NFL cheerleader saga continues (1 Viewer)

but you did say things that weren't true. And I have no problem "taking it" - even though a lot of that stuff was specifically personal, I'm not reporting any of it. I'm not going to ask it to be taken down. I don't know what you mean by "not taking it" - but I think I can/am. No problem reading and responding.

of course you did. You said several things that were inaccurate. And you were obviously being inflammatory and insulting, personally so. I don't really care, but you shouldn't pretend like it wasn't inflammatory. And you shouldn't pretend like it was all accurate.

I would disagree, but I have no problem if you think so. There are plenty of people around here that I think know where/why I'm coming from, and I'm content with that. I don't think there are a whole lot of people who think I "attack all the time." I doubt I'd be around here if that were actually the case.

White Dr. King. That's a first. I don't think anything of the sort - not even close. And it sounds like your life is more "plush" than mine. I don't have hundreds of employees, several businesses, and front row seats at Saints games.

I didn't get into this profession for the money, that's for sure.

I got into it for internet message board points!

Hold on. Are you saying you didn’t move to the great white north for financial gain because you could not find an adequate job in your field in south Louisiana?
Hold on. Are you saying you didn’t move to the great white north for financial gain because you could not find an adequate job in your field in south Louisiana?

No. I moved here because I got accepted into a PhD program at a Top 3 university program in North America in my field. And while I had other offers of acceptance to other places, no other place came close to offering the funding package that the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) offered me.

That's why I moved here from home.
So you did take it for financial gain. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And honestly is you were not so snippy and condescending in your communication, I would never bring it up. You seem to be a nice guy when you aren’t acting as if you are on a pedestal.
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So you did take it for financial gain. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

just to clarify "funding package" didn't really mean I got some amazing gig. It meant I didn't have to pay tuition, and I got a job making $1500 CDN per month. You think that's "plush"?

I find it interesting that you really are fixated on this point, as opposed to anything else I wrote. You seem to suggest something behind it, so just say what it is.

You said I had a "plush" life. I don't. I certainly didn't then. Crappy apartment, generic food brands, and public transit every day to get to school. Is that "plush"?

And the money wasn't the only thing. I had acceptance from other schools, including LSU. When it came to PhD programs, it was Harvard, Columbia, and OISE/UT who are in the top 3 (or 5). LSU is much further down the list.

So, money was actually secondary to opportunity at an institution.

Then my choice was go into debt for a quarter million dollars or not.

So, for anyone who wants to judge me for taking an offer at a top 3 program for free vs. another top tier program for a quarter million, that's fine.

But you need to qualify my life as "plush." Further, you say "nothing wrong with that" but look at when you first wrote it - I left the state and abandoned kids for a "plush" lifestyle. There's judgment in there. That's why you wrote it. You keep typing things and backing off from them. If you're going to go to the lengths of making a claim, you should be willing to stick with it or acknowledge that you were off base in the first place.

I'm fine with either.
I’m not backing off of anything. I’m not sure I used the word plush, but I may have.

I will be honest, you are a very condescending young man when someone doesn’t agree with you. I don’t have the desire to go quite the numerous examples of you acting as if you are the foremost authority on relations with the black youth.

Your posting history indicates that all of your motives are altruistic and others are somehow rooted in racism when they are not lock and step with your beliefs.

I am not a fan of politicians or teachers for that matter who sit on a throne and tell me my thoughts and actions are horrible because I Disagree with many of the lefts approach with thinks like race.

The tipping of the iceberg for me is when you said that minority’s students are treated unfairly because of institutional raciism. Why you ask? Because people like me see this as a way not to offend teachers and administrators. I get that as a teacher it would be difficult for you to blame your piers for being racists. So instead, blame the system.

Anyway, I believe what I believe about you based on the words you put on this screen. I understand that my aggression isn’t loved by you and some of the other posters on the board. The problem is because you guys are very intolerant of those not like you, most of them don’t bother.

I was probably rambling, as I was texting and driving. Horrible I know.
I’m not backing off of anything. I’m not sure I used the word plush, but I may have.

you did. It was a loaded insinuation. If you want to take it back or correct it, feel free. If you want to double down on the inaccuracy, that's fine too. It's your forum credibility on the line, not mine.
I will be honest, you are a very condescending young man when someone doesn’t agree with you.

people disagree with me regularly. I don't think they all think I am condescending. So if there's a difference, perhaps at least some of the blame lies in the way you frame your posts and conduct yourself? I have no problems admitting fault or taking blame. Do or can you? I don't know...

Your posting history indicates that all of your motives are altruistic and others are somehow rooted in racism when they are not lock and step with your beliefs.

100% false. I've never accused anyone of being a racist on these boards that I can remember. Maybe a poster or two. But people who disagree with me?

yet another fabrication.

But since I do it so often - go ahead and link an example where I did this.
I am not a fan of politicians or teachers for that matter who sit on a throne and tell me my thoughts and actions are horrible because I Disagree with many of the lefts approach with thinks like race.

in other words, a "talker" and not a "doer" right? Well, you're wrong again.
The tipping of the iceberg for me is when you said that minority’s students are treated unfairly because of institutional raciism. Why you ask? Because people like me see this as a way not to offend teachers and administrators. I get that as a teacher it would be difficult for you to blame your piers for being racists. So instead, blame the system.

you seem to have a rather incomplete understanding or recollection of what I said. I've written a lot about this and you are incorrect.

So, once again - you have a choice:

A. make things up and believe fictions so that you can continue to harbor this resentment
B. actually learn about the truth, but risk the dissipation of that fictionalization

so, what's more important? Believing lies so that you can make me a character of someone or something you can't tolerate - the personfication of something you so utterly disagree with? Or admitting things that are truthful which means you would have to find things about me that you actually agree with.

I understand that my aggression isn’t loved by you and some of the other posters on the board. The problem is because you guys are very intolerant of those not like you, most of them don’t bother.

I don't care about your aggression. I was a "scared white boy in a black neighborhood" and was intimidated and harassed in ways a lot more personal and intense. Your "aggression" on an online message board is nothing compared to things like that.

As far as the intolerance? This delusion of ideological intolerance is something I think you have a lot stronger than I have. You rail a helluva lot more about "libs" than I ever do or have about conservatives.

Heck, I just defended Trump yesterday.
I was probably rambling, as I was texting and driving. Horrible I know.

is this meant as some excuse for your juvenile behavior?
Take your last sentence and look at it. Then go back and say you are not insulting. You have called people racist. You do it very carefully so as to come off as more nuanced.

So you were a white kid in the hood in what city exactly? And is this the reason that you moved out of the hood to Canada?

I know you have explained it, but your post are very revealing. You think your intellectual prowess keeps you from stepping on your yourself. As you stated, you are not that smart and your post are here for all to see.

Enjoy your weekend, I am doing another show at 7 (second one today) then another tomorrow. After that I will be on a European vacation for the next 3 weeks. Peace homie.
Take your last sentence and look at it. Then go back and say you are not insulting.

I didn't say to call it "juvenile" wasn't an insult. But it's also true. I think you've been acting quite childish. And?

You have called people racist. You do it very carefully so as to come off as more nuanced.

link it.
So you were a white kid in the hood in what city exactly?

mid city Lake Charles. Railroad tracks and Common St. Any other questions?
And is this the reason that you moved out of the hood to Canada?

No. I've already explained this.

I know you have explained it, but your post are very revealing. You think your intellectual prowess keeps you from stepping on your yourself. As you stated, you are not that smart and your post are here for all to see.

what is it revealing? Go ahead and share. I don't mind.

You have been wrong much more than you've been right, but maybe you'll hit on something this time.
Enjoy your weekend, I am doing another show at 7 (second one today) then another tomorrow. After that I will be on a European vacation for the next 3 weeks. Peace homie.

I look forward to hearing what you tell your friends in Stockholm about me :17:
I apologize, I thought this conversation was a private one. I need to learn the new system. I’m in lake Charles frequently. Of all the areas of the state I travel, I don’t know if I would call it the hood. We do have some bad neighborhoods, but it’s lake Charles, not New Orleans.

Again I thought this was a private deal from post 46 and on. I would not have been so blunt. My bad.
I apologize, I thought this conversation was a private one. I need to learn the new system. I’m in lake Charles frequently. Of all the areas of the state I travel, I don’t know if I would call it the hood. We do have some bad neighborhoods, but it’s lake Charles, not New Orleans.

Again I thought this was a private deal from post 46 and on. I would not have been so blunt. My bad.

I didn't say Lake Charles was worse than New Orleans or even the same. I said - more than once - I was from a mixed race, but primarily black, area of town. And I never said I was from "the hood" - you did that.

I don't use the term. It was your term.

I never made it sound like I grew up in a New Orleans hood.

I don't know why you're trying to make it sound like I did. You keep exaggerating things with falsehoods in order to make my posts sound like something they aren't. Make it sound like I said something I didn't.

So, when you say that I "call people racist" on here you realize that the traction you're going to get is minimal because you keep distorting things, right?

Anything else from my biography you want to clear up?
and I'll just add as a parting sentiment, because I feel pretty ridiculous myself for engaging in this.

I have no problem with Ambush, or anyone else, not liking me. I got over that a long time ago.

But I find it preferable that someone make that decision of whether or not to antagonize or dislike based on things that actually are true. Don't like me or my posts for things I have actually said. I don't know why so many things had to be made up or twisted or engineered.

There seems to be some demographic antipathy. If you are a liberal and/or an academic/PhD then that means you must be a certain way. And since I am those things, that means I must also be a certain way.

And yet, Ambush has said that he doesn't appreciate it when people assume anything about Conservatives. Or assuming that all cops are bad. And that's a totally fair point. But he's doing the exact same thing. And I try to avoid doing that thing and have no problem when posters keep me accountable on that point.

If he were to acknowledge the things that are actually true about me - or even bothered to ask or read where I've said specific things - he might have to admit that not all liberals and not all academics and not all PhDs are whatever-he-believes-they-are.

Just as I encouraged the importance, in the thread started about the boxing thing, of officers seeing civilians as humans and civilians seeing police officers as humans, so to should Conservatives and Liberals (and whomever else) should see people they disagree with similarly. It's not going to mean total agreement - nor should it. It's not going to mean peace and calm. It's not going to innoculate people in their own self-importance (whether they have a PhD and expertise they are willing to own to the point of being seen as condescending or whether it's people who talk about all the businesses they have and make trips to Europe).

It's not about harmony, necessarily. I am not asking nor expecting to be 'liked.' But I don't think it's too much to ask to at least deal honestly and sincerely, and try to practice what you expect from others. Even in strident disagreement.
I still appreciate you Oye. Even if you live in an ivory tower and look down your nose at me lol

/10000% sarcasm
I still appreciate you Oye. Even if you live in an ivory tower and look down your nose at me lol

/10000% sarcasm

I expect 100% dead falcons from you. It's how I know you love me.
I still appreciate you Oye. Even if you live in an ivory tower and look down your nose at me lol

/10000% sarcasm
ivory? you're kidding, right?
it's all 3D printed from recycled Woolworth's counters, Montgomery bus seats and floppy discs containing the dissertations of all conservatives we kept out of the humanities - wait - i've said too much

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