My mom while not hoarder level certainly keeps a mountain of stuff. Magazines, nothing special type, from 7-8 years old. The 50 years plus of National Geographic. Check carbons and canceled checks from 1989. It’s insane to me. I guess that’s why I have so little around. It’s a rebellion against my mom.
I told her when she passes away I’m just going to light the house on fire because I’m not cleaning it out. But then she talks about how the encyclopedia set downstairs from 1956, yes, 1956 is worth a good amount of money. Ok mom. Sure.
I told her when she passes away I’m just going to light the house on fire because I’m not cleaning it out. But then she talks about how the encyclopedia set downstairs from 1956, yes, 1956 is worth a good amount of money. Ok mom. Sure.