you'd need a smaller more focused crisis response team which would handle it. Why she can't see that or say that is beyond me.

Yep. Several here have also mentioned that is the answer. Beyond that, it doesn't really matter who you call when someone is breaking into your house in the middle of the night. The Police aren't going to get there in time to stop this anyway. At best, they will get there after the fact to investigate.
This is a very slippery slope that I think people are taking too lightly just because of the raw emotion. If you take out 1 of the 3 Balances of Power that this Country was founded what are you left with? What good is making and interpreting laws if you cannot enforce these laws? Maybe the reform should come from all 3 Branches and not just the Executive Branch.

If a police force is dismantled, does the responsibility of protecting one's life, family or property fall solely on the individual citizen? Who enforces the law if the individual citizens commits a crime or whether it is yet to be determined if their act of self-defense was actually an act of aggression? Citizens are going to turn themselves in for Judgement?

Even with a strong police force we have seen an increased number of cases of mass lawlessness and riots in the streets. The violence is escalating. People are going to start to turn on each other sooner than later in a way that can't be reversed or forgiven if we continue down this road.
This is a very slippery slope that I think people are taking too lightly just because of the raw emotion. If you take out 1 of the 3 Balances of Power that this Country was founded what are you left with? What good is making and interpreting laws if you cannot enforce these laws? Maybe the reform should come from all 3 Branches and not just the Executive Branch.

Maybe im missing something completely, but I thought that in Minneapolis at least that the PD wasn't going to be dissolved, but dismantled. Meaning funding was going to be redirected pretty dramatically.

I do agree that something dramatic needs to be done. Where I have questions is on the 'how'. It could be a bad thing or a good thing, of course, depending on how it is handled.
Maybe im missing something completely, but I thought that in Minneapolis at least that the PD wasn't going to be dissolved, but dismantled. Meaning funding was going to be redirected pretty dramatically.

I do agree that something dramatic needs to be done. Where I have questions is on the 'how'. It could be a bad thing or a good thing, of course, depending on how it is handled.

Dismantled, Dissolved, Defunded, whatever they want to call it, it is making one of the 3 balances of power weaker than the other two. How is any major populated city going to survive if take away funding to their policy force. Most major populated cities already combat underfunding to that area to begin with. What happens to the less populated rural cites and towns?
Problems like those can't be solved overnight. It needs to be a long term process which should start by focusing on young adults.

Get them off the street and into positive programs - be it education, work apprenticeships, jobs whatever it takes. Create or expand specialized programs for those suffering from mental issues or substance abuse. It takes time and most of all ressources, but if the states would just use a fraction of the money they pay to lock up young people for minor crimes, it would make a huge difference..
not sure why some of you think america sucks so much it is incapable of change

Who is saying America sucks and is incapable of change? Change is hard and I don't think it is going to get hashed out on a Professional Football Team Fan Forum but I think everyone here thinks change is needed. Some think change has been needed for sometime.
If people were to read just a little, they would know that by defunding the police, it would significantly take away a lot of money from the police departments that use a majority of their yearly budgets to patrol and help the predominantly black neighborhoods where the majority of all crime is committed. And if anyone does nor believe what I am saying, do a little research.
If the goal is to reorganize the policing system then that’s what they should call it. Defunding the police does make it sound like we’re doing away with it entirely.

Personally I think demilitarizing the police and doing far more extensive training and personality testing is a more practical way to go. I read that in Sweden it takes a few years of training to become a police officer due to training and testing. Following a model like that with a focus on getting to know and understand the community you’re working with seems doable to me.

I’ve talked to a few people on Twitter about this and honestly i can’t see how social workers or restorative justice trained workers can fully take on the duties of police. Yes having people trained in mental health would be great! They need that. They need officers to be better communicators and trained in deescalation. However we also have to admit there are very dangerous situations that come up where an officer does need to use reasonable force on someone who is violently out of control and a danger to those around him.

So yes Im all for reform but we also need to be realistic in our approach
Who is saying America sucks and is incapable of change? Change is hard and I don't think it is going to get hashed out on a Professional Football Team Fan Forum but I think everyone here thinks change is needed. Some think change has been needed for sometime.
but the main retort to most 'change' thread is "well the plan is not perfectly articulated here in the 2nd post, so there's really no reason to pursue this idea" (maybe that was slight hyperbole)

i think you are right that many recognize the NEED for change but get daunted by the idea of change and then fold
what if they don't and this is the perfect time to get much needed reform and if you lose this moment you lose most energy/attention needed for substantive change
Much needed change will happen, though in what way and how much, remains to be seen. And as always, when change takes place, not everyone is going to be happy. Just as with everything else and that in itself is big problem within this country. EVERYBODY is an expert and has the answers.

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