Movies from when we were kids

When I was in the 1st or 2nd grade, our class took a field trip to see The Fiendish Plot of Dr Fu Manchu…. I‘m not sure what the school was thinking; maybe becuase it was a Peter Sellers movie and he’d done the Pink Panther films, that it’d be good for kids(?) Spoiler alert: It was not…. Also, as i found out when i just looked it up, it was the last movie Peter Sellers ever made…. So I remember the movie being unwatchable, but even worse was that they took us to Shoney’s before the movie , and i had the worst hamburger i ever had in my life.. granted, i was an even pickier eater at age 6 or 7 than i am now, but i just remember that it was disgusting.
The only reason I went to Shoneys was for the breakfast bar after a night of drinking :)
The only reason I went to Shoneys was for the breakfast bar after a night of drinking :)

Interestingly, the Shoney’s we went to was on the south side of Veterans.. but in more recent years, ie the late 90s, Shoney’s was definitely on the north side of Vets, near Bonnabel.. were there more than one ? If so, does anyone remember where the one on the south side was, ie nearer to Clearview, or Causeway, or whatever ?
Interestingly, the Shoney’s we went to was on the south side of Veterans.. but in more recent years, ie the late 90s, Shoney’s was definitely on the north side of Vets, near Bonnabel.. were there more than one ? If so, does anyone remember where the one on the south side was, ie nearer to Clearview, or Causeway, or whatever ?
I've only ate at 4. 3 were on the Ms. coast. The other was on Gause Blvd in Slidell.
Interestingly, the Shoney’s we went to was on the south side of Veterans.. but in more recent years, ie the late 90s, Shoney’s was definitely on the north side of Vets, near Bonnabel.. were there more than one ? If so, does anyone remember where the one on the south side was, ie nearer to Clearview, or Causeway, or whatever ?
Clearview at I-10 Service Rd (just inside the curve). Ain’t there no more.
A lotta Disney stuff for me which at this point is cliche. Hook was also a very formative movie. I didn't watch it til a few years after when my grandma got me the VHS for my birthday and I watched it enough that it had tracking marks at certain parts. Oddly enough Dick Tracy was a big one for me. I mean I was still, like, a baby when I liked it. My 3rd birthday was Dick Tracy themed.
A lotta Disney stuff for me which at this point is cliche. Hook was also a very formative movie. I didn't watch it til a few years after when my grandma got me the VHS for my birthday and I watched it enough that it had tracking marks at certain parts. Oddly enough Dick Tracy was a big one for me. I mean I was still, like, a baby when I liked it. My 3rd birthday was Dick Tracy themed.
Don’t hear about Dick Tracy much

I was at Disney World the summer it was released they gave it a huge push at the parks
I remember liking Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend and Space Camp
i sold those big laserdisc machines at sound trek, ours made by pioneer :)

demo we used was the electric horseman, which i can no longer watch after ~2.7 million viewings
i sold those big laserdisc machines at sound trek, ours made by pioneer :)

demo we used was the electric horseman, which i can no longer watch after ~2.7 million viewings

Sound Trek, wow hadnt thought of that place in a while.. Where was that located? On Veterans like everything else? i used to love this electronics place in Elmwood called Silo, does anyone else remember that? They had some cool stuff.. i bought the Panasonic boom box there on which i wore out my cassette tape of Thriller, if that gives yall an idea how long ago that was.

In re to the repeated viewing, i worked at a second run, dollar movie theater summer between HS and college, and we showed three movies all summer long: Home Alone and Sleeping with the Enemy, neither one of which I’d ever want to sit through again.. the third was Dances w/ Wolves, which i wouldnt watch again just on principle, since it robbed Goodfellas of it’s well deserved Oscar.

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