The Playmaker Michael Irvin Pulled from All Super Bowl Coverage/NFL Network (09/14 EDIT: Irvin settles his defamation suit w/hotel, returns to NFLN) (2 Viewers)

Oh, I'm sorry. Shouldn't I have done that?

Okay, I'm injecting humor into this but this is obviously something that bothers your wife and you, too. I can't speak to this because I don't think I do things like this, at least not since I was about 16 or so crushing on some dude at the mall. I don't personally know anyone who does this kind of thing, but there's probably a reason for that. I don't like female "mashers" anymore than I like male mashers.
I'm sure that a lot of guys would love the attention. Heck, we are all human, and we have eyes, but you don't have to let others know that in your mind, they don't have on clothes. Lol. It would surprise many if I told them very true stories about unwanted sexual advances from some women for much of my adult life. As I said before, If it was me doing those things toward them, I would, not probably, but would be in prison. Most of it was in front of others, so it is verifiable truths.
I'm sure that a lot of guys would love the attention. Heck, we are all human, and we have eyes, but you don't have to let others know that in your mind, they don't have on clothes. Lol. It would surprise many if I told them very true stories about unwanted sexual advances from some women for much of my adult life. As I said before, If it was me doing those things toward them, I would, not probably, but would be in prison. Most of it was in front of others, so it is verifiable truths.
Oh, I believe you. And there is definitely a double standard there.
Well, can I tell a story that happened to me and let you guys here decide?

I was at a retail store looking through a display of books and magazines, so fairly engrossed in that when I realized that another shopper had gotten close to me and I could tell he wasn't actively looking through anything on the shelf. So I focused my attention on him and I could tell he was, um, enjoying himself through his hands in his pocket but didn't expose himself. I looked him in the eye as if to wordlessly communicate, "I see what you are doing and I don't like it", and removed myself from the aisle. I think technically that's illegal and possibly technically an assault.
its creepy for sure, i dont think its illegal, but maybe it could be considered indecent exposure. (im no attrny) And if my wife told me that happened to her, id be enraged. With that said, if they were to include it under "indecent exposure" and be illegal, then it would be very tough to prove. For ex, the attny would say his client "was getting his keys out of his pocket" This is why i dont think it can be illegal, whasts the point in making something illegal thats impossible to prove, without video. Im just saying, its a slippery slope and todays humans act like herd animals. One horse gets scared, then the entire herd frightens and tramples everything in their path. And this reactive element is being ridiculously taken advantage of by people with longer term agendas. Im not a fan of Irvin, but if the video is all of the evidence they have on him, then he was royally screwed. The world is trending in the "guilty until proven innocent" direction big time. I didnt watch the video on purpose, same as the Kamara vid, bc i didnt want to see stuff that i couldn't unsee. Also I assumed what was being accused of both was true. So technically, there was no evidence and he was guilty in my eyes. And im sure theres many more that assumed the same.
Oh, I believe you. And there is definitely a double standard there.
I have a funny story for you. I was leaving the mall some years ago, when I spotted a table full of young ladies in a Ruby Tuesday. My plan was to pass them and look back to checkthem out. When I passed them and looked back, all of them were looking at me.The ones with their backs to me even turned around. I quickly turned my head and was adjusting my clothes. I was like, maybe something was out of place or something weird, because what about me made that whole table turn around. I don't sneak peeks anymore after that.😂
Sorry, I didn't proofread what I wrote in my post, I meant NOT approaching him. Not sure if this changes your agreement.

As a woman, I've been in any number of positions where I was keenly aware of my vulnerabilty. I'm not sure men always consider that aspect when THEY don't have bad intentions. But so far, I've never found myself in a situation that I thought I needed to press charges. I've been able to remove myself in some way before I found out whether it was a truly DANGEROUS sitch or just extremely uncomfortable. I try to be aware such as not being so engrossed in my phone when in public by myself. Having said that, I really need to take a self defense course.
No, I definitely understood it was a typo based on the video.
Sorry, I didn't proofread what I wrote in my post, I meant NOT approaching him. Not sure if this changes your agreement.

As a woman, I've been in any number of positions where I was keenly aware of my vulnerabilty. I'm not sure men always consider that aspect when THEY don't have bad intentions. But so far, I've never found myself in a situation that I thought I needed to press charges. I've been able to remove myself in some way before I found out whether it was a truly DANGEROUS sitch or just extremely uncomfortable. I try to be aware such as not being so engrossed in my phone when in public by myself. Having said that, I really need to take a self defense course.
No, I definitely understood it was a typo based on the video.
Just curious, if you don't mind old are you?
Okay, at this point I feel like I speak for the board when I say that we officially need pictures of mikedre. It seems like we might have a dime piece in our midst. Just driving the ladies wild and forcing them to oggle him everywhere he goes! Mike you say you consider yourself average but it sounds like you might just be working with something my dude.

Let us see what you're working with and maybe we could give you some tips on how to play it down. For instance, do you wear cowboy boots? That could be a big part of your problem right there. The moment you slide on a pair of cowboys boots you are announcing to the world that you are a full grown man and you don't care who knows it. Do you wear tight black leather jeans? Any tattoos we should know about? Do you have a cool eyebrow scar? Do you always rock a 5 o'clock shadow like George Michael in the video for Faith? Do you wear Aviator sunglasses? Ray-ban Wayfarers?
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Obviously my point of view involves keeping it classy and not being a creep, but if I am single and I see a girl working that I like, and I have seen some hint of a signal (we all know that eye thing we do to acknowledge mutual attraction with one another, even sometimes unintentionally), I’m going for it if I’m in the mood to and don’t see a ring.
Yeah, I think this is's kinda one of the few things that separate us from AI at this point. The signal reading with another human being.

Now granted, I'm 61, so it was a different time. And my journey was a little different in that I got married at 19 and so by the time I was divorced at 24 and out fishing again, I was much more mature and not overtly hound-ish. And I didn't (or rather, couldn't) limit that fishing to just the incredibly loud a pasty ginger, I was maybe a 6 on looks (my wife is behind me is insisting I was at least a 7, but she's clearly reinventing history). I NEEDED face-to-face witty banter to get a woman really interested. And I cannot recall a single time of a woman being clearly irritated by my interest.

But I think so much of it was a bit of advance eye contact before approaching, and not flying in with some lame-arse line...just rolling in with tons of self-confidence (not cockiness) and something like "Hi, I'm [insert real name here], would you mind some company (or something similar based on context)". In fact, the only real rudeness I ever encountered was at the club, and even those rare occasions were based on misjudging a girls-only night as a squadron of wingwomen out on patrol themselves.

But I can definitely see where a younger man, without wise guidance from a more experienced father/brother/friend could be incredibly boorish and even scary back then. With two grown sons now, I am certainly aware that is different now and, while I do think it's mostly for the better, two things can be true at once -- and one of those other things is the sad loss of the in-person flirting dance with a complete stranger. The straight-up sex hookups on Tinder that my son tells me about just (personally) creeps me out a bit.
Okay, at this point I feel like I speak for the board when I say that we officially need pictures of mikedre. It seems like we might have a dime piece in our midst. Just driving the ladies wild and forcing them to oggle him everywhere he goes! Mike you say you consider yourself average but it sounds like you might just be working with something my dude.

Let us see what you're working with and maybe we could give you some tips on how to play it down. For instance, do you wear cowboy boots? That could be a big part of your problem right there. The moment you slide on a pair of cowboys boots you are announcing to the world that you are a full grown man and you don't care who knows it. Do you wear tight black leather jeans? Any tattoos we should know about? Do you have a cool eyebrow scar? Do you always rock a 5 o'clock shadow like George Michael in the video for Faith? Do you wear Aviator sunglasses? Ray-ban Wayfarers? O
I'm thinking MadMarsha needs to just say her line:
I'm enjoying talking to you but just so you know, it's not happening
I'm that guy too. I have and still am being approached by shockingly forward women. I truly don't see what they see. My wife tells me that I'm oblivious to how women disrespectfully stare at me, as she is invisible. Wome are so bold these days. Some have even told me that they want what they want. To me, if a guy was doing the things or saying what some women have said to me, we would be behind bars.
I gave you a Like...but not because I can empathize in the slightest with your lived experience...maybe just because I'm envious... :hihi:
I have a funny story for you. I was leaving the mall some years ago, when I spotted a table full of young ladies in a Ruby Tuesday. My plan was to pass them and look back to checkthem out. When I passed them and looked back, all of them were looking at me.The ones with their backs to me even turned around. I quickly turned my head and was adjusting my clothes. I was like, maybe something was out of place or something weird, because what about me made that whole table turn around. I don't sneak peeks anymore after that.😂
Ok dude, after these many examples, you're definitely leaving out some objective facts. Either you're far above your claimed "average" looks wise, or wearing items that scream "rich guy", or packing other very obvious endowment. I get the whole pheromone thing but something is off with your story.

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