Spoiler Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War (1 Viewer)

Awesome movie!!, I've already seen it twice and will probably see it at least once more - I was curious how they would adapt it from the comics

Some Random thoughts:

Wakanda's force field can stop a gigantic spaceship crashing into it but some of the aliens are able to push their way through? what's up with that??

Slow blade penetrates the shield, maybe.

I don't think Strange wanted to change the outcome. He said what happened is the only way.

Its unfortunate AoS is probably ending this season because if my theory is correct next season could have been really fun.

I believe Thanos wiped the people who dusted from existence and Avengers 4 will largely be a What If world where those people never existed. What effect would that have on SHIELD? If Nick Fury never existed SHIELD is a much different place.

AoS could have run an entire season in that What If world leading into Avengers 4. There could have been little hints something isn't right, maybe even introduce a character that knows the truth. It could have been glorious (if I'm right, and I'm 97% sure I am).

Thanos said that they would cease to exist, I'm not sure that means they never existed.
Thanos said that they would cease to exist, I'm not sure that means they never existed.

When he stabbed Tony Stark he said "You've earned my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. I hope they remember you."

Based on that statement and some of the Avengers 4 set photos I think we are going to see a world where the people that dusted never existed. I went in depth into the theory earlier in the thread.
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When he stabbed Tony Stark he said "When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. I hope they remember you."

Based on that statement and some of the Avengers 4 set photos I think we are going to see a world where the people that dusted never existed. I went in depth into the theory earlier in the thread.

I must have missed your earlier post on it but I'll go back and red it so I can properly disagree with you.
I must have missed your earlier post on it but I'll go back and red it so I can properly disagree with you.


It's pretty simple. That quote plus the Avengers 4 set photos that show Stark in a SHIELD outfit during the Battle of New York and other scenes from around that time slightly changed. I also have a theory that some of the scenes in the trailer that weren't in the movie like Hulk at the Wakanda battle are actually from Avengers 4.

My theory is that Antman is not affected by everyone being erased. My guess is he's in the quantum realm when Thanos does the finger snap. The early part of Avengers 4 is Antman trying to convince the Avengers of what happened.

Obviously, it's just all speculation, but it's damn good speculation. ;)

It's pretty simple. That quote plus the Avengers 4 set photos that show Stark in a SHIELD outfit during the Battle of New York and other scenes from around that time slightly changed. I also have a theory that some of the scenes in the trailer that weren't in the movie like Hulk at the Wakanda battle are actually from Avengers 4.

My theory is that Antman is not affected by everyone being erased. My guess is he's in the quantum realm when Thanos does the finger snap. The early part of Avengers 4 is Antman trying to convince the Avengers of what happened.

Obviously, it's just all speculation, but it's damn good speculation. ;)

No doubt it will be interesting to see where they go with this. Maybe Victoria Principal will wake up and all the dead heroes will be in the shower. Anyway, time to focus on Deadpool now.
My theory is that Dr. Strange has a plan and that everything that happened in the end of this movie is part of the lone winning scenario he saw when he looked into the future. Which is why he said that giving up the Time Stone was the only way.

Or maybe he just considers what happened a "win" compared to the other outcomes he saw. Who knows.

Either way, I think we can all agree that Thanos is the real hero in the movie.

It's pretty simple. That quote plus the Avengers 4 set photos that show Stark in a SHIELD outfit during the Battle of New York and other scenes from around that time slightly changed. I also have a theory that some of the scenes in the trailer that weren't in the movie like Hulk at the Wakanda battle are actually from Avengers 4.

My theory is that Antman is not affected by everyone being erased. My guess is he's in the quantum realm when Thanos does the finger snap. The early part of Avengers 4 is Antman trying to convince the Avengers of what happened.

Obviously, it's just all speculation, but it's damn good speculation. ;)

So I was digging your theory so I went and found the shot from the trailers with Hulk in it but it doesn't mesh with your theory. Yes, Hulk is there, but so is Winter Soldier as well as Black Panther who were both 'erased' at the snap. So your theory doesn't make sense as they wouldn't be in wakanda as they never existed. Just my thoughts.....

I dunno, I think the Hulk being in there is just to throw people off from what happens in the actual movie. It's interesting they'd do that.
Well apparently we should be just as upset at Thor as we are in Star Lord. He purposefully didn't go for the head shot so that he could tell Thanos that he got his revenge. Had he gone for the head shot the snap wouldn't have happened.
Or just cut his hand off...
I dunno, I think the Hulk being in there is just to throw people off from what happens in the actual movie. It's interesting they'd do that.

Remember, they did the same with Thor: Ragnarok. They didn't use any of his Lightning CGI in the trailers. They didn't want to give a plot point away.

Actually, I commend Marvel for doing that. We often complain that the Trailers give us too much. Nice of them to throw us off a little.

So I was digging your theory so I went and found the shot from the trailers with Hulk in it but it doesn't mesh with your theory. Yes, Hulk is there, but so is Winter Soldier as well as Black Panther who were both 'erased' at the snap. So your theory doesn't make sense as they wouldn't be in wakanda as they never existed. Just my thoughts.....


Still consistent with my theory that they manage to find a way to do a do-over of the battle of Wakanda. Somehow (I have no idea how) they end up before the finger snap and get another chance to prevent it.

But let's be honest, I'm probably soooo wrong. Not one theory I had about IW was right. :LOL:

Still consistent with my theory that they manage to find a way to do a do-over of the battle of Wakanda. Somehow (I have no idea how) they end up before the finger snap and get another chance to prevent it.

But let's be honest, I'm probably soooo wrong. Not one theory I had about IW was right. :LOL:

O.k. I see what you are saying now. You are saying they go back to the past before the snap and then they kind of redo the battle of wakanda over again but with slight variations. It could be possible. I don't see that happening but it is possible.

It makes me a little nervous or I guess unsure about doing the time travel stuff. Once you start messing with time and timelines in movies and especially when someone goes to the past many many plot holes and consistency issues start popping up. And if they are going to alter the past then all kinds of problems could happen.

I like the MCU because of how consistent they have been in the stories and the long term plan they have laid out. I don't want them to go down the rabbit hole per se and lose the good storytelling. MHO though.

But I do like your theory as it is original and pretty inventive.
I noticed that Doctor Strange and Wong are missing from the IMDB page for Avengers 4???

Remember, they did the same with Thor: Ragnarok. They didn't use any of his Lightning CGI in the trailers. They didn't want to give a plot point away.

Actually, I commend Marvel for doing that. We often complain that the Trailers give us too much. Nice of them to throw us off a little.

They also altered the gauntlet in the trailer. When Captain America is holding off Thanos' hand in the trailer the gauntlet only has 2 stones in it. In the movie he has 5. Plus when Thor held open the forge in the trailer he doesn't have his new eye, movie he does.

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