Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead (2 Viewers)

I'm not normally for putting parents in jail for things their kids do, but this probably qualifies unless the gun came from someone else.
I am when it comes to these incidents. The parents or whatever negligent “responsible gun owner” doesn’t properly secure their guns and ensure children or unstable adults can’t get their hands on them.
I'm not normally for putting parents in jail for things their kids do, but this probably qualifies unless the gun came from someone else.
Where does a 6 year old get a gun?

Where does a 6 year old get lunch money?
Where does a 6 year old get a gun?

Where does a 6 year old get lunch money?
You would think so. But when I was a kid, one of my classmates brought a large knife on campus and he had actually gotten it from a friend's house. So, a gun could come from someone other than the parents. Of course that's most likely the exception and not the norm.

I suspect most of the time with a kid that young, it's an older kid or sibling who knows where to find weapons in a home.
I don't know what kind of gun the child had, but I find it disturbing that he/she knew how to use it, and knew how to use it with accuracy and with the intent to do harm. Our poor children.
A lot of parents teach their kids how to shoot from a very young age. Some take their kids hunting, to the range, etc.

Kids brains aren’t fully developed and the male brain isn’t fully developed until ~25. You can’t just have guns accessible to your children - no matter the age. Kids lie, they pretend to be a much more well behaved person in front of their parents than they do around their peers. It’s just part of being a kid.

I am always annoyed when people try to excuse crap and say “little Johnny knew our guns were not to be played with. He was a good boy! We never thought anything like this would happen”. Like no, Johnny should never have unsupervised access to any guns no matter how good a kid he is because kids make bad decisions all the time. Even the best of them.

I am not anti-guns but I also think that there is far too much irresponsibility with too many ‘responsible’ gun owners (and irresponsible gun owners) and not enough scrutiny for people to be allowed to possess a gun legally therefore ending up in the wrong hands to think that status quo is fine.

The adults need to start being charged when this stuff happens.
A lot of parents teach their kids how to shoot from a very young age. Some take their kids hunting, to the range, etc.

Kids brains aren’t fully developed and the male brain isn’t fully developed until ~25. You can’t just have guns accessible to your children - no matter the age. Kids lie, they pretend to be a much more well behaved person in front of their parents than they do around their peers. It’s just part of being a kid.

I am always annoyed when people try to excuse crap and say “little Johnny knew our guns were not to be played with. He was a good boy! We never thought anything like this would happen”. Like no, Johnny should never have unsupervised access to any guns no matter how good a kid he is because kids make bad decisions all the time. Even the best of them.

I am not anti-guns but I also think that there is far too much irresponsibility with too many ‘responsible’ gun owners (and irresponsible gun owners) and not enough scrutiny for people to be allowed to possess a gun legally therefore ending up in the wrong hands to think that status quo is fine.

The adults need to start being charged when this stuff happens.
Yeah, I've lived all over, from the rougher neighborhoods in DC to the middle of nowhere countryside of small town Arkansas to Main Street apartments in Lafayette and everything in between. In the 24 years we've had kids in our home, we've never had guns under our roof. I never really planned it that way, but also never felt like I needed to have one even when I've had my car broken into and/or stolen, I was robbed once and had my home damaged once.

I felt like I wanted to protect my family, but at the same time, I didn't want my kids possibly having access to guns in my house. Now that all of my kids are 18+, I'm considering it but I'd be ok without one.

I have taken all of them to a gun range so that they can learn how to safely handle and shoot guns themselves and know what their options are and they haven't felt the need to buy their own.

I'll never understand parents with kids in their house having access to guns. Completely irresponsible, to the point of being criminal.
Growing up in Montana we always had them in the house. Started shooting with my dad probably 8-9 years old or so.

But he was always involved, and the guns were always locked up, and he always carried the key on him, and mom and him were the only ones who knew the combination until I was 18.

I’ve had guns in my house also. Always double locked and my kids never knew the combination even if they had the key. Now I fully realize they were pretty smart kids and could’ve taken a sawzall if they really wanted, but that wasn’t the thing with them.

Anyway, even with my background of having a small armory, I don’t believe every idiot should have a gun, and I do believe they should be under lock.

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