Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (1 Viewer)

Thx , appreciate it. But it does calculate that 25% more whites were killed by police than blacks,right ? And as a percentage of crime commitment , do a greater by percentage of blacks have encounters with police ? Maybe that’s another statistic you could research. Let’s be honest. Black people were dealt a terrible hand but many strides have been made. Things ARE better nowadays. That is a fact. Do we have some progress to be made ? Definitely. But do you sit here and tell me more than a few cops are bad cops and definitely target black people ? I’m not buying it and in no way justifies what’s going on right now. As far as the kneeling of our National Anthem there are thousands of other ways to protest that wouldn’t get the negative reaction this gets and would definitely do more for the cause of injustice you are protesting. That particular protest is just giving the finger to the people you are trying to get on your side or are already on your side. Not smart.

I’d love to see the stats of UNARMED white deaths as opposed to the number of unarmed blacks. But that’s just one problem. The fact that cops (in most cases) aren’t held accountable for killing said unarmed blacks is a big reason why the country is protesting.
It. Was. Never. About. The. Military.

The people who didn't like being called out by Kaepernick ran and hid behind a flag and somebody else's service.

Drew Brees sure seems like a very good person, but his capacity for blindness and/or tone-deafness (I mean, Jimmy John's in New Orleans? Really? Taken in a diamond scam?) is too often well-nigh breathtaking.

If I wanted to make sure the flag got honored, I'd be more worried about the people who are REALLY disrepsecting the flag by depriving fellow Americans of their right to life with these extrajudicial murders under an alleged cover of American law, but that's just me.
Should have resolved himself to no comment. This is a time of high emotion and the wisest thing to do is stay in your lane while leaders and communities work this out together. As a veteran of three wars I know what he is trying to say but it’s poor timing.
Right. I fully understand that brother. I too am a Vet. Somethings are better left not said and kept to yourself.
Should have resolved himself to no comment. This is a time of high emotion and the wisest thing to do is stay in your lane while leaders and communities work this out together. As a veteran of three wars I know what he is trying to say but it’s poor timing.
Didn't someone criticized Brees for not saying anything at all regarding what was happening? LOL. Now that he said something (sort of) the backlash is all out in force. This is the reason why I prefer people to not say anything at all. Don't force people to say or make a statement. It will be taken out of content 99 percent of the time.
So if someone doesn’t support kneeling during the flag doesn’t mean they don’t believe in the cause.
I'm going to take it that you meant to say kneeling during the anthem.
And let’s be honest, Brees walks the walk, what he has done for a predominately African American city, his players love him dearly and he has a bond with them we will never understand.
I'm a Drew Brees fan. I love the way he plays the game and the type of player he has been. Brees played football for the Saints and helped bring our city a championship. Together with Sean Payton and Mickey Loomis, they have helped make the Saints a respected organization. But to say "what he has done for a predominately African American city....." IMO, that borders on the ridiculous. Keep this in mind. The Saints have paid Brees for every snap he has taken. Brees hasn't played here for free.

My issue with Brees statement and the people who keep repeating his line of thinking is this. From the start, Kap and the players repeatedly informed critics that they are not protesting the flag. I'll say that again, PLAYERS WERE NEVER PROTESTING THE FLAG. They stated that they protested during the anthem to bring attention to the very things that the WORLD is currently protesting against.

If I tell you that I'm doing A and you turn around and accuse me of doing B, the problem is not with me, the problem is with you and your refusal to understand what A means. It's much easier for you to get enraged about B.
Again for the hundredth time, that’s why you never mix politics with sports. If someone asks you a question pertaining to a currently political or whatever situation you politely reply with a “NO COMMENT “.
Shame on Drew for not knowing better.
That’s not how it works. If you say “no comment” you are guilty. That’s how it works now. He was put in a lose/lose situation and the only safe haven would have been to lie. I guess he could just not do interviews. He would be crucified for that as well, but maybe to a lesser degree.
Ellen DeGeneres is also facing backlash from the internet today. She tried to express her support for BLM, but she made the mistake of expressing support for "people of color" when the internet thought she should have been more specific and limited her support to black people at this time. We really don't need to make speaking this perilous. It's not healthy for our society.

Drew Brees sure seems like a very good person, but his capacity for blindness and/or tone-deafness (I mean, Jimmy John's in New Orleans? Really? ...)
Strange tangent.
B 10 l 6815

I have seen some people who had spoken out and was criticized for saying the "wrong thing". A sensitive topic that even one simple word will be taken out of content and their careers and livelihood is broken. These days, forget that. If this man choose not to say anything, that is his business. I seriously hate the media these days. If I can destroy social media, I would. The only social media platform I have is Facebook. Facebook use to be a place where I can connect with families and friends and post pictures and update my profile. Now I refused to even post one picture or post any personal feelings toward any subject. Too much drama just to get a reactions.

This was my quote in another before this thread was created
You don’t have to abandon your beliefs. Stand and put your hand on your heart during the anthem. But let others do what they may...convince them that your beliefs are also worthy of empathy through understanding and love.
not sure i've ever agreed with you more than right now

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