Russias economy is failing.
laymans terms-
they cant sell bonds ( they placed only 5/100 of target !!!! FIVE ONE HUNDRETHS ) to borrow and fund govt spending. Inflation is around 9-10% ( some think higher ) and targeted to be around 15% by years end and interest rate is 20% - they cant raise taxes ( to get the funding ) on Russians without repercussions domestically, their Sovereign Wealth Fund is dwindling, Ruble exchange rate keeps dropping vs USD/YUAN/EURO ...
so the only answer, as of now, is to PRINT MORE MONEY. Which would lead to hyperinflation
couple all this with Ukraine targeting refineries ( again ) which, at this point, is their one major money making EXPORT, and reducing ability to EXPORT revenue making oil, Russia is teetering on an economic canyon.
laymans terms-
they cant sell bonds ( they placed only 5/100 of target !!!! FIVE ONE HUNDRETHS ) to borrow and fund govt spending. Inflation is around 9-10% ( some think higher ) and targeted to be around 15% by years end and interest rate is 20% - they cant raise taxes ( to get the funding ) on Russians without repercussions domestically, their Sovereign Wealth Fund is dwindling, Ruble exchange rate keeps dropping vs USD/YUAN/EURO ...
so the only answer, as of now, is to PRINT MORE MONEY. Which would lead to hyperinflation
couple all this with Ukraine targeting refineries ( again ) which, at this point, is their one major money making EXPORT, and reducing ability to EXPORT revenue making oil, Russia is teetering on an economic canyon.