They do. But, I think you have to look at it from the lens of what can you get people to reliably do. The longer this plays out, the worse the counter reaction.
Also, you know I have a pretty broad view of the public being generally stupid.
We need a clear and consistent message from our leaders. So, we're forked.
I agree. I'm just saying that those who argue that this is "Unconstitutional" or that it is taking away some rights don't understand there own system of government or the Constitution. But, like I said, I'm not surprised that people don't. We have a population that has little knowledge of it's own history, philosophy, or laws beyond what someone told them on Facebook.
And I'm not saying we should live under a stay at home order until we find a vaccine, although I would personally be fine with that. But, I am saying that it really shouldn't be too much to ask people to continue to practice social distancing and wear face coverings in public. Especially given the evidence about about how much even a 50% reduction in spread due to wearing face coverings can do to the spread of the virus.