Should they have known? I think they went by what research was saying at the time and that research didn't always agree but is continuing to evolve as technology and science becomes better. Like I said, when I started my career 15 years ago if a kid didn't lose consciousness and they told me they didn't have any symptoms 15 minutes after the hit, then they were allowed to return to the game. That sounds crazy today but that's what the literature told us was ok to do.
Who was in the best position to know? I'd say the researchers that put out the guidelines to follow. Problem was that in the 90's, there were over a dozen guidelines to follow. Now should the NFL have chosen one guideline and force all the teams to follow the same guidelines? Sure and they may have, I don't know if they did or not. And which guidelines of the dozens out there were they to follow?
Should they pay now? I think the NFL and NFLPA came to an agreement with the Legacy Fund to help pay for retired players pre-1993. Over $600 million will go into this fund and over $1 billion for retired players as a whole. As far as if we should have to foot the bill as taxpayers, we already do this in society for those that can not afford care. It shouldn't matter what profession you once had, if you are destitute, you should receive care.
Also, it's not that the medical community didn't know, it's that not everyone agreed. That's how research works.
Who was in the best position to know? I'd say the researchers that put out the guidelines to follow. Problem was that in the 90's, there were over a dozen guidelines to follow. Now should the NFL have chosen one guideline and force all the teams to follow the same guidelines? Sure and they may have, I don't know if they did or not. And which guidelines of the dozens out there were they to follow?
Should they pay now? I think the NFL and NFLPA came to an agreement with the Legacy Fund to help pay for retired players pre-1993. Over $600 million will go into this fund and over $1 billion for retired players as a whole. As far as if we should have to foot the bill as taxpayers, we already do this in society for those that can not afford care. It shouldn't matter what profession you once had, if you are destitute, you should receive care.
Also, it's not that the medical community didn't know, it's that not everyone agreed. That's how research works.