PSA - get your colonoscopy (4 Viewers)

My Dr wants me to get it every three years. The reasons are he removed a polyp on the first one and I have a family
history of cancer.

Bottom line. Talk to your DR. and get it done please.
Family history is what's got you on a more frequent schedule.

A lot of people don't get the procedure because of what the procedure entails, but whatever shame one may feel, is a very small price to pay for preventing a horrible way to go that will take a great toll from your loved ones.

I think I got lucky. I was heavy into lifting weights, which unbeknownst to me, gave me a couple hemorrhoids. One day, one burst, and it was like I had a period. Doctor said I should get a colonoscopy anyway just to make sure, and lo and behold, polyp. I was 29-30 at the time.
i just had my first one last november. i was nervous and am a big worry wart with all medical things lol. i had two removed and no doubt glad i had it done. i tell friends all the time to get it done. after laying there waiting to go in, seeing the posters of what could happen if you don't , i said roll me in.

i took the mix with lemon lime gatorade and wasn't that bad. i woke up towards the end and it was actually not bad. nurse turned up the sleep med and it felt like i was out for 30 minutes though she said it was like 2 minutes cause the doctor was almost done lol.

schedule one today if you haven't, as been said from others, the 20 minutes or so could be a life saver.
Good luck and let's us all be in good health fellow WhoDats !!
i just had my first one last november. i was nervous and am a big worry wart with all medical things lol. i had two removed and no doubt glad i had it done. i tell friends all the time to get it done. after laying there waiting to go in, seeing the posters of what could happen if you don't , i said roll me in.

i took the mix with lemon lime gatorade and wasn't that bad. i woke up towards the end and it was actually not bad. nurse turned up the sleep med and it felt like i was out for 30 minutes though she said it was like 2 minutes cause the doctor was almost done lol.

schedule one today if you haven't, as been said from others, the 20 minutes or so could be a life saver.
Good luck and let's us all be in good health fellow WhoDats !!
That's the spirit of this thread. A++++ post, would read again.
I put mine off until last year at age 50. The doc found and removed two polyps. My Dad ended up putting his off until his 70s - ended up having to have a section of his colon removed.

Good vid below, which prompted this post.

Just go get it done. The prep of the day leading up to it is not fun, but the procedure itself is the easiest thing ever. Dentist trips are harder.

Thanks for posting this. Just saw my doctor for a regular checkup yesterday and she gave me the option of getting a colonoscopy now since I’m 45 or put it off a few more years. I decided to just go ahead and get it done now.
Thanks for posting this. Just saw my doctor for a regular checkup yesterday and she gave me the option of getting a colonoscopy now since I’m 45 or put it off a few more years. I decided to just go ahead and get it done now.

I want to see action from this thread. When you get it done, PM me and I will send you a sixer of Colorado beer. Not kidding. Willing to bribe a few fellow SRers to get this done.

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