Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead (2 Viewers)

I have two girls, they're finishing first and third grade next week. We're still in the routine, we get up and get ready for school. We have breakfast and make sure they have their completed homework in their backpacks and anything on the schedule for that day in school. Every school morning is both ordinary/mundane and exciting at the same time. My wife and I want to encourage them to have a good day. We want to equip them with what they need to be healthy, happy, and engaged that day - to make the most of it.

Those families of those children started today off that same way. They had cereal and toast or whatever, they talked about homework and being excited for finishing this school year. They got on the bus or got dropped off . . . just like mine did. But they didn't come home and those families are shattered because their children were violently murdered by an 18 year old with a gun in their elementary school who killed kids for no other reason than insanity. It's so forking heart-breaking I can't stand it.

But we must not forget about the children (and adults) that survived and particularly, those who actually witnessed their little friends/students who got shot. What these poor children, along with their moms/dads will now have to overcome and deal with, is beyond any of what we can imagine. Many, if not most, of the children that witnessed their friends being shot and killed, will forever be afraid to go back to school and or go back out into public places. This Is going to be another major mental health problem, no one has mentioned on the news.

I have a real personal life experience, when I was a teenager, where myself and another family member, came upon another family member who was murdered just a few minutes prior to our finding our beloved family member. I was in my early teens. I will never forget the scene of all of the blood and seeing our family member’s body laying on the ground. He was tied and bound, stabbed and slashed to death. He was mutilated! I have moments EVERY single day, where it flashes into my thinking. It never goes away. NEVER! It is etched in my brain. I had to go thru mental evaluations and had to be counseled for about a year afterwards. Needless to say, I became a hermit/social recluse for about a year after. No one knows the torment another person has, from having actually witnessed a tragic and life changing event, or seeing the aftermath of such a horrific and tragic event, as I did! I know what these surviving children and adults will be going thru. My parents were very concerned for my well being. I wanted them not to worry about me. But that was impossible.😢☹️
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Did the evil person have mental health problems?
I gotta tell you . . . right now, I really don't care. He may have had mental health issues, but, in my mind, it does not excuse what he did.

I know the discussion of mental health is crucial to issues like this. And I know something has to be done. I just can't stop thinking about those kids. And their moms and dads.
Wonder what his check from the lobby looked like for that tweet?
Not relevant at this moment. We ALL need to quit with political thing and move beyond it to resolve the issue at hand. Grandstanding is unacceptable; Democrats and Republicans, alike are to blame. Where is the plan? Where is the funding? We give billions of dollars away to foreign countries, but at the same time, we have ZERO plan on the table to implement and to fund. Why? Because politicians do not like to address the TOUGH problems. They enjoy the easy route of approving money to give away to foreign countries, like it is giving bottled water away.
Not relevant at this moment. We ALL need to quit with political thing and move beyond it to resolve the issue at hand. Grandstanding is unacceptable; Democrats and Republicans, alike are to blame. Where is the plan? Where is the funding? We give billions of dollars away to foreign countries, but at the same time, we have ZERO plan on the table to implement and to fund. Why? Because politicians do not like to address the TOUGH problems. They enjoy the easy route of approving money to give away to foreign countries, like it is giving bottled water away.
It's not like the money we just sent to Ukraine is at the expense of saving kids from being killed in school.

It's like you said, they don't want to try and solve hard problems, because the solutions aren't fast and don't usually work out the way we wanted. When you have to run for reelection every 2 years, it encourages quick fixes and avoiding issues that can't be fixed quick.

The "political thing" is actually the first problem that we need to fix, because it is the thing standing in the way of addressing the hard problems.
It's not like the money we just sent to Ukraine is at the expense of saving kids from being killed in school.

It's like you said, they don't want to try and solve hard problems, because the solutions aren't fast and don't usually work out the way we wanted. When you have to run for reelection every 2 years, it encourages quick fixes and avoiding issues that can't be fixed quick.

The "political thing" is actually the first problem that we need to fix, because it is the thing standing in the way of addressing the hard problems.
If this post is getting "too" political, I fully support it's deletion . . .

I completely agree with this. Money isn't the issue. The politicians (all of them) are interested in re-election. And there is just too much "my way or the highway" mentality which appeases their base voter demographic, which is what is going to get them re-elected. Nobody wants to negotiate or compromise. And that is not going to change until people start electing moderates.

Someone earlier said it doesn't have to be perfect, just some kind of progress.
You are not going to change the 2nd amendment; PERIOD, end of story.

This is the reason things like Uvalde won’t stop….in my opinion. Not saying you in particular have this view, but I think most Americans are against any drastic changes to the 2nd amendment. And as such, this land of gun culture simply won’t change. The math doesn’t work out. A hard reality we must consider…
Here we go. Make light of a problem. What a joke.
I am very, very serious. I want to see change and the best way to get it is to scare the :poop: out of those that oppose change. I have also considered starting a monthly gun buying spree where groups of people go out and buy guns wearing Black Panther attire or a BLM shirt.
I am very, very serious. I want to see change and the best way to get it is to scare the :poop: out of those that oppose change. I have also considered starting a monthly gun buying spree where groups of people go out and buy guns wearing Black Panther attire or a BLM shirt.

I get the sentiment, but in reality what that will lead to is not gun control, but people scared of BLM/Black Panthers to start buying more guns and organizing and so on. Without great leadership, people tend to escalate in the face of threats, not de-escalate.
This is the reason things like Uvalde won’t stop….in my opinion. Not saying you in particular have this view, but I think most Americans are against any drastic changes to the 2nd amendment. And as such, this land of gun culture simply won’t change. The math doesn’t work out. A hard reality we must consider…

Most Americans are of the belief that the constitution is written in stone, a permanent and unchanging effigy to the "greatness" of the founding fathers. The irony is that the entire point was for the constitution to be a living, breathing document, changing as our society grows.

It's well past time for Americans to grow up. This doesn't happen in other countries. I don't care how much "authoritarianism" you think you see or how many guns you think you need, an armed American populace isn't going to stand up to the US military or any military for that matter. The "well regulated" part of the second amendment has gone completely ignored for decades now. The experiment with more guns has failed spectacularly.
Motive method opportunity. take any one of those away and it's system fails no go not happenin. This game is so stale,right says motive, left says method. no one ever thinks of taking away the last one,turning things into walled off forts.
I get the sentiment, but in reality what that will lead to is not gun control, but people scared of BLM/Black Panthers to start buying more guns and organizing and so on. Without great leadership, people tend to escalate in the face of threats, not de-escalate.

Then let them escalate. They can put their money where their mouth is, or in this case their precious AR-15.

But you're wrong. It literally does lead to more gun control:

I get the sentiment, but in reality what that will lead to is not gun control, but people scared of BLM/Black Panthers to start buying more guns and organizing and so on. Without great leadership, people tend to escalate in the face of threats, not de-escalate.
Those people are buying guns anyway, my plan is to motivate the lawmakers and lobbyist.

On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. He shot the president with an Italian military surplus rifle purchased from a NRA mail-order advertisement. NRA Executive Vice-President Franklin Orth agreed at a congressional hearing that mail-order sales should be banned stating, “We do think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.” The NRA also supported California’s Mulford Act of 1967, which had banned carrying loaded weapons in public in response to the Black Panther Party’s impromptu march on the State Capitol to protest gun control legislation on May 2, 1967.
The summer riots of 1967 and assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 prompted Congress to reenact a version of the FDR-era gun control laws as the Gun Control Act of 1968. The act updated the law to include minimum age and serial number requirements, and extended the gun ban to include the mentally ill and drug addicts. In addition, it restricted the shipping of guns across state lines to collectors and federally licensed dealers and certain types of bullets could only be purchased with a show of ID. The NRA, however, blocked the most stringent part of the legislation, which mandated a national registry of all guns and a license for all gun carriers. In an interview in American Rifleman, Franklin Orth stated that despite portions of the law appearing “unduly restrictive, the measure as a whole appears to be one that the sportsmen of America can live with.”

Right now there is a bill in congress that mainly addresses background check and there are 51 Senators holding up progress. They need extra motivation.


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