The Mandalorian discussion thread (1 Viewer)

Yeah. I guess they just like having him Un helmeted so his speech's have a little more emotion when you can see their faces, honestly not letting Djarin take his helmet off is kind of frustrating when you have an actor like Pedro who's so good with his facial expressions constantly hidden.

While we are at it why did Axe Woves crash into the base? I mean wouldn't that be kind of nice to keep? They've never had an issue stealing and using Empire tech before. That was alot of free Ti fighters and what not you just blew up for no reason.

One thing I did like about this episode is you didn't have any one swoop in to "save the day" no Bobba, no Ahsoka no Skywalker. Just Mandalorians taking out the Empire on their own which was nice because it showed how powerful mando's can be.
He sounds more intimidating with his helmet on though.
Season 4 shaping up to be Kung Fu in space...

1. So all that noise from fan boys about Din being killed off and the show ruined, done. Thank you for your nonsense.
2. All that noise about "who is the spy" swept out. Elia Kane was the only spy. All the squawking we did about one of the Mandalorians being a spy was bad second guessing on our part. Happily done.

That was an excellent finale. Maybe the final battle was a bit cliched with the main character(s) nearly taken out by the bad guys, but that's how final battles go, so I can't complain too much about that trope being used. I thought the battles themselves were well choreographed and fun.

The jet pack fight in the sky awesome! Interestingly, the beginning of it reminded me of the fight in the fake volcano in "You Only Live Twice" between Spectre and the Mi5 agents.

Interesting throw back to the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan vs Maul fight in SW Episode 1 with the barriers going down one by one as he fought through the trooper guards.

Was very surprised about the Darksaber being destroyed. Wasn't expecting that. Now I'm wondering if it's repairable. After all, lightsabers are powered by crystals. What kind of crystal was powering the Darksaber and is it still in tact in the broken hilt of the sword where it could be placed into a new housing?

Cool ending relighting the forge before the united Mandalorians.

Great "feely" bit with Din officially adopting Grogu. Grogu sensing the Mythosaur (and the Mythosaur sensing him) was very interesting. The creature is obviously being singled out as important, and that raises at least two questions:
Is the Mythosaur force sensitive?
When will it appear to them, and why?

Will episode 4 be going toward a "Fugitive/Hulk/Paladin/Kung Fu/etc." format of Din Djarin having one off quests, or are we headed to a showdown with Thrawn that begins in "Ahsoka," or will there be a hybrid of Din on quests and the rebuilding of Mandalore under Bo Katan, the Armorer, et al, or is something else altogether coming we don't even know about yet?
Whatever it is, I'm in for it. (y)
Also, no reveal on a potential spy. And it was barely over 30 minutes long! I'm tired of the excuses, shows used to have over 22 episode seasons at 45 minutes each, don't tell me they can't make an 8 episode show 45 minutes each.
The whole potential spy thing was nonsense made up through internet. A lot of us got sucked into the discussion, but it was never part of the script in the first place. Being upset over something someone else invented not being part of the show is self-inflicted frustration. There never was a potential spy in the first place. Take the show for what it is, not what someone else tried to make it.
As for run times, I'll take shorter, well written shows over shows fluffed out with meaningless filler (still looking at you for Iron Fist, Netflix) that end up killing all momentum in a show.
Was also hoping for a bigger payoff to the clones in those tanks they have been so mysterious about, not to mention a resolution to that whole subplot with the scientist that they randomly threw into the middle of a season and never really revisited.
I don't think for a minute we're done with the subplot about the clone scientist and the continued interest in covering up cloning plans. Gideon said to Pallaeon that it wasn't Gideon but him who was obsessed with clones. So, that whole subplot is for things yet to come, probably in Ahsoka, possibly in season 4 of Mando. It certainly is a precursor to the Emperor clone of SW 9 (blech), so more is coming on that, maybe a lot more.
The whole potential spy thing was nonsense made up through internet. A lot of us got sucked into the discussion, but it was never part of the script in the first place. Being upset over something someone else invented not being part of the show is self-inflicted frustration. There never was a potential spy in the first place. Take the show for what it is, not what someone else tried to make it.
As for run times, I'll take shorter, well written shows over shows fluffed out with meaningless filler (still looking at you for Iron Fist, Netflix) that end up killing all momentum in a show.

I don't think for a minute we're done with the subplot about the clone scientist and the continued interest in covering up cloning plans. Gideon said to Pallaeon that it wasn't Gideon but him who was obsessed with clones. So, that whole subplot is for things yet to come, probably in Ahsoka, possibly in season 4 of Mando. It certainly is a precursor to the Emperor clone of SW 9 (blech), so more is coming on that, maybe a lot more.
It wasn't made up nonsense, the title for episode 7 was Spies, not The Spy. Spies means more than one.
It wasn't made up nonsense, the title for episode 7 was Spies, not The Spy. Spies means more than one.
This is not the only definition of ”spies”
Check this out:
As far as this one
The jet pack battle was so cool.
Grogu had to do a sliding move like the other Mandos there at the end.
I do agree the clones just being there to die was…weird
Mando is carrying two blasters like Bo Katan now
I know that many here feel underwhelmed w/ the finale, but put me in the camp of really liking it.
I like how none of us got anything traitor-related even remotely right.
Man, the Mandos vs beskar goons airborne jet pack fight was so damn good. The Armorer was out there going full vintage Thor on some goons, she was an absolute monster. A friend of mine was like, 'I'm going to watch the finale on the screen in my wife's Tesla while we wait for her mom at the aiport.' I was like 'No sir, do not do that, this episode on a small screen is blasphemy lol.'
I can totally see why Gideon didn't think to not include any sort of failsafe to prevent all of the clones from being fragged at one, his arrogance was his ultimate undoing. I'm sure that the thought that no one would be nuts enough to attack his base with his army of beskar troops, his TIE Interceptors/bombers, and his Pretorian guards.
While I do wish that the episode was longer, at the end, I wasn't bothered by it. I didn't think that the fight b/w Mando and the 3 guards was too short, he was a father possessed who was going to save his son, and nothing was going to stop him, so he went ham on them and dispatched them in a (to me) suitable manner.
Loved seeing Mando and Bo take on Gideon together.
If the Darksaber has a crystal like a lightsaber, can't that be placed in a newly fabricated handle and fixed? Preferably one made of beskar parts by the Armorer (seeing how easily Gideon crushed it w/ his hand, I didn't think that that was a saber handle made of beskar). Does making the darksaber have to follow the same rules as lightsabers that a Jedi has to build them or since it was initially made by a Mandalorian, it can be made by a non-Jedi?
Baby Yoda saving Mando and Bo by shielding them from the flames was an all in the feels moment like as well as when he was made an apprentice (and ADOPTED).
I want to see how BY and the Mythosaur connection is further explored, is the Mythosaur force-sensitive?
I think that next season may be split w/ Mando and BY hunting down Imps in exile w/ Mandalore being rebuilt under Bo's leadership.
My Dadalorian t-shirt I bought a few yrs ago is now 100% legit.
This is the way...

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The whole potential spy thing was nonsense made up through internet. A lot of us got sucked into the discussion, but it was never part of the script in the first place. Being upset over something someone else invented not being part of the show is self-inflicted frustration. There never was a potential spy in the first place. Take the show for what it is, not what someone else tried to make it.
As for run times, I'll take shorter, well written shows over shows fluffed out with meaningless filler (still looking at you for Iron Fist, Netflix) that end up killing all momentum in a show.

I don't think for a minute we're done with the subplot about the clone scientist and the continued interest in covering up cloning plans. Gideon said to Pallaeon that it wasn't Gideon but him who was obsessed with clones. So, that whole subplot is for things yet to come, probably in Ahsoka, possibly in season 4 of Mando. It certainly is a precursor to the Emperor clone of SW 9 (blech), so more is coming on that, maybe a lot more.
Yeah I recommend people watch this with kids or at least with kids eyes
It’s really a lot of fun it you let go
If fanfic as soon as it’s debunked
I write plenty of fanfic (theorizing, et al), but it’s easy for me to toss them away when my kids are cheering Mando drops and aerial battles
Not sure why some aren't liking this episode. I think it ended just perfect. The mandalorian side story is finished, Nevarro has a new protector, Din and Grogu now continue their bounty hunter escapades, PLUS Din mentioned Imperial remnants in the outer rim which is where I suspect a lot of Ahsoka is going to take place since it involves Thrawn. Mando may be making an appearance in Ahsoka or vice versa IMO.
This is not the only definition of ”spies”
Check this out:

Wow, I feel meshugana for not catching that right away. I'm the one who pointed out just how many Jewish parallels were in the show this season. I should have caught that immediately. :idunno:

Of course, more than 10 Mandalorians went to the surface, so that's my lame excuse :ezbill:

Well spotted, sir.

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