COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (2 Viewers)

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How can you keep politics out of something when the decisions are being made based on politics? There is no way around it.
I know it's tough, but I think the answer is when you have a political opinion to take it to the board on MAP. It doesn't belong here and it will consistently derail this thread and has.

Easier said than done, but that should be the goal.
I get that it's the goal. But, if you are going to keep politics out of this subject, then you have to move the entire subject to the MAP board because the entire issue has been completely politicized by well, the politicians. I mean, we can veil comments as though they aren't political, but we all know the truth. But I guess if pretending it's not about politics makes people happy we can all pretend.

I mean, even the allegedly "pure" science is politicized.
I don't disagree. I think it's absolutely sad that not even a global pandemic can bridge the polarized political divide in the country. To me, it's a sign that we are irreparably broken as a nation.

For the purposes of the thread though if we can just keep from criticizing at the Republican/Democrat level or mentioning Trump specifically in a critical way (because that really triggers folks) we can at least keep the thread from derailing.

Once again, I know that's easier said than done, but it is possible and we don't have to pretend, just color inside the lines.

I think the article about Edwards making a decision to extend the Stay home order or not is fair game. There will be some level of politics in this thread.

However, a line will likely be crossed when the discussion turns to the mechinations of politics, and the D vs R response, re-election chances, and other purely political questions, not leadership and/or public health issues.

I cleaned up a good portion of this thread based on the extended conversations going on about those kind of points.
We are very much separated. For many reasons. In this case you have many people who need to get back to work as society which said shelter in place, didn't give them the economic help. If the government would have immediately passed a basic minimum wage of 2000 per person, people wouldn't have felt the need to demand to get rid of the social distancing. If leaders would've come out and said hey< social distancing simply means to keep 6 feet between you and wear a mask, while not touching your face and washing your hands we wouldn't be where we are at. If the government would've quickly worked and given guidance to businesses on how to safely conduct manufacturing and trade without creating a hysteria, once again we woulds't be where we are at. But no, we had to do what we did which was show an epic failure of leadership, of providing for our country's greatest asset (our people) and mismanaging testing, PPE, everything every step of the way. Yes, there is more than enough fault to go around, from local to federal to international level. But, our biggest problem is still the absolute mismanagement and twitter taunting by the orange one. lets take a simmering pot and crank up the heat. And when we hit many many thousands of dead a day this summer, this country better damn well hold the leadership accountable.
Things are going to be off the chain in about two weeks. June/July see going to make March look like a picnic. I'm going to go ahead and say we'll be looking at 200-250k dead by August
I wonder at what point we go back to taking this seriously? 500k dead? 3rd wave / lockdown? Never?
Things are going to be off the chain in about two weeks. June/July see going to make March look like a picnic. I'm going to go ahead and say we'll be looking at 200-250k dead by August
I actually think that is best case scenario. My fear is we will be able to get through the summer with a very slow but steady increase in cases which will give everyone a false sense of security heading into fall when the real meltdown happens.
I actually think that is best case scenario. My fear is we will be able to get through the summer with a very slow but steady increase in cases which will give everyone a false sense of security heading into fall when the real meltdown happens.
I am somewhat fearful what this winter will bring. Paranoia will certainly be one.
I am somewhat fearful what this winter will bring. Paranoia will certainly be one.
Nah, we'll be in full blown catastrophic outbreak by then. Unless the virus radically mutates, a significant treatment or vaccine happens the virus is going to keep doing what it does, the only thing can change the way the virus moves is people. If it made it through Brazil's summer then its making it through the US summer.

It is common sense. The only difference between October and January is we will be starting with hundreds of thousands of cases instead of 1.

To think any other way is just illogical and delusional. Covid doesn't care if we are tired of it.
So i just saw on ‘breaking news’ that Pence has decided (or someone has decided for him) to self-quarantine for a couple weeks since his staffer tested positive.. My question is this, and I’m asking in a purely non-political sense, becuase i have honestly forgotten some of the basics of how government works.. My question: If Pence and Trump both drop dead- who takes over as POTUS? I think it’s either McConnell or Pelosi, but not sure.. Depending on which of those it is, the reaction to Covid could obviously look very different.
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So i just saw on ‘breaking news’ that Pence has decided (or someone has decided for him) to self-quarantine for a couple weeks since his staffer tested positive.. My question is this, and I’m asking in pure non-political sense, becuase i have honestly forgotten some of the basics of how government works.. My question: If Pence and Trump both drop dead- who takes over as POTUS? I think it’s either McConnell or Pelosi, but not sure.. Depending on which of those it is, the reaction to Covid could obviously look very different.

So i just saw on ‘breaking news’ that Pence has decided (or someone has decided for him) to self-quarantine for a couple weeks since his staffer tested positive.. My question is this, and I’m asking in pure non-political sense, becuase i have honestly forgotten some of the basics of how government works.. My question: If Pence and Trump both drop dead- who takes over as POTUS? I think it’s either McConnell or Pelosi, but not sure.. Depending on which of those it is, the reaction to Covid could obviously look very different.

Speaker of the house is next in line.
Speaker of the house is next in line.
It does make one think as everyone involved in the next presidential race is older than dirt, speaker of the House isn’t young and the president pro temp of the senate was born in 33. So it is concerning to think what could happen to the nation this fall if this stuff gets out of control.
It does make one think as everyone involved in the next presidential race is older than dirt, speaker of the House isn’t young and the president pro temp of the senate was born in 33. So it is concerning to think what could happen to the nation this fall if this stuff gets out of control.

It could get pretty far down the line if all of them end up catching it.
Humanity, bruh. People sicken me.
It's a good reminder to me to stay away. Every once in a while I start missing people. I go out and quickly decide that it isn't worth it.
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