Spoiler Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War (3 Viewers)

We just got home. With all of the above stated, and seeing the post credit scene, I would think it would be difficult to not reach into the AOS universe somehow. Anyone else? I mean, I'm gonna be ****** if I tune in Friday and half the cast is gone.

It's definitely the same time line since the news stories in the last episode were about the carnage in the city by the Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw fighting Doc Strange and Iron Man.
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I seriously doubt we'll see half the cast dissolve in the season finale next week, though it would be a handy, cheap out if Graviton blew away as dust, of course. Then again, if they did that, none of us would ever forgive them.

I will say this - I was told by my uncle, who was heavy into comic books, that Thanos’ reason for collecting the stones for the gauntlet is to get Lady Death’s attention by killing billions. Remember the post credit scene from the first Avengers movie? Something like, “to challenge them is to court death” - and then Thanos puts on that sinister grin..... that seems more consistent with the comics. In this movie - not that I mind, he wants to create balance in the universe. Great movie, regardless.

The decision to change Thanos' motivation did cause some inconsistencies with some of the other films. That scene, and someone else already mentioned that in the original Guardians film Gamora said Thanos wiped out all of her people, not just half. I have to say it was the one thing I felt was a little silly in the film. A super-radical ecologist with a heart just didn't ring true for me. I guess I am too set from so many years of reading the Thanos in the comics.

I'd go back and edit it, but I'm interested to see exactly how many people correct me.

By the way, Captain Marvel is set... :hihi:

He knew what the stakes were. Thanos was collecting the infinity stones and he murdered a bunch of his people. Thor chose to not murder him immediately so he could gloat for a moment. Star Lord didn't think, he reacted exactly like how he did to Ego when finding out he put the tumor in his mother. One was impulse while the other was deliberate.

I think Thor aimed for the heart, as it's the bigger target. That Thanos didn't die immediately from such a blow (and any being with a cardio-vascular system run by a beating heart actually would, so that was a major suspend your disbelief moment anyway) just gave Thor time to rub it in.

Literally busy finished watching it for the 3rd time and I came here to say, in an alternate universe the Falcons still lose a 25 point lead inn the Super Bowl.

Nah, just kidding. I'm wondering if ANYONE thinks there's a chance we see the Red Hulk in the next Infinity War?

I was sort of expecting (okay, hoping) he would appear in Civil War when I saw that William Hurt was in the cast again as General Ross. It didn't happen, but I'm still hoping since he's still hanging around...

When he stabbed Tony Stark he said "You've earned my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. I hope they remember you."

Based on that statement and some of the Avengers 4 set photos I think we are going to see a world where the people that dusted never existed. I went in depth into the theory earlier in the thread.

Based in that quote. I find your admittedly interesting scenario a moot point. Thanos' statement assumes the other half of humanity will remember everything, he simply hopes Stark is one of the people they hold on to as a hero in their memories. Also, the fact that everyone left was in shock over seeing all their friends turn to dust says that isn't where they're going with this.
Based in that quote. I find your admittedly interesting scenario a moot point. Thanos' statement assumes the other half of humanity will remember everything, he simply hopes Stark is one of the people they hold on to as a hero in their memories. Also, the fact that everyone left was in shock over seeing all their friends turn to dust says that isn't where they're going with this.

I take it differently. Thanos didn’t know who would turn to dust and who wouldn’t. I think his point is Stark was going to die either way, but he hopes he isn’t dusted so people will remember him.

I think Thanos fully understood what was going to happen, that these people would be wiped from existence. He respected Stark and hoped he wouldn’t be one of the people who would be.
I take it differently. Thanos didn’t know who would turn to dust and who wouldn’t. I think his point is Stark was going to die either way, but he hopes he isn’t dusted so people will remember him.

I think Thanos fully understood what was going to happen, that these people would be wiped from existence. He respected Stark and hoped he wouldn’t be one of the people who would be.
Well, my take was that he knew Stark was going to die, and he hoped he would be venerated by people afterward. It's not really a big deal. As I said, your idea is interesting; I just don't see it from what was said and from what happened to the people who didn't die. I could be wrong, obviously. I also don't think it fits with what Thanos said he was doing. He was simply killing off half the universe, thus "alleviating the strain on the resources" the universe has.

Which, by the way, is stupid. If he kills off half the life in the universe, he also removes half the resources available to the living, so nothing actually changes as far as resources. Everything remains status quo because the resources are no more available than they were before his actions. It's a monumentally dumb mistake, and only makes me roll my eyes a little more over them changing his motivations from those in the comic series.
His comic motivations are lame. No plant life other than the Groot sentient beings were killed, as far as we know only sentient beings were killed off. Or else they would have made it a point to show animals and plants also being eliminated. The removal of half of the people consuming planets allows the planet and wildlife to recapture part of the planet, as shown in "I am Legend", meaning food will be in abundance. It doesn't matter if you get set back a couple generations of technological and social advancement, the resources most definitely increase.

In fact Thanos is pretty much Captain Planet.
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How do you know this? Everyone kept saying he could wipe out half of life in the Universe with a snap of his fingers. No one ever said only sentient life, just life. To me, it seems like an assumption to assume that means only sentient life.
How do you know this? Everyone kept saying he could wipe out half of life in the Universe with a snap of his fingers. No one ever said only sentient life, just life. To me, it seems like an assumption to assume that means only sentient life.
Did they show us any plants or animals being eliminated? In fact they showed us lush grasslands afterwards. Thanos motivation was to stop people from starving and save the planets from being consumed. That dude is the Ultimate Captain Planet.
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Y'all are remembering the "hope they remember you" line wrong. Thanos was about to kill Stark at that moment before Strange stopped him. It had nothing to do with the snap. Thanos was telling a respected foe he hoped he would be remembered after his (at the time) imminent death.
Y'all are remembering the "hope they remember you" line wrong. Thanos was about to kill Stark at that moment before Strange stopped him. It had nothing to do with the snap. Thanos was telling a respected foe he hoped he would be remembered after his (at the time) imminent death.

I remember it exactly. "When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. I hope they remember you."

We'll find out in less than a year if my interpretation of it is right.

At this point with some of what we've seen from the set photos of Avengers 4 I'm ready to put a crisp 5 dollar bill down that I'm right.

It's also interesting that they have renewed Agents of SHIELD but pushed it back to summer so it runs after Avengers 4. I'm guessing that is to not have to deal with the events of Avengers 3 and 4 in any way.
So, I only saw the movie once, but I have a question.

Is Thanos dead? He was hit with a mortal wound by Thor. The next scene we saw with him, he is talking to little Gamora in the soul stone, saying it cost him everything. Did he snap his fingers, then die?
So, I only saw the movie once, but I have a question.

Is Thanos dead? He was hit with a mortal wound by Thor. The next scene we saw with him, he is talking to little Gamora in the soul stone, saying it cost him everything. Did he snap his fingers, then die?

no Thanos is not dead. he snapped his fingers, killed half the universe, healed himself and left to a planet to watch a sunrise free from the anxiety that the universe was killing itself from its own overpopulation.
I thought of this and I'd like Thanos to tell me why couldn't he just double the universe's resources with the Gauntlet instead of halfing all life in the universe?
I thought of this and I'd like Thanos to tell me why couldn't he just double the universe's resources with the Gauntlet instead of halfing all life in the universe?

Because for all his talk about conserving resources and bringing balance, he's a mad man. He's a destroyer, not a creator. At best, he truly believes what he says and is obsessed with bringing balance because he lost his home because they weren't willing to make the hard choice. At worst, he's a genocidal lunatic rationalizing his desires. But going even further, Stark had him in a one-on-one conversation. So did Strange. Why didn't either of them suggest that to him? My thought: from the first beat, they only recognize these stones as weapons. Everything Thor told the Avengers about the Infinity Stones, and then everything Strange told Stark, was that these were infinitely powerful items capable of unimaginable destruction. If you're a cave man with no functional knowledge other than what you've observed first-hand and all you know of fire is that it destroys everything, you never think of using it in a controlled manner to cook your food. Nobody really knows much about these stones other than myth, including Thanos. "Doubling the universe and it's resources" just isn't the way these people think.
Because for all his talk about conserving resources and bringing balance, he's a mad man. He's a destroyer, not a creator. At best, he truly believes what he says and is obsessed with bringing balance because he lost his home because they weren't willing to make the hard choice. At worst, he's a genocidal lunatic rationalizing his desires. But going even further, Stark had him in a one-on-one conversation. So did Strange. Why didn't either of them suggest that to him? My thought: from the first beat, they only recognize these stones as weapons. Everything Thor told the Avengers about the Infinity Stones, and then everything Strange told Stark, was that these were infinitely powerful items capable of unimaginable destruction. If you're a cave man with no functional knowledge other than what you've observed first-hand and all you know of fire is that it destroys everything, you never think of using it in a controlled manner to cook your food. Nobody really knows much about these stones other than myth, including Thanos. "Doubling the universe and it's resources" just isn't the way these people think.

I was being facetious. If Thanos thought he should just double the resources we wouldn't have a movie. Also I never said double the universe, just the resources, which would make some things worse.
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