Ukraine (16 Viewers)

I don't know what they use.

Insofar as the seem to drop pretty often on Belgrod, that would not be in range for a misguidance from anywhere where they would have been in glide range to have hit Ukraine.

That factor rules out misguidence, and suggest that the bombs are breaking away from their aircraft on the way to their drop point.
That is assuming Ukraine doesn't have assets inside Russia.

Or maybe the spoofing signal is coming from space ...
Guess they don't believe in mainstreaming
It's a special case, when you place the word "mainstreaming" in a sentence which has the context of schools, it switches the definition of "mainstreaming" from definition 1 or 2, to definition 3-1 which is in the context of Special Education. It becomes contextually implied that you are talking about disabled children.

I think the word you were looking for is "immersion" - which works well for young kids learning a new language. The agreement to provide education in their native language (Ukrainian) may imply/suggest Ukraine restoring peace sooner than later, so these kids will return home. Only a temporary solution is needed, not full language immersion. Also removes the "stealing children/culture" argument.

This is not totally out of left field. He's always touted a peace agreement, (which is all nice and altruistic sounding but unrealistic as long as Russia occupies parts of Ukraine). So I'll welcome this good gesture for the kid's sake, but still go on not trusting Orban.
I think the word you were looking for is "immersion" - which works well for young kids learning a new language. The agreement to provide education in their native language (Ukrainian) may imply/suggest Ukraine restoring peace sooner than later, so these kids will return home. Only a temporary solution is needed, not full language immersion. Also removes the "stealing children/culture" argument.
Yes, that's the correct word, the one DC ought to have used.

When I brought the subject up, I knew what was wrong with using "mainstreaming," but the word "immersion" to correct it didn't pop into my mind the way it would have when I was a bit younger.
Yeah immersion is what I meant, but I guess the philosophy is the same of not segregating students by need is along the same line of thinking.

But I guess the intention is the schools are temporary for displaced people so doing anything but conducting them in the native language would be seen as some attempt at cultural assimilation.
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Yeah immersion is what I meant, but I guess the philosophy is the same of not segregating students by need is along the same line of thinking.

But I guess the intention is the schools are temporary for displaced people so doing anything but conducting them in the native language would be seen as some attempt at cultural assimilation.
Just my 3 cents, I have yet to see a Hungarian classroom for special needs, much less a school.

Unfortunately for all involved, they keep the students together and the special needs either get left behind or totally disrupt the class.

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