99% Practice; 1% Theory
I always find it amusing to see so many LA people on this board bash Texas as if Louisiana is so much better. Y’all know I am not generally one to defend my home state but it is annoying to hear this crap all the time.
Louisiana has terrible education, infrastructure, economy, healthcare, humidity, toothless rednecks, crime… I could go on.
Texas is a big state. The climate, terrain and people are pretty different in every region and also different in rural vs. city and if it weren’t for gerrymandering and over half the registered voters not bothering to vote, it would likely be a blue state.
Houston alone has a very prestigious medical center, major sports leagues, one of the most diverse cities in the country where you can also find cuisines from all over the globe, a highly rated museum district and Nasa. People hate on Houston so much but I love it. It’s so diverse and has so much to offer but then again, I am a big city type of person.
Both states have an obsession with guns, big pickups, huntin’ & fishin’ along with atrocious politicians, obesity, country music and undesirable summer weather.
When I go home all I hear is people there bash California. Then they come visit and are like “oh wow. It’s so beautiful, the Mexican food here is so delicious, the weather is incredible, the beaches aren’t muddy & disgusting, etc but it’s expensive & too many liberals”.
No place is perfect. Here, I get asked all the time if I miss home. I do miss some things. My family, the hill country, quality BBQ, rainstorms, lush green landscape, southern hospitality - you know people just giving the head nod or saying hello simply bc you’re passing each other on the sidewalk without getting looks of confusion or ignored altogether. I miss the cost of living in Texas.
I don’t miss Texas politics, summer heat that lasts 7 months long or hillbillies.
I don’t know many other Texans here in Cali but I know a lot of ppl from Louisiana due to my Saints fandom and so many of them that I meet are so country and have some of the worst dental hygiene I’ve ever met along with not being very intelligent - but - they are some of the nicest & most hospitable people I’ve met out here. It’s the closest to ‘people from back home’ I’ll get out here. Maybe bc Houston is east Texas & more similar to Louisiana than someone from Dallas or Amarillo. I dunno.
Louisiana has terrible education, infrastructure, economy, healthcare, humidity, toothless rednecks, crime… I could go on.
Texas is a big state. The climate, terrain and people are pretty different in every region and also different in rural vs. city and if it weren’t for gerrymandering and over half the registered voters not bothering to vote, it would likely be a blue state.
Houston alone has a very prestigious medical center, major sports leagues, one of the most diverse cities in the country where you can also find cuisines from all over the globe, a highly rated museum district and Nasa. People hate on Houston so much but I love it. It’s so diverse and has so much to offer but then again, I am a big city type of person.
Both states have an obsession with guns, big pickups, huntin’ & fishin’ along with atrocious politicians, obesity, country music and undesirable summer weather.
When I go home all I hear is people there bash California. Then they come visit and are like “oh wow. It’s so beautiful, the Mexican food here is so delicious, the weather is incredible, the beaches aren’t muddy & disgusting, etc but it’s expensive & too many liberals”.
No place is perfect. Here, I get asked all the time if I miss home. I do miss some things. My family, the hill country, quality BBQ, rainstorms, lush green landscape, southern hospitality - you know people just giving the head nod or saying hello simply bc you’re passing each other on the sidewalk without getting looks of confusion or ignored altogether. I miss the cost of living in Texas.
I don’t miss Texas politics, summer heat that lasts 7 months long or hillbillies.
I don’t know many other Texans here in Cali but I know a lot of ppl from Louisiana due to my Saints fandom and so many of them that I meet are so country and have some of the worst dental hygiene I’ve ever met along with not being very intelligent - but - they are some of the nicest & most hospitable people I’ve met out here. It’s the closest to ‘people from back home’ I’ll get out here. Maybe bc Houston is east Texas & more similar to Louisiana than someone from Dallas or Amarillo. I dunno.