Video Nick Underhill and Mike Triplett on the possibilities of a Head Coach change happening after the season (1 Viewer)

I hate this. But I think the Saints are in jail. They either stick with Allen or try and find a new coach that believes they can win with Carr because they can’t move on from him. Either option is a no-win for this franchise short term
2 years/$75 million would’ve made too much sense for the team’s immediate goals and long term roster flexibility. They caved in to the guaranteed $ to go all in for the division title and looking out for the HC.
That price still didn't even make sense for what we were getting and we should have offered him a 2 year with a 1 year out prove it deal that was backloaded or at least incentive based.
The discontent amongst the fan base is palpable now.. I was there on Sunday, it was a different atmosphere than any other game I've been to. The crowd is just ready to boo whatever can be booed. The Superdome wasn't half full but I'd say maybe 80% when everyone filled in, never seen that since going to games since 2006.

We fire Carmichael and keep Allen whoopdy-freaking-do.. the problems are larger than the OC and it grows more obvious each week.

DA has got to go and nothing short of a miraculous turnaround where we catch fire and look competent in the playoffs versus top teams should save his job. And that ain't happening so he's got to go.
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That price still didn't even make sense for what we were getting and we should have offered him a 2 year with a 1 year out prove it deal that was backloaded or at least incentive based.
Lucky Loomis called himself giving Allen everything he wanted. In due time, people will start to remember that his resume was built on the financial side, not the football side. If we get lucky, he'll retire.
I hate this. But I think the Saints are in jail. They either stick with Allen or try and find a new coach that believes they can win with Carr because they can’t move on from him. Either option is a no-win for this franchise short term
Other option, new coach, draft a rook QB. Let Carr start, when he screws up, bring in the rook and bench Carr. Just because we’re paying him doesn’t mean he has to start.
Other option, new coach, draft a rook QB. Let Carr start, when he screws up, bring in the rook and bench Carr. Just because we’re paying him doesn’t mean he has to start.
No doubt. I just don’t believe that’s what Loomis will do. I don’t think they look at that as an option.
Nick has been so cautious prior to past two weeks and has made such a sudden swing that I'd be inclined to think he has more intel on this than just guessing.

I am not sure how you ignore the entire collapse of the stadium business, which I am sure is equally or more reflected by parallel barreling declines in merchandise sales. I am not sure how you ignore the clear team discontent.

Mickey has been acting unbelievably tone deaf, indifferent, and complacent, but that could be an overly active discipline about messaging and not abandoning his handpicked coaches while they are vulnerable to rebellion during season.

If he actually does repeat this, then yeah, there's something seriously and irretrievably wrong.
Agree, the change in tone from him is way too significant to just be him airing his personal frustration. He’s gone from the usual game breakdowns and questioning whether the offense can improve to taking shots at Carr and openly talking about locker room discontent.

And anyway, Underhill doesn’t do negative opinion, when he says stuff like this there’s a reason for it and it’s obvious he’s got the best contacts out of any journalist in New Orleans. Best example is his article on the CJGJ trade, he had it published about a minute after the trade was announced. That sort of info is coming from someone like Loomis himself or Ireland.
I pray that Allen gets fired every week, he will go somewhere else and be a successful DC. Its not like he will be unemployed, but he just is not a head coach. I love this team, and a lot of these players have been here for a while, played their tails off and deserve better. Whatever it takes to get him gone should be priority #1 for every Saints fan.
Peter Principle. He had 2 opportunities to rise to his level of incompetence.

I also see this as some of the double edged sword of Sean Payton. Great offensive coach and QB whisperer. Absolutely.

But he also has his weaknesses and a big one was with hiring and promoting buddies and being a fairly poor people manager. Allen ending up the HC is a symptom of all that.
He had them suckered into believing that team after team was lining up for his services.
Dennis Allen watched last season and convinced himself that QB was a bigger problem than offensive coordinator.

He convinced himself that Carr was much superior to Dalton or Jameis and that Carr would be able to unlock the potential of the Carmichael offense.

Instead the offense still sucks and it's largely indistinguishable from last year except that Kamara is actually getting yards up the middle and not repeatedly being run into a brick wall like 2022. So point for that I guess but it's all still broken.

There would be a jolt of energy in the franchise if they just axed Allen and Carmichael right now. Players, fans.. we're over this as is.
I think Nick did a great job of speculating and creating conversation while getting their video shared. That’s all. He doesn’t know if players quit on DA. Why would anyone share that outside of the building? The players are still being professionals and fighting on the field. There’s no sign to them quitting on the game plan. Players freak out on the field on every team on any Sunday. It’s just magnified here because we’re losing.

Also, I think DA lost his job three weeks ago in Atlanta. That was a prove it game for Loomis, he alluded to it on a radio interview. It needed to be a clean game with a good game plan and it was everything but that. If the team wins out and they look organized doing it, then yeah I think he could save his job, but I like my chances of winning the powerball over that happening.
Well, Nick has an up close view of our players in the locker room. He would know better than anyone if some players have quit on 🦌. Football is still a game where players tend to wear their hearts/frustrations on their sleeve. If I can see body language on the sidelines and interpret words beyond words, then Nick can definitely tell. Plus, he may have had conversations with players off the record or even hear rumblings after losses.

To me, what Nick said, IS him speaking from a more “fan” perspective, with him sending code to ML to “cut bait” with 🦌 bc regardless of a division title or even a non-convincing playoff win, our future is not bright with 🦌 at the helm. It would still be an underachievement when you factor in everything that should have aligned for us. We should NOT be in this position right now. We should be in the talks of playoff contenders and not last in a 3 way tie with teams that has Baker Mayfield and Desmond Ridder as their QBs.
Agree, the change in tone from him is way too significant to just be him airing his personal frustration. He’s gone from the usual game breakdowns and questioning whether the offense can improve to taking shots at Carr and openly talking about locker room discontent.

And anyway, Underhill doesn’t do negative opinion, when he says stuff like this there’s a reason for it and it’s obvious he’s got the best contacts out of any journalist in New Orleans. Best example is his article on the CJGJ trade, he had it published about a minute after the trade was announced. That sort of info is coming from someone like Loomis himself or Ireland.
We know Pete and Dennis will end up in Denver. What burns me more is they'll pop 10-13 wins season quicker than us with our former coaches. It will just burn me up that we get to go through a rebuild while Dennis and Pete get to ride Payton to succees.
In the AFC Playoff Race the Denver Broncos have a 48% chance of making the playoffs. In the NFC Playoff Race the Saints have a 28% chance of making the playoffs.
Dennis inherited playoff caliber talent. Sean inherited a dumpster fire of a roster.
If you had an extra hundred bucks to place on one of those two teams making the playoffs this year, on which team are you placing your bet? :covri:

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