PSA - get your colonoscopy (1 Viewer)

CO beer for anyone who gets a colonoscopy due to this thread. Shoot me your info and video proof.

Ok, just shoot me you info.
Will do
One was found on my first one. The Dr. said you're good,but it's something we look for. He moved me to every
three years instead of 5. Glad you are OK
Yeah, I'm assuming on my follow-up, he's going to move me to the 3 or 5 year rotation too.
Nice work! Beer offer still open.

More importantly after having a friend fighting unsuccessfully stage 4 after not getting checked, and having my mom survive with no issues having it discovered early on routine screening this thread makes me happy. Us guys sticking together
I'm 45 but live in Mexico City. Good news, I checked the recommendations at one of the top hospitals here, and it's age 50! If you want to put it off a bit, come on over!
Man, I coulda sworn I posted on this thread.

I got mine October 21. These pipes are clean.

My prep wasn't bad at all, it was all over the counter stuff and gatorade. The fasting was worse than the cleansing. I knew I could eat broth so I tried to recreate that broth soup you get at the Japanese steak-house. It was okay, but something wasn't quite right.

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