It’s the Carmela Soprano scenario.When greedy executives are no longer profiting off of the working class and hoarding all the wealth. When physicians; not morally corrupt insurance companies, are deciding what is best for their patients. That’s a start.
Fork his family, too. They had no problems living a luxurious life funded by taking advantage of fellow citizens. I wonder how many people went bankrupt or died after being denied coverage for things they should have had covered. Sure, it’s sad for them that the person they knew in a different light as husband and father is gone. I can acknowledge that they are probably hurting right now but I doubt they ever thought of the people who were hurt by the policies and price gouging their beloved daddy/hubby caused.
You can’t guilt me into feeling empathy to people who have benefited directly off the suffering and injustice to others when bad ish happens to them.
She didn’t commit any of Tony’s crimes, but her lifestyle did benefit from his crimes.