Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead (2 Viewers)

Picking nits imo. Lots of cops are Punisher fans. Whatever is on my personal phone has nothing to do with my profession. It's irrelevant, and people who try to make it an issue are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Y’all can have that opinion
I’ll keep with the other opinion based on the inferences amd all of the problems therein (not proves, but infers)
And to spell it out - my supposition is that officers as a whole belong to a damaged or corrupt institution.
They most likely intuited (if not knew consciously) they were joining a barrel with an incredible track record of making bad apples - they knew or learned quickly that they would almost certainly not face consequences for bad actions
It is well past the point for me that I take it on faith that cops are even ethically neutral
They would have to prove to me that they are good officers
And having The Punisher on their phones does not help their case
You clearly know nothing about The Punisher or the guy who created him...

While all of that is true, there are some (clearly not enough) who understand that The Punisher as a character and concept addresses the failures of law enforcement.

Maybe the guy was simply a fan and that's all it was. Idk. But considering everything else going on in that video, the wallpaper or screensaver on a cop's phone seems like a trivial thing to complain about. I didn't think twice about it when I first saw it. What bothers me a whole lot more is these idiot cops not doing anything while kids were getting murdered while they waited.
While all of that is true, there are some (clearly not enough) who understand that The Punisher as a character and concept addresses the failures of law enforcement.

Maybe the guy was simply a fan and that's all it was. Idk. But considering everything else going on in that video, the wallpaper or screensaver on a cop's phone seems like a trivial thing to complain about. I didn't think twice about it when I first saw it. What bothers me a whole lot more is these idiot cops not doing anything while kids were getting murdered while they waited.
It definitely isn’t (close to) the most important thing to take away from this incident, but I don’t think it needs to go completely ignored either.

There is definitely something about a cop (and it isn’t just this guy, it is a growing trend among the police) having a phone screen, patch, squad car decal (etc.) of a character who is a murderous vigilante, who considers himself judge, jury, and executioner (because the police/legal system doesn’t work), that doesn’t sit right with me.

I realize this was his phone, not uniform or police car, but yes, I still think you shouldn’t have that screen while in uniform.

I admit that it being a phone screen in this case can be seen (and perhaps is) nitpicking, but as a teacher at a Catholic school, I guarantee you that I could get a lot of angry parent emails (and possibly in actual trouble) if had certain comic/tv/movie characters on my phone (while at work), or pictures on my desk.
I do feel terrible for this guy losing his wife like that, but it doesn’t take away from how angry the way this incident was handled makes me.

Just awful.
I do feel terrible for this guy losing his wife like that, but it doesn’t take away from how angry the way this incident was handled makes me.

Just awful.
And it shouldn't. And if it was me, I would have been in that classroom before any of those cops could stop me. Shoot me or shoot the shooter or get out of my way. And not just because my wife is in there, but those's just mind boggling what what the cops didn't do was actually following the SOP for a response to an active shooter situation. Don't need permission and I'm not asking for it either.
It definitely isn’t (close to) the most important thing to take away from this incident, but I don’t think it needs to go completely ignored either.

There is definitely something about a cop (and it isn’t just this guy, it is a growing trend among the police) having a phone screen, patch, squad car decal (etc.) of a character who is a murderous vigilante, who considers himself judge, jury, and executioner (because the police/legal system doesn’t work), that doesn’t sit right with me.

I realize this was his phone, not uniform or police car, but yes, I still think you shouldn’t have that screen while in uniform.

I admit that it being a phone screen in this case can be seen (and perhaps is) nitpicking, but as a teacher at a Catholic school, I guarantee you that I could get a lot of angry parent emails (and possibly in actual trouble) if had certain comic/tv/movie characters on my phone (while at work), or pictures on my desk.
I understand what the Punisher symbol stands for. But most people like it because they think it looks cool or whatever and doesn't necessarily mean they believe in vigilante justice or think it's some sort of commentary on anything. Most people like the Punsher because they like the character and can identify with his frustrations and struggles with his own and other people's humanity and lack thereof. I just think that just seeing the symbol on someone's personal phone doesn't tell me anything. None of us know why it's there, and to say one way or the other without any context is presumptuous. Until we know his reasons from him, it's little more than a distraction imo.

I will say though that it's an odd juxtaposition seeing the Punisher symbol while standing in the hallway. My first thought would have been the Punisher would go in there and blast the shooter away, yet this guy didn't, at least not until he was removed from the scene.
It is admittedly difficult to tell by the photos I’ve seen, but to me, it looks like it wasn’t the plain Punisher logo. It looks like it also has a flag blended in with it.

In many instance, cops will blend the Thin Blue Line flag (or just colors) with the Punisher logo. IF that is what this officer had on his phone, then it reads (to me) as being less of “I think the logo is cool” and more of a statement.

I agree that there are far more important things than this particular picture in this particular situation. But to me, it’s about this collective use of this Punisher iconography by police while on duty.

It is sewn onto the sleeves of their uniforms, patched onto their tactical vests, painted on helmets, stuck on the windows & painted on the hoods of their squad cars. While I can’t know the hearts & minds of each individual, I have a hard time believing that it is, for the most part, about liking the logo or the pathos of Frank Castle (especially when often mixed with thin blue line stuff).

I mean, there have been multiple investigations into “cowboy” groups of cops who allegedly refer to themselves as “The Punishers”.

Regardless of cool factor and how interesting the comics can be, that logo is a symbol of intimidation and death. That’s how Frank Castle uses it. I don’t think you even need to be a Marvel fan to know that. Even completely divorced from The Punisher, it’s a fierce & intimidating looking skull. What kind of message does that send to citizens watching cop cars display that symbol while driving around their neighborhoods, or cops wearing it on their sleeves while they watch you?

Regardless of the reason, in my humble opinion, officers who who display that logo on their car, uniform, etc. while on the job, are at best sending a mixed message & creating a perception problem (and potentially escalating situations). At worst, it’s a red flag about what that officer believes they are allowed to do (especially when you see groups of cops all wearing/displaying it).

If you are a fan, buy all the comics, posters, and memorabilia you want. But I don’t think it should be displayed while you protect and serve.
It is admittedly difficult to tell by the photos I’ve seen, but to me, it looks like it wasn’t the plain Punisher logo. It looks like it also has a flag blended in with it.

In many instance, cops will blend the Thin Blue Line flag (or just colors) with the Punisher logo. IF that is what this office had on his phone, then it reads (to me) as being less of “I think the logo is cool” and more of a statement.

I agree that there are far more important things than this particular picture in this particular situation. But to me, it’s about this collective use of this Punisher iconography by police while on duty.

It is sewn onto the sleeves of their uniforms, patched onto their tactical vests, painted on helmets, stuck on the windows & painted on the hoods of their squad cars. While I can’t know the hearts & minds of each individual, I have a hard time believing that it is, for the most part, about liking the logo or the pathos of Frank Castle (especially when often mixed with thin blue line stuff).

I mean, there have been multiple investigations into “cowboy” groups of cops who allegedly refer to themselves as “The Punishers”.

Regardless of cool factor and how interesting the comics can be, that logo is a symbol of intimidation and death. That’s how Frank Castle uses it. Even completely divorced from The Punisher, it’s a fierce & intimidating looking skull. What kind of message does that send to citizens watching cop cars display that symbol while driving around their neighborhoods, or cops wearing it on their sleeves while they watch you?

Regardless of the reason, in my humble opinion, officers who who display that logo on their car, uniform, etc. while on the job, are at best sending a mixed message & creating a perception problem (and potentially escalating situations). At worst, it’s a red flag about what that officer believes they are allowed to do.

If you are a fan, buy all the comics, posters, and memorabilia you want. But I don’t think it should be displayed while you protect and serve.
Agreed. I wasn't aware of all the other uses. I was just going by what I saw in some still shots. I can't bring myself to watch the full video right now. I probably will at some point though.
I understand what the Punisher symbol stands for. But most people like it because they think it looks cool or whatever and doesn't necessarily mean they believe in vigilante justice or think it's some sort of commentary on anything. Most people like the Punsher because they like the character and can identify with his frustrations and struggles with his own and other people's humanity and lack thereof. I just think that just seeing the symbol on someone's personal phone doesn't tell me anything. None of us know why it's there, and to say one way or the other without any context is presumptuous. Until we know his reasons from him, it's little more than a distraction imo.

I will say though that it's an odd juxtaposition seeing the Punisher symbol while standing in the hallway. My first thought would have been the Punisher would go in there and blast the shooter away, yet this guy didn't, at least not until he was removed from the scene.
I don’t want to argue about the officer in the hallway. I think we mostly agree there (and there are more important things to discuss anyway).

As for police wearing, using that iconography (while on the clock) in general, I actually do think that is a big deal. Just my opinion of course.

I hear what you’re saying, I just see it differently. We will probably agree to disagree.

I don’t want to argue about the officer in the hallway. I think we mostly agree there (and there are more important things to discuss anyway).

As for police wearing, using that iconography (while on the clock) in general, I actually do think that is a big deal. Just my opinion of course.

I hear what you’re saying, I just see it differently. We will probably agree to disagree.

No, we actually agree. Personal phone...doesn't bother me, if they wear it on their uniforms or display it in clear view in public, that's definitely problematic.
No, we actually agree. Personal phone...doesn't bother me, if they wear it on their uniforms or display it in clear view in public, that's definitely problematic.
Drive around North Texas and you'll see it plastered everywhere on people's cars and truck. Punisher decal with the thin blue line in it.
Drive around North Texas and you'll see it plastered everywhere on people's cars and truck. Punisher decal with the thin blue line in it.
And it’s usually paired with the Gonzales cannon’s “Come and Take It” sticker. I don’t know if those stickers carry any more relevance than the dude’s desire to be seen and considered “tough“ and “manly” as he drives those stickers around.

I saw a new-to-me sticker last week; “I’m 1776% sure you won’t take my guns”. I mean, that’s 1676% percentage points more than possible.
Not gonna lie, I have one on the back of my truck. If I get stopped I’ll probably get out of a ticket and my odds of getting shot for no reason at all go way down.
Not gonna lie, I have one on the back of my truck. If I get stopped I’ll probably get out of a ticket and my odds of getting shot for no reason at all go way down.
Do you think it would work for regular civilians? I've seen that sticker but I didn't know what it was. I called it "the skull with long teeth."

But I'd be willing to slap one on my nephew's car if cops view it as a sign that you're 'with them' or whatever.

(You're a cop right?)

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