Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered? (5 Viewers)

Will you get the covid vaccine when offered?

  • Yes

    Votes: 278 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 106 27.9%

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But in the same vein, the numbers also show that majority of the unvaccinated people that wind up in the hospital are overweight/obese and nearly all had some kind of underlying issue. This same arguments is used to show why the vaccinated end up hospitalized. If this is the case, why don't we look at the common denominator? Again, hear me out; I'm not advocating any type of discrimination against the overweight, those with any type of condition, or the elderly but we are making sweeping generalizations like "ah, it's just the unvaccinated" but more and more, I find myself asking, who is at greater risk, a truly healthy unvaccinated person or an unhealthy vaccinated person? I totally get what you are saying about risk but at what point do we look at this past the surface? That's all I was getting at.

I just mentioned some of what I was trying to get at above but I agree that the rate that is being hospitalized is greater, based on numbers. But when we break that down, are there any common trends and do those same trends pose a threat to the vaccinated?
I'll admit that I don't know how much correlation there is, but, the I wouldnt anticipate the overall health of vaxxed vs unvaxxed is that markedly different, certainly not enough to make up for the percentage difference in hospitalizations among vaxxed vs unvaxxed. I think a lot of the differences in hospitalizations and mortality can be clearly attributed solely to vaccination status.
The brain fog sucks so bad...

I unfortunately caught it before there was a vaccine available and that's night and day from what I'm hearing people go through now.
I still have the brain fog and my taste/smell has been permanently changed. Hopefully one day taste and smell will return to normal, but after a year post covid and being fully vaccinated, I'm not sure it ever will.
Sorry about the taste/smell- that’s gotta be rough
But yeah trying to suss out ‘is this Covid brain or am I just old’ while having Covid brain and being old is a cruel riddle
I just have to interject that saying the unvaxxed rate of being hospitalized is "greater" is a huge understatement. All of the data I've been privy to....mostly thanks to Ward and others on this board show above 90% of hospitalizations for covid are unvaxxed.

That is not greater, that is overwhelming, regardless of the circumstances....
I mentioned rates because depending on what part of the world you get data from, rates don't account for the actual raw numbers. In the UK, the vaccinated hospitalization rates per 100k are pretty steady while for the unvaccinated, the rates jump pretty high the older the group. But then you look at raw numbers and you realize that there are more vaccinated hospitalized than unvaccinated (yes, I know it is because of the percentage of the population that is vaccinated) but when I hear something like "95% of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated!!!" in US news but then look at other parts of the world and see data, I wonder why there is this huge gap.
I'll admit that I don't know how much correlation there is, but, the I wouldnt anticipate the overall health of vaxxed vs unvaxxed is that markedly different, certainly not enough to make up for the percentage difference in hospitalizations among vaxxed vs unvaxxed. I think a lot of the differences in hospitalizations and mortality can be clearly attributed solely to vaccination status.
Agreed, the numbers say an obese person who is vaxxed is far less likely to be hospitalized or die from covid than an
obese person who isn't vaccinated. These numbers don't lie. I just can't see how unvaxxed people are being discriminated
People don't realize how unhealthy our "food" is in America.

We've known for decades, hell "Eat to live, don't live to eat" was a mantra for health gurus like Jack LaLanne before I was even born, but we still push a "pro-Big-agriculture" food narrative.

He used to say "if it's made by man, don't eat it"

Our food is the cause of so many of our diseases, hyper-tension, diabetes, heart disease, the list goes on and on.

People think fasting is a "fad diet" but there really is well documented and pretty well accepted health benefits to fasting. This is the first I have heard of fasting helping with COVID long haul, but based on the studies I've read, I'm not surprised or doubtful and glad to hear of your recovery.

I only found IF because I was trying to find a way to curtail my long covid problems and had seen people talking about it in reddit groups and how it had helped. That led to me learning more about the dangers of not only highly processed foods but other things we have been told were healthy that are more like a poison to our bodies than food(vegetable/seed oils).
I'll admit that I don't know how much correlation there is, but, the I wouldnt anticipate the overall health of vaxxed vs unvaxxed is that markedly different, certainly not enough to make up for the percentage difference in hospitalizations among vaxxed vs unvaxxed. I think a lot of the differences in hospitalizations and mortality can be clearly attributed solely to vaccination status.
There has been a lot of research around weight and COVID. Even among the vaccinated, I believe that their is a difference in efficacy based on those who are healthy and those who are overweight and those that have underlying issues (because some treat them independently).

Agreed, the numbers say an obese person who is vaxxed is far less likely to be hospitalized or die from covid than an
obese person who isn't vaccinated. These numbers don't lie. I just can't see how unvaxxed people are being discriminated
The other numbers that don't lie is the fact that majority of the unvaccinated being hospitalized are the obese (which we know also leads to other underlying issues). There is plenty of research showing the correlation of the overweight and COVID (and truthfully, most other diseases, as many who are overweight also have weakened immune systems) and this was early into COVID.

Just making it about "the unvaccinated" disregards all other data out there detailing the specifics. For severe symptoms, COVID looks to be pretty discriminate and obesity and underlying issues seems to be the main drivers.
I only found IF because I was trying to find a way to curtail my long covid problems and had seen people talking about it in reddit groups and how it had helped. That led to me learning more about the dangers of not only highly processed foods but other things we have been told were healthy that are more like a poison to our bodies than food(vegetable/seed oils).
Can you send some of that info my way?
There has been a lot of research around weight and COVID. Even among the vaccinated, I believe that their is a difference in efficacy based on those who are healthy and those who are overweight and those that have underlying issues (because some treat them independently).

The other numbers that don't lie is the fact that majority of the unvaccinated being hospitalized are the obese (which we know also leads to other underlying issues). There is plenty of research showing the correlation of the overweight and COVID (and truthfully, most other diseases, as many who are overweight also have weakened immune systems) and this was early into COVID.

Just making it about "the unvaccinated" disregards all other data out there detailing the specifics. For severe symptoms, COVID looks to be pretty discriminate and obesity and underlying issues seems to be the main drivers.
I get what you are saying, but the fact is that Covid is new while obesity isn't. Obesity was already factored into the insurance equation and now covid is being added. It's really not that complicated imo.
Well damnit…I may have COVID. Essentially I feel exactly like I did after my 2nd COVID series…significant headache, fatigue, body aches. Mild cough so far and otherwise we I’m doing well.
Yep…my test was positive. I’ve slept the entire day, so I would have been surprised if it was negative.
There has been a lot of research around weight and COVID. Even among the vaccinated, I believe that their is a difference in efficacy based on those who are healthy and those who are overweight and those that have underlying issues (because some treat them independently).

The other numbers that don't lie is the fact that majority of the unvaccinated being hospitalized are the obese (which we know also leads to other underlying issues). There is plenty of research showing the correlation of the overweight and COVID (and truthfully, most other diseases, as many who are overweight also have weakened immune systems) and this was early into COVID.

Just making it about "the unvaccinated" disregards all other data out there detailing the specifics. For severe symptoms, COVID looks to be pretty discriminate and obesity and underlying issues seems to be the main drivers.
I also understand your point also. No one is saying obesity is a healthy lifestyle choice. We are talking about deaths and
hospitalizations due to covid. It's not even debatable that an unvaccinated person has a greater chance of either
than an unvaccinated one. The vaccines have done their job. If you are vaccinated you have a much greater chance
of surviving covid. The vaccine prevents hospitalizations and deaths due to covid. It doesn't prevent diabetes or heart disease from unhealthy lifestyle choices
One of the employers that we represent just sent us an email discussing compliance with the new OSHA coronavirus requirements.

None of the other employers have issued a statement but we're expecting it.

I wonder how they're going to find tests for all of those people?

SCOTUS stayed the OSHA mandate - sent it back to the 6th Circuit. It's not dead but its getting close. Personally I am very glad.

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