Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts (1 Viewer)

The amount of “punk” “slant man” “quit on us” being said about Mike is so sad to see. Man gave his all for our organization.

Ruined his health coming back early to try to help Drew get a ring, never stopped grinding his way back from injury.

I don’t like how it ended with Mike but the disrespect is crazy to me. One of my all time favorite saints without question. Hope he goes and drops 1300 yards next year.

Edit: and the saints were not fools for giving him his contract, year one of the deal he won offensive player of the year. He can’t help he got injured.
Yeah I've always disliked him being called slant boy. He's always been referred to as that by my friends who aren't Saints fans. That's pretty much how he's viewed around the league, outside of us Saints fans. He was more than that to me.
Yeah I've always disliked him being called slant boy. He's always been referred to as that by my friends who aren't Saints fans. That's pretty much how he's viewed around the league, outside of us Saints fans. He was more than that to me.
Also have to take into account that he didn’t necessarily take up for Drew after the whole debacle during Covid and his controversial comments about standing for the National Anthem. I’m not blaming him for Drew retiring. It looks like his shoulder dictated that more than anything. However, how bad must it feel to have your recipient of hard work and prep say that “they forgive you” for speaking your mind. Yet, they do it every time slighted. He could have easily been a leader in this situation but he chose to be a follower. Turning point in both careers at least in my opinion.
You know Jeff personally?
There is a difference in being a journalist and being a mouthpiece for an organization when said organization is basically telling you to write certain things. He's a little weasel and a bunch of other stuff that would get me banned for saying it. Never liked the dude, even the post about culture I made, dude was pretty much given that from the top brass in the organization. He's a spineless little wimp.

That being said, Thomas overstayed his welcome by at least a year and I'm glad all parties can finally move on.
Think of it like this.

Drew: I don’t agree with leauge policy that it’s ok for players to kneel if you disagree with the words of the national anthem. My grandfather fought in WW2 and think they deserve that honor and respect.

Media: Woah Drew Brees wants to be crazy and buck the newest woke trend

Mike Thomas: I forgive him even though i disagree with him with no context

Years going forward…Drew retires and MT doesn’t do much to even warrant a million dollar contract.
Yeah I've always disliked him being called slant boy. He's always been referred to as that by my friends who aren't Saints fans. That's pretty much how he's viewed around the league, outside of us Saints fans. He was more than that to me.

Same. Most non Saints fan don't view him as one of the best, they just view him as slant boy.
Thomas was special and can still be a serviceable WR who is occasionally dominant.

Unfortunately, injuries have claimed so much of his edge and his competitive fire mixed with his obvious frustration at his decline has revealed his tremendous immaturity over the past few years.

I’m saddened to think that his significant injury issues began because he was severely injured blocking downfield in a series he shouldn’t have been in the game.
Not sure he is the best in Saints history but he did have the best 1 season in Saints histroy and one of the best in NFL 1 season in histroy. He did however get a fat payday and then sheet the bed ....
I see this throughout the social media echo chamber and as much as I dislike Michael Thomas the person for different reasons, this narrative is complete ignorance.

The dude got paid and went on to break an ALL TIME NFL record the FOLLOWING season.

He did not, as you wrongly stated, get paid and sheet the bed.

He got paid, then broke an NFL record, then got injured on a meaningless play, in the first game of the 2nd season under that contract, where we were running up the score on Tampa late in the 4th quarter and he got rolled up on.

That injury was grossly mismanaged, and who is responsible for the mismanagement is a finger pointing exercise, which Micheal Thomas is famous for.

Is he immature and lacking of personal accountability? Yes.

Is he a quitter? No.

Stop believing memes, pay attention, and think for yourself before you go slandering people.
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this is on the Saints leadership for using Duncan as a mouthpiece and speaking ill of Mike t. Duncan should have had a different header like “Saints plan to let go of one of their greats”

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