Which pill do you take? (1 Viewer)

Which pill do you take?

  • Red Pill

    Votes: 19 54.3%
  • Blue Pill

    Votes: 16 45.7%

  • Total voters
There's a zero percent chance I'd risk my marriage and my kids... so show me the money.

Also, just going back in time to my 6 year old self with my 46 year old brain would just be bananas. I couldn't really hang out with kids my own age. Do I start flirting with the 35 year old divorced mom when I'm 7? When I'm 16, do I date other 16 year olds? That'd be creepy right?

Also, could you imagine knowing about great tragedies and being unable to prevent them? I'd run out screaming while being forced to watch the Challenger accident (I still remember watching that live not know what was going to happen, I can't imagine sitting through that knowing those people were going to die and I could do nothing to prevent it). Tsunamis wiping away thousands? Nope, watch it all again knowing you can do nothing. 9/11, Iraq War -- it's all still happening... etc. I think that would drive me nuts.
This decision is harder than I thought it would be.

At first glance, go back to being a kid is the choice. I can make 10 million easy knowing what I know. I wouldn’t even have to use the stock market.

But I have kids and there isn’t any way you can make life turn out the same way twice. For no other than the for the simple fact that I don’t remember every choice I ever made. I am going to do things differently; it’s inevitable.

which of course is going to affect everything- even if I force certain situations like where I go to school, being at the exact time and place I met my wife (I don’t even remember the exact day, it was over 20 years ago.) there isn’t any way everything else won’t change.

I am certainly not going to knowingly fall 35’ and break my back when I was 23 - or get the sheet kicked out of me by the police over a crazy girl at 19.

So basically the question really becomes: “are you happy with the way your life turned out?”

In that case, I have to take the money pill. There are plenty of days I would like to do over. Not my whole life, it has been worth it so far.
I'm fine with that...my kids are so much "me" that I think they'd be exactly who they were regardless of who their mom was. In fact I'm convinced that any other woman on earth would've contributed a better 2nd 50% than the soul sucking succubus that shat them out.
Yes, and its a bunch of nonsense. Oswald was the lone shooter and there isn't evidence of some grand conspiracy beyond him possibly being "encouraged" by certain parties (such as Cuba - we had been actively trying to assassinator Castro for years)
There is also the mafia hired Jack Ruby to kill Oswald to keep him from talking conspiracy. I personally don't
know or have ever known a godfather. I do know they won't entrust their secrets to a bar owner whose only
connection to them is the place where they met to have drinks.
Wording is important here.

Are we starting back in the year we were 6 years old, or are we starting in 2023 at 6 years old?

The investment knowledge, for instance, doesn’t help if I just become six years old in 2023.

I’ll need to have my lawyer @superchuck500 look over this for me.
I can only answer for myself,but I read it as starting over at 6 in 2023. Either way, I'm still taking the 10 mil.
At first I thought red pill for sure. I would SLAY in high school and be uber wealthy. Then I thought about hanging out with middle schoolers and high schoolers and even 20 year olds for the first 20 years. I figure I’d pay a few billion not to have to do that so gimme the blue pill and 10 million.

Plus, yeah it would be super creepy to be a 47 year old trying to have sex with teenagers for a chunk of time.
There's no "may" about it, you go back your kids are gone.

Think about everything that would have to happen for you meet your spouse/mate at the right place and time, if you use your knowledge to make a boatload of money why would you both be working at that pizza place, and if you did meet her/him at the right time do they react differently to you if you're a millionaire?

You could warp back to the day your child was conceived and still things would turn out differently, you're mentally much older, and know a lot more bedroom tricks, know more about what she likes than you did first time around, so you climax an hour later than you originally did, she gets pregnant but you get a boy when you had a girl before or vice versa, even if the gender is the same maybe personality wise (or even looks wise) the kid is totally different. And nature/nurture comes into play. You parent differently than you did, change things you wish you could, kid turns out differently.

If you go full Biff, you're rich now, that's different schools, friends, vacations and experiences

Instead of 6 years old, you went back to the day your kid was born you could still end up with a completely different kid than the one you know
I’ve had great occurrences in my life
I’ve also had great screwups
But both are mine and I acknowledge, appreciate, and embrace them all
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Wording is important here.

Are we starting back in the year we were 6 years old, or are we starting in 2023 at 6 years old?

The investment knowledge, for instance, doesn’t help if I just become six years old in 2023.

I’ll need to have my lawyer @superchuck500 look over this for me.

There's a zero percent chance I'd risk my marriage and my kids... so show me the money.

Also, just going back in time to my 6 year old self with my 46 year old brain would just be bananas. I couldn't really hang out with kids my own age. Do I start flirting with the 35 year old divorced mom when I'm 7? When I'm 16, do I date other 16 year olds? That'd be creepy right?

Also, could you imagine knowing about great tragedies and being unable to prevent them? I'd run out screaming while being forced to watch the Challenger accident (I still remember watching that live not know what was going to happen, I can't imagine sitting through that knowing those people were going to die and I could do nothing to prevent it). Tsunamis wiping away thousands? Nope, watch it all again knowing you can do nothing. 9/11, Iraq War -- it's all still happening... etc. I think that would drive me nuts.
Ruined it for me…

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