Saints and Carr deal released $150M over 4 years $100M fully guaranteed (1 Viewer)

“Look” is the new “Listen”/“In regards”/“By and large.”
It's hilarious. So many people in the Saints building use those (Loomis, DA, position coaches) and they all got it from Payton. I guess it's some kind of alpha male way to taking control of a conversation? "Look/Listen, I'm about to tell you how it is."
I have no doubt there were many "why did we sign Drew Brees" threads, probably as many as "why did we sign Jameis Winston Threads".
You win some and you lose some.

I just searched to find the oldest threads and unfortunately it only goes back to October of 2006. I did find this one and thought it was kind of funny. Poster name removed to protect the innocent:

"At first I wasn't impressed with the pick up of Brees, even though he has had success in San Diego. I was hoping we would go after one of the young QB's so we would be set at that position for years to come. Even when we got Drew, I was still hoping we would get one of the QB's in this draft and they could learn behind Brees. One of my concerns was Drew's height, and as we all have seen, he has a lot of balls batted down at the line. I never knew about his leadership qualities until he arrived and then in pre season I was like, ok he talks the talk but so far he isn't backing it up. Now when the season opened in Cleveland, it was the first extended playing time for Drew and that is when I saw him start taking charge of the team and saw some of his ability. I still think we need to draft a young QB to groom but I have no wish to replace Drew for the forseeable future. A classy guy, a class act, a true leader, and a very smart and talented football player. We definately got lucky getting Drew Brees."

Sounds a lot like what people are saying today. Everyone always wants the new shiny play things. "We need a younger QB that will be set at the position for years!!! not this old 27 year old worn down Drew Brees!!!" pahahahahhahaha. I'd say 15 years is pretty "set at that position" .

Mind you this post was made on October 27th, 2006. We are sitting at 5-1 with a 27 year old Drew Brees and this guy was still talking about needing to "find a young QB to groom" :hihi:
Not just that:
Bill Belichick (Will be first ballot HOF)
Dick Vermeil (HOF Coach)
Bill Walsh (HOF Coach)
George Seifert (Should be in the Hall)

That actually due to the fact that everytime we got to the red zone, PC would pull plays out his butt instead of his head and we would have to settle for field goals. And Carr and Dalton had the exact same TD rate last season, with Dalton actually being better in the RZ. If anything, that will have to be a focus for this team this offseason.
Last yr was an anomaly for DC. McDaniels would not let him do what he does best, pre-snap reads and change the play. PC may not be the best OC but he will take full advantage of DC's strengths
I have no doubt there were many "why did we sign Drew Brees" threads, probably as many as "why did we sign Jameis Winston Threads".
You win some and you lose some.
No Bree’s was doing really well before the injury. Everyone was excited to get him after Saban took a pass. I don’t remember anyone not happy.
Last yr was an anomaly for DC. McDaniels would not let him do what he does best, pre-snap reads and change the play. PC may not be the best OC but he will take full advantage of DC's strengths
The red zone issue actually goes back to Gruden. The Raiders have been one of the worst teams in the NFL in the red zone for some time and from what I'm seeing, it's a combination of conservative playcalling (think Saints 2022) and bad throws/decisions. I've just seen some plays that remind me of that crap that PC was calling last season.

And here is the catch 22:
Carr's individual stats improved with the conservative approach of Gruden but it also left a LOT of points on the field (again, think Saints 2022). DA wants a conservative offense and PC made sure to cook up one of the most stale offenses he can think of. There has to be changes and the red zone has to be a major point of emphasis.
I say there were a lot less questioning the Brees signing though remember that and said he is hurt??? Never questioned his on the field skills, since all who dats were hoping for the one..... now that we know what the one looks like many will guestion the next QBs in New Orleans
and unfortunately, a franchise rarely stikes gold twice in a generation. But that shouldn't stop them from trying.
Did you watch last seasons games. How did Dalton and Carr look when they were matched up? Carr 15-25 101 yards 1 interception.
Dalton 22-30 229 yards 2 tds. Zero interceptions.
Final score 24-0
You took one game in Carr’s worst season with a coach who didn’t want him and pushed him out the door because their styles didn’t mesh.

Wouldn’t it tell you more that the coach who shut him out in that game is staking his entire career on him being better?
Did you watch last seasons games. How did Dalton and Carr look when they were matched up? Carr 15-25 101 yards 1 interception.
Dalton 22-30 229 yards 2 tds. Zero interceptions.
Final score 24-0

Carr was playing against one of the best defense in the league and Dalton one of the worst...
No Bree’s was doing really well before the injury. Everyone was excited to get him after Saban took a pass. I don’t remember anyone not happy.
And statistically, Carr hasn't really had a bad season for the Raiders. But like mentioned above. Now that we've had Brees, we want another one...
and unfortunately, a franchise rarely stikes gold twice in a generation. But that shouldn't stop them from trying.
We all want a franchise QB just don't believe in the choice as much as some other who dats.... so doubt anyone is against the front office for signing a QB just not liking the choice.....
a coach who didn’t want him and pushed him out the door because their styles didn’t mesh.
Has DA spoken about the Derek Carr signing yet? If not, I'd like to take the over on how many times he says the word "look".
He learned that from Payton.

Payton starts most sentences with either “look…” or “listen…”
It's hilarious. So many people in the Saints building use those (Loomis, DA, position coaches) and they all got it from Payton. I guess it's some kind of alpha male way to taking control of a conversation? "Look/Listen, I'm about to tell you how it is."

DA also does this weird thing where when giving a speech, every so often he’ll say “You with me?” at the end of each thought.

Always found that to be odd, like kind of beta. Almost like “I know I may not be giving a good, clear and concise speech because I didn’t know where I was going with this when I started, so can you confirm for me that it’s good and that it’s working?” 😂
DA also does this weird thing where when giving a speech, every so often he’ll say “You with me?” at the end of each thought.

Always found that to be odd, like kind of beta. Almost like “I know I may not be giving a good, clear and concise speech because I didn’t know where I was going with this when I started, so can you confirm for me that it’s good and that it’s working?” 😂
DA trying to sound tough, "You with me?!"

What he is actually saying "Pardon me chaps, but you appear unconvinced. Can you please at least acknowledge my existence and state whether you heard me or not?" (not sure why I just made him British).

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