Titanic submersible es morte (2 Viewers)

Yikes. I deleted the tweets. I literally just searched for the sun res and saw it and shared. I do my best to keep politics off of my timeline but it’s literally a daily chore of blocking.

I don't think anyone here is upset with you for posting but more upset with Crenshaw for trying to wedge a political angle somewhere it shouldn't' be.
Yikes. I deleted the tweets. I literally just searched for the sun res and saw it and shared. I do my best to keep politics off of my timeline but it’s literally a daily chore of blocking.


And I didn't mean you were politically motivated and irresponsible ...Crenshaw is.


Dude is probably counting down the hours till he’s the billionaire 👀

If his family wants him at a Blink-182 concert, are we sure he‘s even in the will?

Edit: But either way, it’s just distasteful as hell. At least pretend you care?
Maybe that’s why family wanted him to go to the concert “we’ll never ever go to a blink 182 concert, so maybe that’s the best place for that chowderhead’
Why would his family want him to go to a concert when he just got out of jail for threatening to shoot up a music festival and stalking musicians? This guy is a sociopath.
I keep checking for updates hoping to see good news but nothing. The longer it goes the less chance of seeing that good news update.
For the ships conducting the surface search, as soon as it's dark, no chance of finding it.

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