Say goodbye to Twinkies (3 Viewers)

How so, is having no job really better then taking a pay cut until the company can try to get back on its feet. I would expect deeper pay cuts for executives as well though. But again 8% less is better then 100% less. And taxpayers should pay no unemployment for a voluntary choice to stop working.
Where do you work again? I found a way for your manager to cut some costs by about 10% (or maybe more) and I wanted to pass along the information, you know, to make your company more profitable.
Man, now I am like the guy on zombieland I am gonna eat a few last twinkies lol. I am sure some other bakery will pick up the brand and recipe, but unions show they continue to kill jobs over greed. The sit back and think the owner is making too much money and want more. My guess they will be made in Mexico now.

though it does appear the bakers union is forcing the issue, the fact that Hostas is owned by equifty firms means they would rather liquidate the company and cash out for what they can then go through a long labor dispute when they really don't have to because they don't really have in vest interest in baking food, they just want the profits, or at the very least, most of their investment back.

plenty of fail here to go around on all sides.
Your missing my point. I wasn't talking about big picture, but rather how you handle things from this moment on. Hostess was at the position where either the union people get back to work or everyone loses their job. The union ignored that and now, from numbers thrown around in this thread, twice as many non-union employees are out of a job as union folks are.

I'm not 'missing your point' simply because I don't agree. I fully understand your point and disagree with it.

My point is I'd rather have 92% of my salary and look for another job than have no salary and be desperate for a job.

It's hard for Hostess to be replaced in the market, if Hostess still exists in the market.
I do not disagree that the company was mismanaged. Let's look at 2 of the options and my thought. The company offered the union a stake in the company as well as 2 more seats on the board. Why not ask for more stake? I'm not sure of the logistics involved but why not be a union owned company? I do not blame the unions for the history of what has happened to this company. My blame is teamsters told the union members they should take this deal and the members said no. Now 18,000 people are unemployed. We have a grocery store down the road, really big store, that is employee owned and operated. The do great their, don't accept credit cards, have great prices and good products. Why couldn't this have happened with this company?
I do not disagree that the company was mismanaged. Let's look at 2 of the options and my thought. The company offered the union a stake in the company as well as 2 more seats on the board. Why not ask for more stake? I'm not sure of the logistics involved but why not be a union owned company? I do not blame the unions for the history of what has happened to this company. My blame is teamsters told the union members they should take this deal and the members said no. Now 18,000 people are unemployed. We have a grocery store down the road, really big store, that is employee owned and operated. The do great their, don't accept credit cards, have great prices and good products. Why couldn't this have happened with this company?

Sigh. Whether its this situation or the NFL labor strife, why the heck do people think that the same physics that apply to your neighborhood grocery store or your wife's nail salon job apply to everything else??

Cool story. Hostess should consult your corner grocery.
Where do you work again? I found a way for your manager to cut some costs by about 10% (or maybe more) and I wanted to pass along the information, you know, to make your company more profitable.

Well if they were making any profit we would not be having this conversation. If my company was loosing money. And they needed 10% I would do it as long as they also took a cut. Usually a good owner takes a cut first not last though.
Still no one wants to address the CEOs 300% pay increase amid all of this.

The CEO that is reportedly now working for $1 a year? The CEO that also reportedly refused some of that pay increase? The CEO's pay increase that reportedly was a conversion of bonus to salary?
Oh, but it is! Just listen to the Jesus-hates-unions posters in this thread. It's okay for a business to run itself in the ground and then turn to their skilled workers and say work for nothing. Nevermind the fact that Hostess could've just hired replacements, except for the fact that they're broke. Nevermind the fact that they would have had trouble finding a skilled workforce to replace the strikers at the rates they wanted to pay.

Half of this country has stepped back into 19th century England where factories could do no wrong. Work when they say you work and take what they say you take.

This is the attitude of the new workforce and others - which baffles me

What is the new standard? Walk into your employer 's office or interview and dictate when you will work, how much you will be paid and what your Benny's are going to be despite as stated in this thread the company can't pay - on this case the union should be talking of purchasing the company if they felt the management is the cause of financial distress and union workers are the answer

If I were in this union I would be wanting them to find a new contract with a stable org and get me in there than fight to stay with a failure
I own my yard
I pay my neighbors kid to cut the grass every week for 25 dollars
He says the other kids get 30 dollars a week.
I say well its 25 dollars a week , I am sorry I can’t pay you anymore than that man.
He says well I want 30 or I won’t cut it
I say okay you are no longer cutting my grass.

How can I do this ?? Because it’s my yard, my lawn mower, my gas, my weed eater. I planted the grass when it was just seeds, watered it, made it grow into a flourishing yard. Now my grass may not be green as it once was, as a matter of fact there’s a lot of brown dead grass, but it’s still worth cutting. So son do you want the 25 a week to cut this grass knowing that I pay you every week on time rain or shine. Or do you want to take your chances trying to get your friends yard for 30 dollars.
I'm not 'missing your point' simply because I don't agree. I fully understand your point and disagree with it.

Well I guess there's no arguing with that. You're talking about who was at fault for leaving the barn door open. I'm talking about what are you going to do now that the horse is speeding away.

It's hard for Hostess to be replaced in the market, if Hostess still exists in the market.

Hostess has plenty of competitors in the market place. Many of them were named in this thread. Your comment seems to imply that you excpect some other company to come in buy everything Hostess has, walk right in the next day and turn it all on with all these people getting their jobs back.

I don't see that happening and, even in the remote chance that it will happen like that, it isn't going to happen for quite some time.

More like of the scenarios is that a number of companies come in a buy up Hostess' machinery, recipes, etc. When people are buying things off piecemeal like that, they are unlikely to be restarting the factories.
I knew this thread was going to be ruined by everyone's political biases as to whether ownership or labor should be blamed for why Hostess is no longer a viable business enterprise.

It didn't take long for the discussion to Sno Ball out of control. I was hoping for a few Zingers and an occasional Ho Ho, but instead I'm reading mostly Ding Dongs.
first hubigs, now this - WHERE WILL I GET MY FRUIT PIES?!?!?!

if there was ever a time to cry "will someone please think of the children" id think this to be it
Sigh. Whether its this situation or the NFL labor strife, why the heck do people think that the same physics that apply to your neighborhood grocery store or your wife's nail salon job apply to everything else??

Cool story. Hostess should consult your corner grocery.

It's not a corner grocery. It is a chain of groceries. But God forbid we come up with any other ideas beyond blame the owners.:rant: and my wife does not work for a nail salon. She works for a manufacturing company. Her job titles are HR and Inventory. Her company is making a part in the new Tesla cars, they also make parts for BMW. They are a small company and she has been there for over 20 years. They are non union and when it came down to it she took a paycut instead of quitting.

Came here looking for the Zombieland ref. now leaving satisfied.:9:
saw this on facebook today...

"It seems cruel that Hostess is going out of business, just as weed is becoming legal."

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