Food The Recipe Thread [tm--CajunCook] (1 Viewer)

This is awesome. I found some bell peppers in the bargain the old folks are clamoring for the leftovers:


6 bell peppers
6 cups salted water
1/2 lb gr pork
1/2 lb gr beef
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped or
1 16 oz can diced tomatoes
salt and pepper
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup milk
1 tblsp parsley, chopped
1/2 cup water
bread crumbs

Cut 5 bell peppers in half lengthwise. Remove seeds & membrane. Cook in boiling salted water 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
Brown pork & beef. Chop remaining pepper. Add chopped pepper, tomatoes, garlic, onions,
salt & pepper. Cook until onions & peppers are tender.
Mix rice, meat mixture, egg, milk & parsley. Cook 5 - 10 minutes.
Sprinkle the inside of peppers with bread crumbs. Lightly stuff each pepper with mixture. Sprinkle
with bread crumbs.
Place on ungreased baking dish. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Serves 4 - 5

So that's yesterday's supper and today's. Sweet. :ipimp:
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This is my father's jambalaya recipe he passed down to me, which I then tweaked:

1. Fry cubes of chicken in half vegetable/canola oil, half olive oil on high heat. Stir in Conecuh sausage.

2. Once both are cooked, stir in a bag of seasoning blend.

3. Once the seasoning blend is cooked down (where it's wilted), stir in the following seasonings: Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning (1 layer over the entire pot), paprika (1 layer), chopped onion (1/2 layer), onion powder (1/2 layer), minced garlic (1/2 layer), garlic powder (1/2 layer), parsley (2 layers), chives (1 layer), seasoning salt (to taste), sea salt (to taste), black pepper (1 layer), red pepper (a pinch), and Salley's Seasoning (not sure where you can get it anymore but it's delicious). Stir everything in.

4. Pour in desired amount of rice (I usually do 2-2.5 cups which makes enough for me, my wife, and 1-year old to eat dinner as well as me have 2 lunches leftover).

5. Pour in 1 12-oz. bottle of Miller Lite (I'm not a beer drinker, but no other beer is as good for this dish). Then pour in chicken broth for the rest of the liquid (if making 2.5 cups of rice, you need 5 cups of liquid -- the oil combo + water from the frozen veggies makes up about 1 cup, the beer 1.5 cups, so you'd need 2.5 cups of chicken broth).

6. Continue stirring until it boils. Once it boils, stir in de-veined, cleaned, shelled frozen shrimp.

7. Put on the top and reduce heat to low. Stir every 5 minutes for 25-30 minutes or until rice is tender.

8. Eat and try not to finish the whole pot in one sitting, fatty!

Why frozen shrimp and why cook them for 25-30 minutes...wouldn't they be way overcooked?
Why frozen shrimp

:idunno: It's what we always used. I don't even eat the stuff myself. I just use it for flavor, but my wife likes 'em.

why cook them for 25-30 minutes...wouldn't they be way overcooked?

No one's ever said anything about it. And my dad loves shrimp so I can't imagine they'd be overcooked.
I lb.Louisiana crawfish,I container of Monica sauce from langensteins,some cooked pasta any kind like angelhair or egg noodles,about 3/4 package.throw it all together and you got some good eating ahead!
I am glad I saw this thread! One of my goals is to learn to cook. I just graduated College and have lots more time. I copied a lot of these recipes into a word document that I will make a book out of. I will try some of them soon and let y'all know how I do!
My aunt's lasagna recipe she uses. We're all cajun but she married a Vizzini and had to learn from his mother:

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<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <o></o>
2 Pounds of ground meat<o></o>
1 clove garlic minced<o></o>
1-tablespoon parsley<o></o>
1-tablespoon basil<o></o>
1 ½ teaspoon salt<o></o>
2 cups tomatoes whole (you can find this canned)<o></o>
2 6-ounce can tomato paste<o></o>
1 10-ounce package lasagna noodles (the no boil noodles)<o></o>
2 12-ounce carton large curd cream style cottage cheese<o></o>
I like to add ricotta cheese about ¼ cup<o></o>
2 beaten eggs<o></o>
2-teaspoon salt<o></o>
½ teaspoon pepper<o></o>
2-teaspoon parsley<o></o>
½ cup Parmesan cheese<o></o>
1-pound mozzarella cheese<o></o>
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o></o>
Brown meat slowly; add the next 6 ingredients to the meat. Simmer uncovered until thick about 45 minutes. Stirring occasionally. <o></o>
Combine cottage cheese with the next 5 ingredients, mix well.<o></o>
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o></o>
Get a rectangular pan about 13”x9”x2” baking dish.
First add about half of meat mixture and spread in pan add hard no boil noodles over meat then spread about half of cheese mixture. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese. Repeat layer meat, noodles cheese mixture and sprinkle mozzarella. Add a little meat mixture and mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. <o></o>
Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes<o></o>
My aunt's lasagna recipe she uses. We're all cajun but she married a Vizzini and had to learn from his mother:

looks good -- one of my favorites that i have done a few times was a spinach and seafood lasagna -- no real recipe but mostly intuitive if you cook a lot

cook some chopped shrimp, could probably add crawfish, with garlic and spinach, when its almost done mix it with the ricotta layer it like a traditional lasagna - works with red, or cream based sauces.... bake it on up. yum.
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Hey guys, I am looking to see if anyone has a copy of Cajuncook's cookbook handy. I think she may have a recipe in there for her Pimento Cheese spread/dip. If so, would you be so kind as to either publish it on the board or send it to me privately at and put "Pimento Cheese recipe" in the subject so it does not get deleted in case it goes to the spam section.

Hers was some of the best I have ever eaten and I would like to get the recipe once again. Many thanks.

Rick L.
Anybody ever hear of "Shepard's Pie Soup"?

I had some groceries, and didn't feel like making a run to the store. Here's what I came up with:

2 lbs ground beef
2 cans new potatos (rinsed, drained, and sliced)
1 can sliced carrots (rinsed and drained)
1 can peas (rinsed and drained)
1 can whole kernel corn (rinsed and drained)
3 quarts water
herd of bullion cubes (beef)
2-3 packets gravy mix (beef)
seasonings to taste

brown and drain the ground beef. In a large stock pot combine the rest, bring to a boil and simmer. Top bowls with shredded cheddar or mexiblend cheese.
So far, I have made 2 things from all the stuff y'all have put in here. The crawfish enchiladas were delicious and I made the strawberry chicken tonight and it was a big hit!! thanks y'all!


  • july 10 2010 002.jpg
    july 10 2010 002.jpg
    175.7 KB · Views: 7
So far, I have made 2 things from all the stuff y'all have put in here. The crawfish enchiladas were delicious and I made the strawberry chicken tonight and it was a big hit!! thanks y'all!

All that plate is missing is a mint-sprig garnish. :9:

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