Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead (10 Viewers)

Just goes to show there's always more to a story.
But still cops shouldn’t have the Punisher on their phones for 2 obvious reasons
The Punisher (and the creator) were NOT fans of cops
cops should be preserving (establishing) the PEACE
IDK, because he's a cop he can't be a fan of a show which has enough popularity to garner merchandising revenue?

He was first 'judged' as terrible for checking his phone. Then we find out that he was removed from the scene and was likely glued to his phone for an absolutely 100% valid reason, and you still want to judge him for being a fan of a popular Marvel superhero?

You're going a long way to find a reason to be upset. Too far if you ask me.

I can't imagine what was going thru the man's head and now his heart being ruthlessly spun in the midst of that sheetshow. You want peace? Let this man have some because he deserves it right now.
IDK, because he's a cop he can't be a fan of a show which has enough popularity to garner merchandising revenue?

He was first 'judged' as terrible for checking his phone. Then we find out that he was removed from the scene and was likely glued to his phone for an absolutely 100% valid reason, and you still want to judge him for being a fan of a popular Marvel superhero?

You're going a long way to find a reason to be upset. Too far if you ask me.

I can't imagine what was going thru the man's head and now his heart being ruthlessly spun in the midst of that sheetshow. You want peace? Let this man have some because he deserves it right now.
You’re conflating two things
99.9999% sure that screen was on his phone before any of the school mayhem
It’s horrendous what happened to his wife
Cops shouldn’t have The Punisher on their phones (or tshirts or F150s)
You’re conflating two things
99.9999% sure that screen was on his phone before any of the school mayhem
It’s horrendous what happened to his wife
Cops shouldn’t have The Punisher on their phones (or tshirts or F150s)
You misunderstand me. I don't give a flip when that was put on the screen, because a cop having a popular Marvel reference on his phone seems like a personal choice you and I have no reason to consider.

All you are doing is stating your opinion, That doesn't make it right. What if he wanted my little ponies? Is that approved by you? Who made you the boss here? I've got a plain solid color background. Is that ok, or should I change it to something you approve of?

Seems like you are losing focus on the facts and what really needs to be addressed. Like idk, the whole story is a red herring so that we aren't still upset with what originally happened and want to stop it.
Seems an odd thing to be hung up on. It's a fictitious comic character.
You clearly know nothing about The Punisher or the guy who created him...

Police officers, other military, Fox News host Sean Hannity and some believers of the QAnon conspiracy theory also became fans, and some law enforcement officers were spotted wearing the logo at the recent protests sparked by George Floyd’s death—but Conway says their usage of the logo enrages and embarrasses him.

“The Punisher is representative of the failure of law and order to address the concerns of people who feel abandoned by the legal system,” Conway told Forbes, emphasizing he was speaking from his personal perspective, and adding, “It always struck me as stupid and ironic that members of the police are embracing what is fundamentally an outlaw symbol.”

In response, Conway launched a T-shirt design initiative (not affiliated with Marvel) called Skulls For Justice, which is crowdsourcing artwork from people of color that incorporates the skull with Black Lives Matter themes; the funds, he told Forbes, are going to the Los Angeles chapter of the group.
You clearly know nothing about The Punisher or the guy who created him...

The Oakland Raiders skull-and-helmet football logo is also considered an outlaw symbol or image, and largely seen as a counter-culture image, same thing applies for another Marvel character who's a bit of an outlaw, Wolverine. Yet, if some cops like to affiliate or have an affinity for these characters or are fans of the Raiders, who are you to judge them for these likes?

How is the Punisher really any different then other comic-book characters like Batman or Daredevil? Batman's crusade is inspired by corrupt police, city officials, rotten, unequal infrastructure that led to his parents being murdered and taking on criminals and a broken justice system? Batman's personality is more stoic, intelligent and observant and less impulsive then someone like Frank Castle, but their fights and objectives are still the same?
You clearly know nothing about The Punisher or the guy who created him...

So, the creator says that it's impossible for cops to agree with him?

Honestly, this is a pretty silly rabbit hole IMO. The point is, this guy was thoroughly chastised for being on his phone, but he had a very good reason. I don't give a damn if he's got a marvel logo on his phone even if he's got some misguided idea of what it represents. Who cares? The man's wife was murdered and he was prevented from helping her and he's been thoroughly trashed for no good reason and the best anyone can come up with is, "well, he shouldn't have Punisher on his phone" as if that even matters.
I watched the vid again and he's standing there not doing anything either. He likely didn't make a move to engage until after his wife texted or called.

The video has a jump cut at 11:37 and he's gone. It picks up again at 11:52. Maybe that's when they were removing him.

But I have to believe when he's on video doing nothing, it was before he got her message. No way that's his body language if he knows she's dying.

Long story short, once he heard his family was affected - he attempted to go in.

That's my pieced together theory but ultimately it doesn't matter.

There were dozens and dozens of men with guns and armor, and they did nothing to help those kids being blown to bits.
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I didn't know the full-length video was released. It's even more excruciating to watch in real time. If he was disarmed and kicked out, it must've been in some other part of the building. Or at some point further along in the video. I didn't watch the whole thing.

He enters at 8:17, peeks around the corner, checks phone 1, does more peeking, checks phone 2, does a little more peeking, leaves, comes back and says "My wife's shot," resumes peeking position, paces around, walks out.

You’re conflating two things
99.9999% sure that screen was on his phone before any of the school mayhem
It’s horrendous what happened to his wife
Cops shouldn’t have The Punisher on their phones (or tshirts or F150s)
Picking nits imo. Lots of cops are Punisher fans. Whatever is on my personal phone has nothing to do with my profession. It's irrelevant, and people who try to make it an issue are making a mountain out of a molehill.

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