NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned) (8 Viewers)

15 yards and a 1st down. Wow.

Most of these tackles are 1st down anyways, but what if you're trying to wrap up a QB and they basically dragged themselves forward while falling?
15 yards and a 1st down. Wow.

Most of these tackles are 1st down anyways, but what if you're trying to wrap up a QB and they basically dragged themselves forward while falling?

It's going to be really difficult for an edge rusher to come around the edge, sack a QB, and not violate this rule. Guys like Josh Allen will either be nearly impossible to tackle or just get constant easy 15 yards penalties.
Derrick Henry going to rush for 2K this year. No DB can legally tackle that guy.
I would bet that there are more non-contact injuries than "hip drop" injuries. I can't count the times I have seen someone get a season-ending knee injury from cutting and even a few from celebrating.

All these crap rules are for is more NFL control of winners and losers.
Cut blocking can be hazardous to knees for sure, but I would argue that cut blocking happens a lot more frequently than hip drop tackles, making hip drop tackles more hazardous per event than cut blocking.
As others have alluded to, it’s not the rule that’s going to be bad, it’s the inconsistent enforcement of it that we’re surely about to witness.
True, bad officiating is bad officiating, fixing that would solve many other rule issues.
That definitely helps. I imagine there will be people foaming at the mouth waiting for the first time the penalty is incorrectly called though (which is bound to happen).

Those Rugby rules make sense and are clear. The problem is that the NFL rule is not as clear and it seems the interpretation is different if the stuff I posted from Schefter is correct on what counts as a hip drop tackle in the NFL. Specifically the Rotate part of the Rugby rule where it says you have to swing or rotate your behind behind the ball carrier and then put your weight on the players legs is not at all as clear in the NFL rule. The NFL rule just says you have to swivel and then drop your weight on the lower body. Nothing about rotating to get behind the player which is what cause the real danger of a knee getting bent back like with a horse collar tackle.
I'm not one to complain about taking dangerous things out of the game or taking the violence out of football, but if the below is an example of something that is a clear violation of the new rule, I'm not sure how you tackle anymore. I mean, yes he landed on the guy's legs, but that's going to happen when you tackle someone to the ground and are trying to hit a moving target. There was no attempt to put full weight on the guy's legs and he wrapped up and brought him down on a bang bang play. It's not like he jumped on top of him and brought him down by putting weight and stress on the guy's knees.

I honestly don't under stand how this is a "hip drop tackle." He hit him in the hips and brought him down. I thought we wanted them to do this to avoid helmet to helmet contact? And the alternative to this kind of tackle is to hit high which is exactly what they wanted them to stop doing up until now. If you can't hit high and you can't hit low, what are you supposed to do? And this looks like a hit in the middle that results in landing on the guy's legs which is now a foul.

If thats a foul the NFL has now become unwatchable, how you stop someone that can pull a car with a rope tied to their waste, if you cant use your weight to stop their momentum their just going carry you to the endzone, or you have to slow them down until your teamates stand infront of which would be like 15 to 20 yds anyway. At this point it should be 30 yrd firstdowns
If thats a foul the NFL has now become unwatchable, how you stop someone that can pull a car with a rope tied to their waste, if you cant use your weight to stop their momentum their just going carry you to the endzone, or you have to slow them down until your teamates stand infront of which would be like 15 to 20 yds anyway. At this point it should be 30 yrd firstdowns
You can still hit them low. Even wrap their legs up. The rule is you can’t drop the weight of your body onto their lower legs (below knee) and trap their legs under you. I think the wording of the rule needs to be cleaned up and clarified but I don’t have a problem with this particular tackle being removed from the game.

Every thing I’ve read from the players seems to indicate their resistance to this rule stems from the wording of it and not wanting another vague rule that impacts games. And I agree. But I haven’t seen anything where they stated that the hip drop wasnt dangerous. They just don’t like the possibility for confusion.
The NFL just needs to stop 💩ing on our heads and calling it a fudge Sunday. Eliminate all tackling across the board and add an extra regular season game, like they will do eventually.

I for the life of me cannot seem to fathom why they’d want to ban that. Why do they insist on ruining their product? How are players supposed to tackle on offense. This is getting old. Really old…..

If this gets through…I’m done. No more NFL. I can’t take this non sense anymore. It’s football. It’s a contact sport.

What are your thoughts?

Roger keeps getting his way, football going to turn into this ...............


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