COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (2 Viewers)

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Well my rent is around $2000/month, so I'm down with either scenario.

I have 3 kids over 16, so each of them getting 2k/month would be great for them.

That said, it will never happen. The Senate isn't gonna vote for it. McConnell is already on record as saying that states will have to declare bankruptcy rather than get more federal funds and that they're done spending more money at least until May 4th when the Senate convenes for their next session.

You could be right, but it seems logical that this is the proper way to handle the situation, since the economic system is pretty much shut down. If they don't do something drastic, people are gonna start getting extremely angry, if they aren't already.

It's the Bill Gates Sweep stakes and everyone wins.

You could be right, but it seems logical that this is the proper way to handle the situation, since the economic system is pretty much shut down. If they don't do something drastic, people are gonna start getting extremely angry, if they aren't already.

Agreed, at some point there is going to be societal and social unrest. And it could get very ugly.
Umm. Things are really starting to get interesting. I don't think things are ever gonna be the same again. We are playing a new ball game now.

  • "Every American age 16 and older making less than $130,000 annually would receive at least $2,000 per month.
Proposal #2: Cancel Rent & Mortgage Payments Through The Coronavirus Emergency"

Yes, please.

Bring it on!!! 👍🇺🇸👍
There are two main factors at play that I see
-Many of us a programmed for social nicities- it makes social distancing in public spaces awkward
-Then there is our ‘customer is king’ dynamic- that is going to have to die a quick death. Customers MUST adhere to rules or get kicked out immediately — and ALL businesses need to adhere. We can’t have some restaurants letting in unsafe numbers just to boost sales- the system would collapse pretty quickly

I was talking to a young mom with a baby & a toddler, who was brave enough to still work at Walmart, to support her family.

She said that many of the customers are just rude & mean.
Similar experience, I have tried early morning and late evening, while trying different Walmart's, whichever route you choose will be a bust. With substitutions at one WalMart the girl removed the items from my invoice and let me keep them, at another WalMart the substitution from the email was wrong, I told the guy I don't want that crap, he told me he would have to go inside to remove from the invoice, I told him no worries, I don't want you to go through all of that.

The shameful thing is the items that are "not in stock" or "no substitution available", if you look carefully at other shopper's buggies they have those items you are looking for. So like you, I have to end up going inside. The same tale can be told with Kroger also, I have tried them also. Moral of story if you need meat, some dairy items, frozen (depending on the criteria) or paper products you will more than likely need to go inside, other than that pick up is nice.

We may stop the pickup option also. We have masks and hand sanitizer. When we went this morning it was not a lot of people in the store. Most of the Walmart personnel had masks on and about half of the customers had them on. Another reason is you cannot get alcohol using pickup. This may be a plus for some. My wife slipped in two big bottles of wine that I did not see until we started the checkout. Also doing the self-checkout limits the exposure even more.
Umm. Things are really starting to get interesting. I don't think things are ever gonna be the same again. We are playing a new ball game now.

  • "Every American age 16 and older making less than $130,000 annually would receive at least $2,000 per month.
Proposal #2: Cancel Rent & Mortgage Payments Through The Coronavirus Emergency"

You can't just cancel rent and mortgages. You might be able to work it out with banks on Mortgage payments, but you still have taxes to pay. And rent, is often how your landlord survives too. I'm not jobbing my little old grandma I rent from. Now, I may have to talk to her about a temporary reduction in rent, but unless she's getting compensated elsewhere, her losing my rent payment would crush her financially, and she's retired.
You can't just cancel rent and mortgages. You might be able to work it out with banks on Mortgage payments, but you still have taxes to pay. And rent, is often how your landlord survives too. I'm not jobbing my little old grandma I rent from. Now, I may have to talk to her about a temporary reduction in rent, but unless she's getting compensated elsewhere, her losing my rent payment would crush her financially, and she's retired.

I see the snow ball effect for sure, but we may be in for more surprises. Definitely exciting stuff playing out.
Well my rent is around $2000/month, so I'm down with either scenario.

I have 3 kids over 16, so each of them getting 2k/month would be great for them.

That said, it will never happen. The Senate isn't gonna vote for it. McConnell is already on record as saying that states will have to declare bankruptcy rather than get more federal funds and that they're done spending more money at least until May 4th when the Senate convenes for their next session.

The irony of McConnell's comment (and smugness) is that KY is #2 in the US on receipt of federal aid on per capita basis.

I don't think every American needs that money. You have a lot of people like me who have been unbelievably fortunate. I haven't lost any income and my wife is a SAHM so even when it's time to go back to the office I have no additional expenses. No sense in giving me something I don't need when it can go to others with a genuine need.

My opinion is to give more to the people who have lost work or have reduced hours because 2k won't touch what a lot of them have loss, even if it's in addition to unemployment. Instead of rent forgiveness pay the money to the landlords (you can leverage Sec 8 programs for distribution).

You can always set up tax credits for the rest of us if we have some kind of financial sting that's not as deep, but frankly I'm hearing so many stories from people really hurting, including people here, that I'd feel guilty getting 2k a month. I'm able to support myself and my adult children who are out of work right now, thank God. Not everyone is that fortunate.

Now if Uncle Sam wants to let me deduct what I've been giving the adult kids on my taxes next year because it took stress off the social welfare programs, count me in. ;)
I can't do this for a lot, so I'm just picking my county. It's interesting to combine this data. The first is the overall situation in Broward County Florida.

We've had a total of 790 hospitalizations (doesn't track "current")


As a county, we have 4702 staffed beds, 6025 licensed beds, and 525 ICU beds. So, I'd say we have more than enough capacity in terms of beds. (maybe not PPE, and all that).


I wonder, if they're not doing it already, if they can isolate certain wings of the hospitals, or only allow COVID-19 cases at certain hospitals (maybe harder), if they can re-open capacity for other situations and elective procedures. Now, I don't know what % is currently 'filled beds' of non COVID-19 patients.

Ok, maybe one comparison.. Indian River County...


Per capita, they actually have a better person to staffed bed ratio.

I don't think every American needs that money. You have a lot of people like me who have been unbelievably fortunate. I haven't lost any income and my wife is a SAHM so even when it's time to go back to the office I have no additional expenses. No sense in giving me something I don't need when it can go to others with a genuine need.

My opinion is to give more to the people who have lost work or have reduced hours because 2k won't touch what a lot of them have loss, even if it's in addition to unemployment. Instead of rent forgiveness pay the money to the landlords (you can leverage Sec 8 programs for distribution).

You can always set up tax credits for the rest of us if we have some kind of financial sting that's not as deep, but frankly I'm hearing so many stories from people really hurting, including people here, that I'd feel guilty getting 2k a month. I'm able to support myself and my adult children who are out of work right now, thank God. Not everyone is that fortunate.

Now if Uncle Sam wants to let me deduct what I've been giving the adult kids on my taxes next year because it took stress off the social welfare programs, count me in. ;)

It might just be better if they add to the unemployment kitty. unless there are some folks not getting anything.

But, Certain sectors are crushed, based on unemployment data (realizing a large number didn't specify). Just for Florida.

Otherwise, I totally agree with you. I don't want free money just for the sake of it. So, is the problem that unemployment is moving too slow? Not enough? Or too many don't qualify that are impacted?

You can't just cancel rent and mortgages. You might be able to work it out with banks on Mortgage payments, but you still have taxes to pay. And rent, is often how your landlord survives too. I'm not jobbing my little old grandma I rent from. Now, I may have to talk to her about a temporary reduction in rent, but unless she's getting compensated elsewhere, her losing my rent payment would crush her financially, and she's retired.

And that's the fix we're in. We all expect to feel some financial pain. But that pain is not evenly distributed. Another "what did you expect?" facepalm after decades of policy-driven wealth accumulation towards the very top. And what's considered "pain" varies from individual to individual, too, I'd imagine. McScrooge losing one nickel might cause more trauma than someone used to doing without losing much greater amounts. :shrug:

I wonder how much of that we've been brainwashed into just accepting. Know your place. :(
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