Ukraine (26 Viewers)

Saintman, when someone's offering a hint, it's bound to be a situation where they don't want to say the quiet part out loud.

Well, anyway the news has since come out and there's not a quite part aspect about this any more. The fellows in front of that second helicopter which I labeled as a "hint" have all died in that same helicopter you see in that photo.

The what happened next to that photo was they got on to it and flew off to their sudden deaths.

The also what happened next is a significant portion populations of the Earth celebrated one of those guys fiery death. "Good Riddance" is what they tended to say Most of the sayers being from his own country Iran.
I kind of suspected that, but I wanted to avoid discussing the loud part out loud and away from public forum so we can discuss how accidents like these occur little more openly, perhaps?

If you know what I mean.
The Soviets actually lost far less in Afghanistan over a far longer duration (10 years) in a war that very quickly, many top leading Politburo members, including Brezhnev, realized by maybe mid-81, was a bad idea and that Afghanistan's ruling, feeble communist client-state was a failed regime that was pushing radical, atheist land and educational reforms on a very deeply religious Afghan society. The Soviet military, even during its full-strength in early 80's, Sam, never controlled more then 15-20% of the Afghan country side. That was all Mujuhadeen territory. Except for a few major Afghan cities like Kabul and Herat, the Soviet military presence in Afghanistan and effectiveness was limited. It got even worse when in 1986, we began smuggling in Stingers and SAM's via Pakistan's ISI little advanced, smuggling route via the Hindu Kush.

Also, the Soviet death toll in WWII could be justified, though horrific and catastrophic, to the fact that the Soviet Union was invaded and on the s defensive from long-developed racist-paranoid, pan-German expansionism and theories dating back to Volkish idealogues since the late 19th century who first made crude, vague arguments to "Leibenstraum", or " Weltenshuang" and Germany's "natural right" to forcefully expand into Slavic-speaking countries as part of a GrossDeutschland, like UK did with India and France did with Algeria.

The Soviets were being invaded literally for the first time since Napoleonic Wars. Thats not really the case, here at least for some Russians to idiotically accept 2-3 million soldiers KIA, MIA, or wounded. Their will be some little bit of sheet hitting the fan here, Sam.
A new thing at google, an AI answered my query. My query was, the percentage of young men france lost in wwi

"France lost 25% of its 18–30 year-old male population during World War I. In total, 1.3 million French men died in combat during the war, which is about 16% of the male conscript population. This means that 14 out of every 100 working-age men died, and 4% of France's total population died."

I was expecting that answer, that was why i was asking for it. However it used to 18% of it's young population, not 25% like the new AI says.

Oh well, it's a lot either way, and it's many multiples of magnitude larger than what we're counting in Russia today amoung the young.

I doubt that Russia is up to one percent yet of overall. One percent would be 1.4 million people in the overpopulated Russia today. They have a Gross of millions now, 144 million.

In times of old villagers would just be started to get upset when a war had a death toll which went much over 15% of the young men. One percent of overall population isn't going to wake them. Nor when converted to their 18 to 44 population which would increase that to about 3%. It's a long way below 15%.

So in my mind this will not become much of a factor in Russia today. Not after all the horrid yesterday's they have had.
A new thing at google, an AI answered my query. My query was, the percentage of young men france lost in wwi

"France lost 25% of its 18–30 year-old male population during World War I. In total, 1.3 million French men died in combat during the war, which is about 16% of the male conscript population. This means that 14 out of every 100 working-age men died, and 4% of France's total population died."

I was expecting that answer, that was why i was asking for it. However it used to 18% of it's young population, not 25% like the new AI says.

Oh well, it's a lot either way, and it's many multiples of magnitude larger than what we're counting in Russia today amoung the young.

I doubt that Russia is up to one percent yet of overall. One percent would be 1.4 million people in the overpopulated Russia today. They have a Gross of millions now, 144 million.

In times of old villagers would just be started to get upset when a war had a death toll which went much over 15% of the young men. One percent of overall population isn't going to wake them. Nor when converted to their 18 to 44 population which would increase that to about 3%. It's a long way below 15%.

So in my mind this will not become much of a factor in Russia today. Not after all the horrid yesterday's they have had.
In about maybe 2-3 days, Russia will officially cross the 500,000+ KIA, MIA and wounded mark for a war that isn't as nearly justified or as explainable for millions of military and civilian casualties like foreign military invasions like Napoleonic Wars or Operation Barbarossa. The RuaF are estimated at losing over 1,000+ men per day, and by the time we reach the end of 2024, Sam, Russian forces in Ukraine stand a decent chance of reaching close to 800,000 men, by this time next year, and this war will continue simmering and burning for another 2-3 years no matter whose in the White House next January. They also badly lost the Russia Japanese War in 1904-05 and along with a myriad of other economic/political factors, a near-successful revolution occured in 1905, Sam and it wasnt completely subdued until 1907 and Czar Nicholas II's reputation never fully recovered afterwards domestically. During the July 1914 European "war crisis" after Franz Ferdinand's assassination and Austro-Hungarian demands, ultimatum was being issued to Serbia so they'd deliberately reject, Rasputin was ironically, one of Nicholas II's few advisers who told him intervening in any large, general European continental conflict would lead to military defeat, economic collapse and internal revolution, which all three occurred in successive order over the next 3 years.

2-3 million Russian soldiers killed and wounded, WTF, maybe more, a lot more by then and no guarantee of even a negotiated, Chinese-deliberated cease-fire where maybe Russia keeps some of the Ukrainian territory and cities they invaded, occupied, stole, raped and murdered to achieved like Mariupol, Kherson in their "special military operation". I sincerely hope we make them and their overall economy bleed to the point of near-exhaustion, permanent decline and destruction.

I think, right now, many Western observers, commentators, analysts, and diplomats would be morally and ethically understood and forgiven to view and perceive some aspects of the Russian populace, intelligentsia, political philosophy and over-arching mindsets as medieval, somewhat barbaric, unquestionably authoritian/if not borderline totalitarian, a snearing, unequivocal contempt for abinding and following international laws and regulations that pales any comparisons to accusations of what we did in Afghanistan and still, their are some " useful idiots" in West like Roger Waters and in the past, Noam Chomsky defending or equivocating Putin's actions here in terms of ambivalence and Waters has the forking balls to label Joe Biden "war criminal".

The French also pre-WWI and during it, sort of had very serious, understandable reasons for entering another war with Kaiser Reich Germany, and that was to avenge their loss or defeats in 1870-71 and territorial losses of Alsace and Lorraine (a war indemnity Bismarck opposed in the Treaty of Frankfurt because he knew it would inflame generations of French revanchists but was overruled). IMHO, with the hindsight of two world wars and a Cold War, I think the French attitude and philosophy was very blinkered and irrational as it also lead to the Dreyfus Affair, Sam and that was essentially modern France's most bitterest, longest and sustained internal judicial, political crisis since 1789. To say the legacy of the Dreyfuss Affair left very deep, recurrent bitter divisions in French society and politics for decades to come would be a huge understatement. It was sort of their "McCarthyism" era that lasted 3-4x longer until 1906.
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Also, Sam and to other interested SR.Com statisticians who've been proud members of this site for almost 25 years, in about a week, this thread will officially reach its 40,000 post: a grim statistic and milestone extensively focused on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine that first began on February 24, 2022 and still ravages and depopulates Ukrainian cities, towns and major cities and Russia's population in an illegal invasion that touched off the biggest and worst refugee crisis in Europe since the end of WWII. Millions of Ukrainian older men, women and children, entire families were scattered to Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, here in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Turkey, Isreal, and other ME countries while most major population and geographic demographers cite clear, verifiable evidence of geocide. Even if the most opportunistic outcome occurs and Ukraine recovers and gains back most of the Donbas regions, cities like Kherson and Mariupol, deep population decline is still being widely predicted in large areas of central and eastern Ukraine because a lot of those refugees won't have any jobs, businesses, livelihoods, homes, apartments, major infrastructural grids and amenities from streets, roads, schools, major commercial and government buildings will lie in ruins or severely damaged and won't be rebuilt or re-inhabited over night.

Given those grim, extremely difficult circumstances, it might be understandable for many Ukrainian ex-pats forced to flee to not want to return considering their lives they've built from the ground-up right now in their new home-guest countries.

Certainly, their are threads on SR that have more overall posts on them, (Covid-19 thread is a good example), but this one has to be very close to being in the top 10, if not top 5.
These are long-running, ethnic-religious tensions and bigotry which have subsisted and permeated Russian society, culture, politics for centuries. It also makes the supposedly bold claims of Lenin, Trotsky, Kinoviev, Beria, Kruschev's claims about a non-racist, classless, future anarcho-communist utopia sort fall flatter and lose even more credibility not just in retrospect but also historically, faster then the Hindenburg blowing up and killing most of its inhabitants due to technical issues and lack of proper helium in a New Jersey airfield.
Indeed, it was. Thank you, Kiwi. Yeah, one primary reason why German Zeppelin civilian flight engineers used Hydrogen was due to the American Helium Company boycotting their products due to Hitler's authoritian, aggressively expansionist regime so as any chemist will tell you, Hydrogen is a far more potentially explosive and dangerous chemical or force of energy when it becomes very volatile and Zeppelin co. executives were obviously, taking a huge but by their risk-reward analysis, a worthwhile chance making a cross-Atlantic trip.

BTW, I sincerely hope and pray you're not in Belgorod, Russia anymore but if you are, stay safe, keep your head down and for God's sake, be extremely careful. Personally, I hope the first thing you do once you get back to New Zealand and once your feet hit the ground at whatever airport in whatever major city or medium-to-small town/city you live in, whether its Wellington, ChristChurch, or Auckland, get down on your hands and knees and point your hands together to the sky in happiness, even if you're not religious, every little bit helps.

Curiously enough, the official 1937 German damage report ended its long-and-winding analysis, detailed assessment of the potential and probable causes of the Hindenburg crash-landing did leave the door open for possible subterfuge and sabotage by internal or foreign dissidents, or anti-Hitler opposition forces or at least conceded it might be plausible enough to warrant further, more in-depth investigations to rule out the possibility. Hitler, after reading the final damage report, disagreed with the possibility of sabotage/subterfuge, and concluded the Hindenburg disaster should be categorized, IIRC, as an "act of God".

The 1975 film version of Hindenburg, starring George C. Scott and Anne Bancroft, sort of revealed these same conclusions at the end of the film's spoken-word epilogue.
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Putin has recently now called for "negotiations" that will be based on current "frontlines" ( at the time the negotiations take place ) So i think we are now at a point where he wants to grab as much land as possible, thinking that Ukraine/West will try to stall and recapture, leading to more land grab for when they do start.
So UAF hit a long range radar installation on SE coast of Crimea AND one in Krasnodar.

just a hunch, but it looks to me as if there is the creation of a "corridor" up the Black Sea to Kerch Strait - between Crimea and Krasnodar area of S Russia

Or blinding them to see around Novarossyik where whats left of the Black Fleet moors and where some equipment arrives


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