The Expanse (4 Viewers)

ok, is the show really as good as y'all claim? my brother won't Please stop! about it. i've been wanting to watch it, but my only info comes from a moron that dissects only the issues in shows (movies too). oh no! the sci fi film has a car not from the era?!? omg. time to protest!

i hate my family.
I just re-watched seasons 1-4 in prep. I'll preface my thoughts below with... I only read the first 3 books. Kind of wondering if I should finish the series before going back to the show.

  • The first time through I thought it was pretty darn good. Maybe it's cuz GoT ended to horribly, but to me this show is better.
  • 1-3 were awesome IMHO. The effects and production value were not as good as S4, but they far outshined it in thought provoking dialog and situations.
  • S4, felt overly done on the visual content with a few good moments comparatively but mostly throw-away one liners for a laugh. This isn't too uncommon when a show moves networks like it did. IDK, maybe I was just burnt out from the binge and need to re-watch after my CBD kicks in or maybe having read the books fills in more than I thought when watching.
  • S5 appears to be going back a bit from what I can see to better fleshed out characters and thoughtfulness.
  • Chrisjen Avasarala is perfectly played by Shohreh Aghdashloo and might be my fave char.
  • Holden is well played by Steven Strait who also produces the show in season 3 iirc.
  • Amos unfolded well so far and I'm starting to really appreciate the character that Wes Chatham manages to convey. His interaction with Burn Gorman as Murty really saved the season for me. Burn was great as well. IDK maybe I'm to harsh on S4.
  • Miller by Thomas Jane is too cryptic after his conversion until you start paying close attention then you get all the thought provocation.
I could keep going, but you get the idea now.
I need to catch up. I am only halfway through last season. I'm glad they kept Thomas Janes character, i thought when he died early on, that would be it for him.
"Try the yaka mein"

Trying to get through them now, but my coworkers are being very inconsiderate.

only if it came with a Two Liter Pepsi.
I watched 3 full episodes yesterday.
I looked yesterday and only saw 2. Just rechecked and indeed there are 3 now. IDK, maybe Jeff has a grudge against me for some reason. I waited till the divorce was final to ask her out and even then she declined.
Just finished ep 5.

Good stuff.
Wait, episodes 4 and 5 were released? Just finished 4 and they really did a fantastic job.

I don't think it has been mentioned in this thread, but the actor who portrays Alex will not be back next season because of a substantial amount of harassment allegations.

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