Boo Boo Bear
Don't count on tickets to the Red Sox series, or the Yankees either. Both had lotteries for the right to buy tickets, and I'm sure they'll be all gone. I'm an Astros fan because when I moved here I decided to pull for the home team. And they are such an easy team to pull for; they're really good guys (and Mike, I miss Luke Scott of my favorites, who took the time to get out of his car and sign a ball for Collin...). But the team I first started watching, when I took the time to stop hating baseball and learn about it instead, was the Yankees. We lived in NJ and got the MSG network (before YES network was born), so we saw all Yankees games (didn't have the channel to see the Mets, so too bad for them). Since they were the first team I pulled for, and the team that got me interested in baseball, I'll always pull for them. Funny, one reason I started pulling for them was because of Andy Pettitte...he seemed like such a good guy, it was easy to pull for him. He came to Houston the same year we did, so of course it made the transition to Astros fan an easy one for me. But I will say that I am an Astros fan first now.
Sure wish I could get tickets to one of those Yankees/Astros games....:grumpy:
Mike, I agree...Pence will be a star one day. He's certainly on the way.
And let's definitely plan some Hou-Dat Saints days at Minute Maid. I can't wait for baseball season to start, either!
To those of you lucky enough to get to a game at Yankee Stadium this year...I'm insanely jealous. Going to that ballpark is almost a religious experience. I'm still ticked that they're building a new stadium instead.
Even though it's still a worthy stadium and not many people seem to complain about it, it needs to be replaced IMO. Heck, even Tropicana or whatever it's called this week, has advances that makes Yankee Stadium seem ancient. The aura of going to one of the oldest ballparks in the country is still a big seller. That's why I HAVE to get to Wrigley and Fenway before they go bye bye too.
BTW, I have been watching Pence and Everett too, and they have what it takes. I know that Tejada will put people in the seats, but Everett is a dang good SS. Sorry, though, I just don't see Houston cracking the top of the Central. When they made the WS a few years ago, I was so happy for them. As a kid, I was a pitcher and I LOVED Ryan and Scott and I loved Cruz and that high leg kick in the box. The Killer Bees have all my respect too. Biggio is the epitome of baseball and Bagwell was just one heckuva a ballplayer too. To play with that pain for so long is admirable even though his stats fell off during that time.