Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts (1 Viewer)

Fights in practice are incredibly common and completely different than the above.

He also was forced to sit a game for that.

It wasn't in practice, it was a cheap shot from the back after practice. You are correct, he was suspended, but you are trying to make a point that Payton didn't put up with that stuff, but he did let MT get away with some antics. Now others were shipped out of town because they weren't on the same production level as MT.

It's going to be a bittersweet day with MT is officially not a Saint anymore, but it will be a lot more sweet so this team can move forward. Some fans will be butt hurt, but they can still follow him on X for entertainment.
It wasn't in practice, it was a cheap shot from the back after practice. You are correct, he was suspended, but you are trying to make a point that Payton didn't put up with that stuff, but he did let MT get away with some antics. Now others were shipped out of town because they weren't on the same production level as MT.

It's going to be a bittersweet day with MT is officially not a Saint anymore, but it will be a lot more sweet so this team can move forward. Some fans will be butt hurt, but they can still follow him on X for entertainment.
Can you link a report stating that it was a cheap shot after practice? Everything i've read states during practice. I cannot find a single article saying it was a "cheap shot after practice".
Is it taboo to say that a dead man is dead?

Is it a shot when a teammate says it, but analysis when a reporter/talking head says it?
Absolutely. Imagine Marques Colston or Reggie Bush saying that about Drew after that playoff loss if it was during their Saints tenures. It’s unfathomable. They were the epitome of professionalism and leading by example. The 125-1405 and 149-1705 seasons doesn’t change that MT is a trash teammate just towards the QB when things aren’t going ok.
Absolutely. Imagine Marques Colston or Reggie Bush saying that about Drew after that playoff loss if it was during their Saints tenures. It’s unfathomable. They were the epitome of professionalism and leading by example. The 125-1405 and 149-1705 seasons still doesn’t change that MT is a trash teammate just towards the QB when things aren’t going ok.
Are you not asked to provide feedback or reviews for your coworkers?

Can I imagine Reggie or Marques saying it? No. Could I imagine Joe Horn? Sure.
Are you not asked to provide feedback or reviews for your coworkers?
It’s not ok to critique your coworkers in public. Never ok to publicly criticize your QB, any teammate, any coworker after an important playoff loss or at any point. Especially one that’s as respected as Brees and has done a lot for Thomas’ career during his productive seasons. It’s no defense for it. It’s childish and classless. We never see that behavior from our team captains. They understand what accountability is.
It’s not ok to critique your coworkers in public. Never ok to publicly criticize your QB, any teammate, any coworker after an important playoff loss or at any point. Especially one that’s as respected as Brees and has done a lot for Thomas’ career during his productive seasons. It’s no defense for it. It’s childish and classless. We mever see that behavior from our team captains. They understand what accountability is.
Is a quarterback above criticism (HOF or not)?

Did Carr not call out his receivers this season (which caused MT to come to their defense)? So can a quarterback go after teammates, but others can’t go after them? What are the rules to this game?

I’m thankful for what MT did for the Saints while he was here, and I hate the current direction of this team, so I appreciate him shining a light on this dumpster fire on his way out.
Is a quarterback above criticism (HOF or not)?

Did Carr not call out his receivers this season (which caused MT to come to their defense)? So can a quarterback go after teammates, but others can’t go after them? What are the rules to this game?

I’m thankful for what MT did for the Saints while he was here, and I hate the current direction of this team, so I appreciate him shining a light on this dumpster fire on his way out.
Is it ok to publicly criticize the capability of your QB or organization to the public, after a playoff loss, during active personnel transition? Any reasonable, respectful person wouldn’t embarrass their QB, team or company to the public. Repeatedly. 5 times towards Brees, Carr and the FO.

Keep criticism within the organization’s building. Michael Thomas didn’t know how or refused to do so like any decent teammate. Thomas is the only player on the team, and apparently people who defend his unprofessionalism and teamkilling to death, who thinks it’s ok to publicly shat on the team because he had 1700 yard, 100+ reception years (with a HOF QB). We seen McCoy and Carr have a spat on the field but neither threw each other under the bus to the media postgame. Carr immediately took accountability for yelling at his WR on the field. Thomas never has for how his words affects the team. No one who’s team first, values team success and team chemistry behaves the way he does towards the team online.

He forced his way out because the writing’s on the wall that two younger WRs are more talented, valuable and reliable at this stage of all 3 of their careers. It doesn’t take Thomas throwing the team under the bus for even the team to know that team improvements needed to be made which was already planned and put in motion. Saints hired a very good OC while Thomas told the public that the Saints couldn’t as he criticized the team’s OC search like an outsider. Saints will move forward with a great young WR core and continue making improvements from behind closed doors. For the remainder of Thomas’ career, future suitors will likely offer incentive laden deals for Thomas to be a complimentary WR who will blow up at his QB and FO on twitter when his new teams start losing games and not throwing him the ball.
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Is it wrong to say your quarterback can’t throw deep when everyone from the opponent to your own fan base are saying it? What he said wasn’t opinion, it was in fact the truth. So does him saying it make it any worse?

So once again, is it taboo to say that a dead man is dead?
Is it wrong to say your quarterback can’t throw deep when everyone from the opponent to your own fan base are saying it? What he said wasn’t opinion, it was in fact the truth. So him saying it doesn’t make it any worse.

So once again, is it taboo to say that a dead man is dead?
It’s wrong to publicly let everyone know your QB can’t throw deep after your team just lost a playoff game that was the last of the QB’s career. It doesn’t benefit anyone involved to put that in the public. It’s scapegoating and reflects a guilty conscience of one not doing enough themselves. Don’t want anyone to blame him so he blames the QB.

It’s very easy to say “We couldn’t get the job done. We didn’t execute plays the way we wanted to.” Or “we could have focused on certain plays better.”

Rather than publicly point out a teammate’s limitation after you just lost an important game
It’s wrong to publicly let everyone know your QB can’t throw deep after your team just lost a playoff game that was the last of the QB’s career. It doesn’t benefit anyone involved.

It’s very easy to say “We couldn’t get the job done. We didn’t execute plays the way we wanted to.” Or even we could have focused on certain plays better

Rather than publicly point out a teammate’s limitation after you just lost
Because everyone already knows it, and is saying it, a teammate can’t breakdown why a route would or wouldn’t work here?

That said, I wonder when we will see our next 125-1405 and 149-1705 seasons? Next year? The year after? It’s probably right around the corner.
Because everyone already knows it, and is saying it, a teammate can’t breakdown why a route would or wouldn’t work here?
Why is the teammate telling the public that his QB can’t throw deep after the playoff loss? What is the public suppose to do about the team’s top WR at the time telling the public that his QB can’t do certain plays. No one is benefitting from that in the public but dramatic media outlets and people who love to see them at their worst.

Break it down in the film room with his team. Tell the coach and next QB (in ‘21) what should’ve been done and should be done going forward on those routes.

Sean Payton was his HC and top offensive play designer at the time. Thats supposed to be expressed to Payton not the public. It shows extremely poor awareness skills at best. Its scapegoating and poor leadership from Thomas in general.
I am fine with saying that a dead man is dead. Everyone knows it, so what’s the point of tiptoeing around it?

I don’t think anyone is paying or expecting Michael Thomas to be a press secretary, giving a polished message that is both insightful and political. He is going to be raw with his messaging, and he’s going to speak his mind. People appreciate that communication rather than the normal prepackaged message that isn’t going to give you any insight into the team, or how things are on the other side of the door.

I will miss that.

He was a fine receiver, and it’s unfortunate that it is coming to an end like this.

I’m sure that once MT is officially off the team things will rebound, and every week we will perform like we did those final two weeks of this past year. Right?

At the very least at least Jeff Duncan knows where he stands.
Absolutely. Imagine Marques Colston or Reggie Bush saying that about Drew after that playoff loss if it was during their Saints tenures. It’s unfathomable. They were the epitome of professionalism and leading by example. The 125-1405 and 149-1705 seasons doesn’t change that MT is a trash teammate just towards the QB when things aren’t going ok.

Said this in another thread, but I have it on pretty good authority that MT is one of the biggest jerks you’ll ever meet in real life. He may do charitable stuff here and there, but he treats people very poorly, and has made a lot of enemies within Saints headquarters, especially after getting paid. His Twitter persona is really reflective of that as well.

The fact he doesn’t have teammates either past or present sticking up for him or throwing him fairwells, making appreciation posts, defending him on social media etc. tells you all you need to know.

This is a Saints legend leaving, and none of his teammates seem to have a desire to show that they care one bit, at least none that I’ve seen.

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