Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (2 Viewers)

You don’t have to abandon your beliefs. Stand and put your hand on your heart during the anthem. But let others do what they may...convince them that your beliefs are also worthy of empathy through understanding and love.

That's why I'm disappointed in Drew's comment. In saying he "could never agree" with someone disrespecting the flag, he's insisting upon his own definition of what the act of kneeling does and what it's intended to do. So even if a kneeling player says it's not intended to disrespect the flag or those who fought for it, Drew says he can't accept that explanation. It's a pretty hard line to reject your own teammate's statement of his intent.
A trend? My friend this is in the trend this is an obscene action by people that were hired to protect us that the action of kneeling to bring attention to this despicable act is associating it with disrespecting the flag and the national anthem is absurd, google articles of the flag And show me where it says that kneeling is a form of disrespecting the flag and the anthem, I guarantee you’re not gonna find it because it isn’t. And this Fourth of July when you’re having your barbecue on that paper plate stamped with the American flag looking at the young ladies with the American flag is halter tops or the middle age guys with American stanand show me where it says that kneeling is a form of disrespecting the flag and the anthem, I guarantee you’re not gonna find it because it isn’t. And this Fourth of July when you’re having your barbecue on that paper plate stamped with the American flag looking at the young ladies with the American flag is halter tops or the middle age guys with American flags as bandannas then you can start to be outraged for disrespecting the flag.
Number one, I don't do Fourth of July celebration like everyone else. In fact, I don't do much of anything. Number two, the trend I am referring to when someone doesn't follow what others are doing, then they get criticize for it. Look at what that Steeler player did a few years ago standing by himself in the tunnel and the rest of his team was back in the locker room. I have NO problem with his teammates doing what they did. Just don't like that one player getting criticized and ostracized for what he did.
That's why I'm disappointed in Drew's comment. In saying he "could never agree" with someone disrespecting the flag, he's insisting upon his own definition of what the act of kneeling does and what it's intended to do. So even if a kneeling player says it's not intended to disrespect the flag or those who fought for it, Drew says he can't accept that explanation. It's a pretty hard line to reject your own teammate's statement of his intent.
Exactly. This is what is missed on so many. The inability to view things from a perspective that you can never have. I'm not black. I didn't grow up feeling and experiencing the same things because I had privilege. And if that word scares or angers you, I suggest you take a glance at this educational video to help you better understand what it means to have social inequalities.
White people make up 61% of the country. They will get killed by police more because their just so many. Black people make up 13-14% of the country but are killed by police 28% of the time. It’s disproportionate. Congratulations I just explained statistics to you.
White people make up 61% of the country. They will get killed by police more because their just so many. Black people make up 13-14% of the country but are killed by police 28% of the time. It’s disproportionate. Congratulations I just explained statistics to you.
Thx , appreciate it. But it does calculate that 25% more whites were killed by police than blacks,right ? And as a percentage of crime commitment , do a greater by percentage of blacks have encounters with police ? Maybe that’s another statistic you could research. Let’s be honest. Black people were dealt a terrible hand but many strides have been made. Things ARE better nowadays. That is a fact. Do we have some progress to be made ? Definitely. But do you sit here and tell me more than a few cops are bad cops and definitely target black people ? I’m not buying it and in no way justifies what’s going on right now. As far as the kneeling of our National Anthem there are thousands of other ways to protest that wouldn’t get the negative reaction this gets and would definitely do more for the cause of injustice you are protesting. That particular protest is just giving the finger to the people you are trying to get on your side or are already on your side. Not smart.
The real question is why do we have the anthem at every game anyways? This isn't the Olympics, we're all from the US. I can see at the Superbowl but just a normal Sunday game why to we have to prove our indoctrination?

Because the NFL is paid to do it.
A solution to it all. Dont even play National Anthem or don't even come out during the playing so we don't keep going down this rabbit hole.
Well one thing for sure...there will be a close meeting between the coach and all the players and bet Drew will address this issue. He has done this before and and will do it again. This team is full of mature leaders that will come together collectively. Chill people.
Should have resolved himself to no comment. This is a time of high emotion and the wisest thing to do is stay in your lane while leaders and communities work this out together. As a veteran of three wars I know what he is trying to say but it’s poor timing.

Wisdom of an old Soldier: You have to be smart enough to sense the ambush. If you fail to avoid it you have to charge though it. Be aggressive and contact his teammates and clarify in the press. If not he will be done in public opinion and in the locker room.
There needs to be a conversation in America... A CONVERSATION.. I am a white guy and I see things through the lens of a White Guy... Black folks see things through different lens... I don't hate black people but there is a segment (I think a small segment) of white people who do... I also think there is a segment of black people who hate white people... A conversation needs to be had where people of both views TALK to each other....Not OVER each other to win a point... The criminals white and black are going to not participate.. But as a white guy I don't bear responsibility for the idiot white guys in the same manner as the vast majority of black people don't bear responsibility for the idiots who are black..

The topic is kneeling during the national anthem. There has to be a COMMON GROUND where we can all begin from. We are all Americans so let's start there. The flag represents our country... an imperfect country to be sure but one that for the very most part is a great country... So I think we need to start with that common ground of standing as an example to the idiots... white and black... that the vast majority of us stand together to improve on our imperfections. I would march in protest against the outrageous actions of the white idiots.... but I would appreciate the same for the actions of the black idiots.

We cannot let the handful of idiots take down the entire country and that seems to be what is happening. Now a team of brothers.. Drew and CGM at the forefront right now... seem to be at each other.... That's what the idiots want to happen...

And this country will not get better if that is allowed to happen
A solution to it all. Dont even play National Anthem or don't even come out during the playing so we don't keep going down this rabbit hole.
Better yet. Let’s cancel all sports until we get this figured out.

I think it’s been established that sports is secondary to any other matter, so let’s treat it that way. It seems like the right thing to do.
At this point, between covid and now this, I’m about ready to say screw the 2020 season

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