Where there's smoke there's fire. (4 Viewers)

I swear people just forget that Pickett and Willis were barely 1st round candidates. That hasn't changed. Neither of these guys are worthy of where they'll be drafted.

You think DA just wants a 1st round rookie QB and give up the farm to move into the top 10 just for the sake of it? So he can be tied to a high 1st round quarterback for job security, nevermind if he's good or not?
How does everyone know this? They may be looking to grab a WR2 and a LT, not wanting to move the Ram from RT. This would make perfect sense. Grab a QB in a couple of years if needed.
I think where Ram ends up is 100% on what type of OT we pick up. We need that athletic Penning to be a LT. If we have to settle for Rainmann. Ram is going to LT
If there was a QB in this draft like Andrew Luck, a QB ready to step in and start, then I'm all in for taking those picks and moving up. There is no one in this draft like that. Plus we have too many holes right now. I hope we take those picks and get players that can help us now, hopefully OT and WR.

Never said I liked the move. Just last week I felt like it was great that we took ourselves out of that scenario but you don't give up what you gave up for anything less than a move to get a QB.

I see the common question is "Why not trade up to 5" and the answer is this. Perhaps the team you have a trade in place w/ also has a stipulation that a player they want has to be off the board.

It's a sure we'll trade pick 5 to you for this and this IF...and the if depends on if the board falls in such a way that they miss on a player they covet. If the board falls a way in that a guy they like is there, then the Saints will either work the phones to see if another team is willing, they'll miss out on their top 5 target, or they stay put and get two prospects in the teens.

It's really a win, win, win scenario but there's a lot of moving parts. And a lot of ways at the end of this people can say "I told you so" as all the possibilities are open right now.

In other words, nobody's POV is wrong at this point, but I think they are stackable.

Franchise QB/Build around Jameis for this year with eye towards future.
I swear people just forget that Pickett and Willis were barely 1st round candidates. That hasn't changed. Neither of these guys are worthy of where they'll be drafted.

You think DA just wants a 1st round rookie QB and give up the farm to move into the top 10 just for the sake of it? So he can be tied to a high 1st round quarterback for job security, nevermind if he's good or not?
You have coaches to make players better and put them in positions to win projections are trash russel Wilson Tom Brady James Harrison it’s about the will to be great all these players talented or wouldn’t be in draft conversation
What does that say about Winston if the Saints do move ahead of Carolina or Atlanta and take a QB?

It would say our front office is a mess making decisions on the fly with no real plan in place. Otherwise, you don't guarantee Winston $21 million for the next 2 years when nothing has changed about him or the QBs in the draft since you signed him to that contract 3 weeks ago.

And I don't think our front office is a mess with no plan so I think the whole thing says they think Winston is a solid QB with some upside but they aren't convinced he is the answer long term but they aren't sure there is a long term answer at QB in this draft so they will likely take a shot at a QB in this draft only if Picket or Willis falls to #16 or if another QB they like falls to round #2 or #3.
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And Vick-like QBs don’t last long in the league due to age and injuries.
Well injuries happen everywhere Tom Brady leg Peyton neck Alex smith leg injuries bound to happen no matter what it’s part of the game drew ain’t get hurt running I bet if he could’ve he wouldn’t have gotten hurt though see it’s perception russel slide all the time kyler mainly too it’s about the mentals
How is this clear?

Because they gave him a 2 year deal instead of a long term deal. Also because DA and Winston sat down and had a talk about what he needed to improve for them to commit to him as the long term QB of this team. I think they like him and think he's a solid starter, but they aren't sure he's going to be a QB that can lead a team to the Super Bowl. So, they are giving him two years to develop more and prove that he can do that.
In a interview said he wants his qb to be mobile he could mean like Jameis but 🤷 ;You’ve never seen deshaun run an rpo means you haven’t watched enough football
Lol! I didn't say Watson didn't run an occasional rpo. Most mobile QBs do. But he's not an rpo QB (see Lamar Jackson) as you stated. And if you think he is, YOU need to watch more football. I'll repeat - Watson is a passing QB who is mobile.

Watson is not an rpo QB (which is different from a mobile QB). You do understand the concept of an rpo based offense, right?
Loomis seen Vick and I think if he had the chance to draft a Vick like player with the right attitude and mentality he would

I think he might take Willis if he falls to #16, but given his comments that it's too expensive to move up for a QB in this draft and his comment that getting a starting QB from this draft is not realistic for the Saints, I don't think he is willing to move into the top 5 or even top 10 to get either Willis or Pickett. Of course, I could be wrong.
You have coaches to make players better and put them in positions to win projections are trash russel Wilson Tom Brady James Harrison it’s about the will to be great all these players talented or wouldn’t be in draft conversation

So by this logic are you suggesting we just wait til the mid rounds and find a warm body who wants to win so we can coach them up?
It says our front office is a mess making decisions on the fly with no real plan in place. Otherwise, you don't guarantee Winston $21 million for the next 2 years when nothing has changed about him or the QBs in the draft since you signed him to that contract 3 weeks ago.

And I don't think our front office is a mess with no plan so I think the whole thing says they think Winston is a solid QB with some upside but they aren't convinced he is the answer long term but they aren't sure there is a long term answer at QB in this draft so they will likely take a shot at a QB in this draft only if Picket or Willis falls to #16 or if another QB they like falls to round #2 or #3.

I think your premise on the guaranteed money is clouding your judgement a bit. The saints basically payed him 15mil for one year which is low level starter money. That's not as huge of an investment than you think. In fact it's such a small overall investment that it says you'd better have a succession plan ready by next year.
Just because ya coach got a west coast offense that don’t make you a west coast qb I stated we want a qb that can do rpo not that it’s our complete offense don’t move the goal post my points is Willis gives you jameis arm with taysom legs and might have the mental make up

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