Where there's smoke there's fire. (1 Viewer)

But it doesn't make sense not just jump directly to 5th now. 49ers did it last year to 3rd overall.

If Saints want a QB... They wouldn't be making trades for mid teen picks. They would go to the source.

If they really wanted a QB... They wouldn't play the waiting game for one.

If a QB fall that they covet... Will they pivot to QB/WR draft. Possibly. I think at that junction.

The best assessment you can make... is that the Saints got multiple picks in the teens of the draft.

What position group has the most projected value in teens? OT,WR, and then QB.

We have no idea what the Lions will do at #2... Neither do the Lions most likely.
Man we better not go QB. Get Jameis an elite WR or two at 16 and 19 so he can have a Pro Bowl year and get the offense back to top 5-10. That’s all he and the offense are missing.

What does that say about Winston if the Saints do move ahead of Carolina or Atlanta and take a QB? Carmichael, Allen and Ronald Curry have been with Winston through film room his entire time he's been in New Orleans, has seen him in practices and the F.O signed him to a 2 year deal. It seems he still hasn't proven he is their guy long term. This is year 3 of Winston in New Orleans this offseason. Ride it out with Winston this year but its not out of the realm of possibility that the Saints go with an insurance policy if they like a QB enough to go get him at 5 or 9.

You also have to account there is no more Payton, what kinda Winston are you getting? What impact did Payton have when he was on the sidelines? If the move is to slide up to 5 and take a QB, you better hit and hit big. A bust of that magnitude is catastrophic, franchise busting if you're wrong.
Yeah, if you don't think Winston is a solid QB and your plan is to move up in the draft by any means necessary to get the guy you want, you don't give Winston a 2 year contract with 21 million guaranteed. You do what Atlanta did and sign Mariota or someone like him to a cheap contract. Hell, you might just sign Dalton as your bridge QB to the rookie. Makes no sense to tie up $21 million in Winston for 2 years if they plan is to go all in for a rookie QB in the top 10 of the draft.

That being said, I could see them taking Picket or Willis at #16 if one of them somehow falls to that spot.
RIght. That said, the plan may be for have Winston for a year or two more and draft a QB in 2023 or 2024. But I don't think we draft one this year...unless one we REALLY like falls in our lap.
Well I think to some degree you have some fail safe built in. Much like the Watson sweepstakes you put yourself in posiiton to make a play, then you hope for things to fall your way.

Saints are now in proper position to move to 5, but as you point out variables are there that could lead to many outcomesas well. I think the backup plan here is that the Saints are comfortable with the players that will be in that range as well.

Miss on QB and perhaps theres an OT and LT that can be placed around Winston but yeah I don't think they are looking to build around him, they are looking to replace him. His contract doesn't scream build around me money and neither does their obvious flirting with Watson then pivot back to Winston.

Reread. I said the problem w/ Bortles/Dalton or any of those guys is they CANT challenge Winston for #1. If you go up and draft a QB you're hoping he can be a #2 and compete for #1 or out right Win it.

Never said he wanted a running QB. Said they liked a QB that can IMPROV.. that's not the same as a running QB or RPO QB. Your facts are wrong thus making your argument weak.
Sound like a chick nitpicking because I said I’m in the living room and I didn’t say I was playing the game lol I don’t Care find me a slow qb running the rpo tannerhill probably the closest your going to get and he was a ex receiver and as much as some like to be right I want my team to win in the future jameis cool but he silly you seen cam asking for other qbs what other team got they solidified players calling for the qb to be switched out argue somebody else
If there was a QB in this draft like Andrew Luck, a QB ready to step in and start, then I'm all in for taking those picks and moving up. There is no one in this draft like that. Plus we have too many holes right now. I hope we take those picks and get players that can help us now, hopefully OT and WR.
I like a receiver more than anything but if we get a qb I can’t complain how many picks been spent on turner and Davenport for that position to no be completely unquestionably solidified oh Ruiz and peat as well of all the positions qb is one you risk it all for
Miss on QB and perhaps theres an OT and LT that can be placed around Winston but yeah I don't think they are looking to build around him, they are looking to replace him. His contract doesn't scream build around me money and neither does their obvious flirting with Watson then pivot back to Winston.

Clearly they aren't committed to Winston as THE future and are more in a mode to give him a shot to show what he can do but, at the same point, if you really think there is a QB in this draft that is a future franchise QB that will be better than Winston, it seems like you don't commit $21 million to Winston in guaranteed money over two years. You sign a cheaper vet like Mariota, Bridgewater, or Dalton and then move up to get your guy no matter the cost. No point in having Winston on the roster for $10 million this year if you have Dalton to start at a much cheaper price until a rookie is ready.

So, I think if they really are doing this to get a QB in the top 5, then the front office is a mess and not thinking logically right now. But, that seems highly unlikely with Loomis, Harley, and Ireland still running the team.

The only small possibility I see is that they really like Willis but know he will take 2 years to develop so Winston for 2 years would make sense. But, that too seems like an odd strategy. I see now way you put Pickett on a team with Winston unless he happens to fall to #16 and you change QB strategy because something unexpected happened. Pickett may never be great, but he is ready to start from day one.
If there was a QB in this draft like Andrew Luck, a QB ready to step in and start, then I'm all in for taking those picks and moving up. There is no one in this draft like that. Plus we have too many holes right now. I hope we take those picks and get players that can help us now, hopefully OT and WR.

Andrew luck was kinda a beast but quit on the team and had injury problems lacked the mental toughness never did any damage in the playoffs is he any better than rg3 in the grand scheme
I doubt a backup like Blake Bortles wanting a release has anything to do with the plan. I highly doubt he is even halfway aware of our plan. Being “tied” to a guy over a month before the draft doesn’t really mean much, either. When all is said and done, you may be right. Allen may see a QB he likes and goes out of his way to secure him. Still, I don’t think there are any clear signs that that’s the plan. All we can do is speculate.
Clearly they aren't committed to Winston as THE future and are more in a mode to give him a shot to show what he can do but, at the same point, if you really think there is a QB in this draft that is a future franchise QB that will be better than Winston, it seems like you don't commit $21 million to Winston in guaranteed money over two years. You sign a cheaper vet like Mariota, Bridgewater, or Dalton and then move up to get your guy no matter the cost. No point in having Winston on the roster for $10 million this year if you have Dalton to start at a much cheaper price until a rookie is ready.

So, I think if they really are doing this to get a QB in the top 5, then the front office is a mess and not thinking logically right now. But, that seems highly unlikely with Loomis, Harley, and Ireland still running the team.

The only small possibility I see is that they really like Willis but know he will take 2 years to develop so Winston for 2 years would make sense. But, that too seems like an odd strategy. I see now way you put Pickett on a team with Winston unless he happens to fall to #16 and you change QB strategy because something unexpected happened. Pickett may never be great, but he is ready to start from day one.
How is this clear?
Clearly they aren't committed to Winston as THE future and are more in a mode to give him a shot to show what he can do but, at the same point, if you really think there is a QB in this draft that is a future franchise QB that will be better than Winston, it seems like you don't commit $21 million to Winston in guaranteed money over two years. You sign a cheaper vet like Mariota, Bridgewater, or Dalton and then move up to get your guy no matter the cost. No point in having Winston on the roster for $10 million this year if you have Dalton to start at a much cheaper price until a rookie is ready.

So, I think if they really are doing this to get a QB in the top 5, then the front office is a mess and not thinking logically right now. But, that seems highly unlikely with Loomis, Harley, and Ireland still running the team.

The only small possibility I see is that they really like Willis but know he will take 2 years to develop so Winston for 2 years would make sense. But, that too seems like an odd strategy. I see now way you put Pickett on a team with Winston unless he happens to fall to #16 and you change QB strategy because something unexpected happened. Pickett may never be great, but he is ready to start from day one.
Loomis seen Vick and I think if he had the chance to draft a Vick like player with the right attitude and mentality he would

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