Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead (9 Viewers)

In the absence of leadership a hero is called for. It’s sad and pathetic that there were no heroes for those children.

I don’t know how those “policemen” can look themselves in the mirror. During Covid, healthcare workers showed orders of magnitude more bravery than these chumps. We were deemed essential personnel and had to show up. Did we want to? No Did some of us die? Yes. It came with the job
Yeah, the response of the police while in the school hallways during the shooting was nothing short of cowardly. They don't deserve to wear their badges or carry those weapons.
As for releasing the video early, I'd blame whoever leaked it, and whoever in the media posting it. They're both heartless idiots.
Who is the a@@hat in the striped shirt that casually uses the hand sanitizer on the wall and checking his texts while his fellow officers are confronting an armed man?
Imagine if they showed the cop who was putting on chapstick
gubmint's had the video seven weeks and done nothing; pretty rich calling the media out for cowardice

there was never gonna be a "right time" for parents to watch that s***show, but where's all the supposed transparency

no reason to wait except on other, bigger news to cloud our memories

aggrieved locals should be gathering signatures for a total recall of their "leadership"
gubmint's had the video seven weeks and done nothing; pretty rich calling the media out for cowardice

there was never gonna be a "right time" for parents to watch that s***show, so where's all the supposed transparency

no reason to wait except on other, bigger news to cloud our memories

aggrieved locals should be gathering signatures for a total recall of their "leadership"

Not so much a 'right time'

But they should have been extended the courtesy of watching the footage before it was released to the public

Were they even informed that there was new footage that was going to be released or did they find out when we all did?
gubmint's had the video seven weeks and done nothing; pretty rich calling the media out for cowardice

there was never gonna be a "right time" for parents to watch that s***show, but where's all the supposed transparency

no reason to wait except on other, bigger news to cloud our memories

aggrieved locals should be gathering signatures for a total recall of their "leadership"
My issue isn't that it was released. It should have been at some point. But that the ones most affected weren't given an opportunity to see it first, or at the very least, get them a heads-up before release. The way it was released just traumatized them all over again. Heartless for whoever was responsible.
for those who don't hold the elected and their appointees accountable, you deserve exactly the kind of "governance" you get

unfortunately, too often you drag others of us along for the bad ride

there's one reason the vid hasn't been shown outside, and it's not because of families

why exactly is it less heartbreaking for families involved to see the hindenburg go down in flames b4 the rest of us? what is the "courtesy"?
You could've dressed 30 random people off the street in all that gear, gave them weapons and they probably would've taken more action than the police.

Was not ONE of them willing to die to save the kids? What's the absolute worst that could've happened if they broke rank (or whatever they call it when you think for yourself), NOT wait for someone to tell you what to do and bumrush his arse?

It's amusing how they pick and choose when to follow directions and stick to procedures.

They're cowards and where afraid for their own lives.

Don't put the uniform on if you're not willing to put your life on the line for innocent children. Each and every one of them needs to turn their badges in IMO.
Interesting article

……..“We know that some perpetrators are seeking fame and attention because they have admitted it,” Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama, told The Independent.

“Committing a mass shooting is one of the only ways someone can guarantee himself instant fame, without exceptional skills or abilities.”

Unlike most criminal acts, the random killing of strangers in peace time for no financial gain is learned behaviour, says Prof Lankford, author of the 2013 book The Myth Of Martyrdom.

“Robbery and theft are found in every culture, stealing, aggression, violence, even killing are found in every context. Mass shootings are not.”

And would-be shooters are often driven to kill the largest number of victims possible.

“The more victims you kill, the more fame and attention you get,” he says……

In one study, Prof Lankford compared the clicks and column inches given to seven mass killings between 2013 and 2017 with coverage of more than 600 celebrities over the same time period.

He found that those mass killers received more attention than top movie stars such as Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Aniston, and garnered approximately $75m worth of free media coverage.

Prof Lankford also believes the media tends to elevate stories about mass shooters beyond the interest levels that readers have for them.

He’s conducted qualitative studies examining media coverage of shootings compared to how often people are searching for their name on Google or Twitter. Often, he says, news coverage outweighs demand……

Tom and Caren Teves, who lost their 24-year-old son Alex in the movie theatre shooting in Aurora, Colorado, in 2012, established the “No Notoriety” campaign after being dismayed at the level of attention paid to their son’s killer.

The campaign proposes a “challenge” to the media to be responsible “when reporting on individuals who commit or attempt acts of rampage mass violence” and avoid publishing the names or photos of these individuals.

“Almost every single random, mass shooter has something in common,” Mr Teves said during a Ted Talk in 2020.

“They want notoriety, they want to be famous,” he said. “And the media continues to give them exactly what they seek.”……

for those who don't hold the elected and their appointees accountable, you deserve exactly the kind of "governance" you get

unfortunately, too often you drag others of us along for the bad ride

there's one reason the vid hasn't been shown outside, and it's not because of families

why exactly is it less heartbreaking for families involved to see the hindenburg go down in flames b4 the rest of us? what is the "courtesy"?
Exactly, they've been manipulated to be upset over the leak instead of being upset about the lack of heart, and piss poor incident response by those who're steering their anger towards the "leakers". I feel terrible for the mom who blasted the leak, I really do, but her anger is grossly misplaced.

We've been conditioned as of late to be angry at "leaks"...the leak isn't the problem here.
Infuriating, yet relevant...


Ted Cruz said:
You see, this is the type of innovative thinking I've been advocating for. Psychopathic citizens can purchase high powered rifles; and students, teachers and staff can be safe from them. It's a win-win. :9:
I assume this is what Ted Cruz would say.

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