Grumpy Old Manatee
r = 0.61λ / NA
Whenever I go to a store, everyone else is always checking me out. I guess it’s only fair that I stop and check myself out every now and then
could always claim colorblindness…You are about to get a knock on your door - I suggest you answer it. We cannot standby and watch society continue to crumble like this
I’ve taken to wearing a prop ankle monitor when I’m out shopping. People tend to leave me alone…Many years ago I was at Walgreens buying some antacids. The cashier dude commented, "stomach feeling upset?" To which I replied, "if I was buying condoms would you have asked if I was feeling horny?" He didn't know how to respond. I get having some idle chit-chat during the purchasing process, but commenting on what a person is buying should be off-limits and part of standard training.