Food The Recipe Thread [tm--CajunCook] (3 Viewers)

Cakemix Bon Bons
Makes7 doz bite size pieces
1 box double or tripple chocolate cake mix baked according to directionss and crumbled
1 can dark chocolate icing
1 cup finely chopped pecans
1 1/2 - 2 bags dark chocolate chips
1 - 1 1/2 block canning wax (found in canning supplies area of grocery..often called Gulf Wax)
(see other optional ingredients for variations)
Crumble cake in large mixing bowl
Mix in frosting and finely chopped nuts.
Shape into desired bon bon size.
Place on cookie sheets and freeze for 1-2 hours.
Melt chocolate chips in double boiler with canning wax..
dip bon bons into melted chips/wax mixture.
Place on cookie sheets covered with wax paper.
Store in tightly closed airtight container to keep away the "ants".

Optional: Sprinkle with chopped pecans or drizzle with white chocolate.
Get creative… use german chocolate cake and add coconut to bonbons along with frosting or use coconut frosting.
Wrap bon bons around candied fruit or well drained maraschino cherries
Mix peanut butter and confectioners sugar until firm enough to roll into a ball. Then wrap the peanut butter balls with the bon bon mixture and coat with chocolate after freezing.
Instead of chocolate, use white chocolate bark, or andes mint chocolate chips as the mix with the wax for the coating.
Make with white cake or angel food (may have to use less frosting ) and flavor with almond, mint, maple or other favorite flavor and coat with white bark, or crushed nuts and confectioners sugar …coat heavy as moisture in bonbon will moisten sugars.
These make a large amount of candies per batch, therefore it makes for a nice "variety pack" to use for gift giving around the holidays.
At holiday time, add pink or green food coloring to the almond bark… green for mint flavor and pink for almond flavor.
Send samples to CAJUNCOOK!
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"Reindeer brain cake"

* Ingredients
- 2 reindeer brains
- 2 dl rye flour
- 1/2 dl wheat flour
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
* How to prepare it
1.) Soak the brains in water for a couple of hours
2.) Remove the outer membrane from the brains
3.) Ground the brains
4.) Mix the ground brains with the flour, salt and a bit of water.
5.) Form this mixture into a round, flat cake
6.) Bake the cake from both sides on a pan set (at an angle) next to an open fire (takes approximately 30-45 minutes)
Notice: the cake gets a nicer colour if it is lightly coated with reindeer fat before baking

I posted this in the original thread Vol 1. But it was an incomplete recipe. I forgot to add the homemade salsa and a few other pointers. Here's the updated version...
It's called Wakachatow!

you'll need:
1 lb bag of pinto beans
small can of diced tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped fresh Cilantro leaves
1 large Vidalia onion, chopped
10 to 15 mixed peppers. diced. Jalapenos for sure, Serranos and those small red and yellow peppers for color. I usually add 4 to 5 whole Serrano peppers. For that extra kick!
2 strips of bacon
4 to 6 yellow squash. cut into bite sized pieces.
1 red or orange bell pepper. diced.
the juice of two freshly squeezed limes.
salt - pepper to taste
two heaping tablespoons of ground Cumin
1/2 teaspoon of chili powder
2 cups homemade salsa<O:p</O:p

bag of regular or spicy Doritos<O:p</O:p
sour cream<O:p</O:p
shredded Mexican cheese blend<O:p</O:p
bag of tortillia chips for remaining salsa, optional

Homemade salsa:<O:p</O:p
2 16 oz cans of diced tomatoes<O:p</O:p
2 tomatotillios peeled and de-stemmed. <O:p</O:p
2 Jalepeno peppers chopped<O:p</O:p
2 Serrano peppers chopped<O:p</O:p
1 onion chopped <O:p</O:p
juice of 2 freshly squeezed limes<O:p</O:p
1 tablespoon of ground Cumin<O:p</O:p
1/4 cup chopped up fresh Cilantro leaves<O:p</O:p
1 teaspoon salt<O:p</O:p

Salsa: Take all salsa ingredients and puree in blender. If you want a chunkier salsa, leave out onions and peppers and chop them. Then add them to Salsa after you puree the remaining ingredients. Pour into serving bowl and keep covered and chilled. You will have enough salsa for the Wakachatow and to serve as an appetizer. <O:p</O:p

Soak pintos overnight in a large pot.
Before cooking, add all ingredients except for Doritos, sour cream, and shredded Mexican cheese to pot of soaking beans. Bring all ingredients in the pot to a boil on a high heat, let boil for 20 minutes stirring consistently. Reduce heat to Medium - Medium High where it's still barely boiling, watching over it for several hours and stirring frequently, until the beans are soft and the veggies start to become a thicker consistency. I usually let it cook 4 to 5 hours.<O:p</O:p

Crush a handful of Doritos in a bowl. Add a large tablespoon or two of sour cream in the bowl. Top with Wakachatow. Top Wakachatow with blended Mexican cheese mix. Thank the Lord for the goodness you're about to eat. Enjoy!
Very sad. I never met Ms. Billie but I've read her posts for so many years I feel like I knew her. :sad_sad:
I may have completely missed information, but is her cookbook still going to be available to purchase? I want to give a couple as gifts.
OK, I have been tweaking and experimenting with this for a few years, and I am done. I feel that I have perfected my pecan pie. Most homemade pecan pies come out dark with the pecans mixed throughout the filling. I wondered why nobody ever made it like they have in restaurants. Pecans on top with a nice light caramel colored filling. Well, that's what I was going for, and this is how you do it. I hope some of you might want to try it. Let me know!

Thorin's pecan pie

1 1/2 cups light corn syrup
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
4 1/2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/3 cup pecan halves
1 unbaked pie crust

Preheat oven to 325 F. Combine syrup and sugar in a medium saucepan, heat on medium heat until sugar is fully dissolved. Combine (in a separate bowl) the eggs, butter (cut butter into small pieces in the bowl with a spoon), and vanilla. SLOWLY stir the syrup / sugar mixture into the egg / butter mixture (be careful not to cook the eggs while mixing in the hot syrup). Mix thoroughly. Pour enough into a small bowl (approx 3 tablespoons) to coat the pecans and stir the pecans until fully coated with the filling mixture. Set pecans aside. Pour remaining filling into unbaked pie crust. Place in oven on center rack. Bake for 30 minutes. Slide out oven rack to allow access to the top. Gently place the coated pecan halves evenly over the entire top of the pie. Slide back into oven, get it back up to 325 F and bake for 30 more minutes. Remove from oven, cover, and place in the refrigerator until cooled throughout. Enjoy! Who Dat!
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Thanks for posting that, Joe. Sorry to all her friends and family for the great loss. That looks like the picture of a lady who led a great life and was tremendously happy. I regret that I only knew her from reading her recipes.

And in her honor I want to post a recipe (even though I'm no chef or even an advanced amateur cook) - Sorry if someone has posted something similar in one of the recipe threads (let me know and I'll post a different one, I don't want to be repetitive.)

Chicken and Rice - South Texas Style

1 pound boneless and skinless chicken meat, cut up into chunks
1.5 cups long grain white rice
half a large onion, chopped
half a cup chopped celery
half a cup chopped green bell pepper
1 cup your favorite tomato sauce
3 cups chicken broth
3 Tbs vegetable oil
2 tsp ground cumin
1.5 tsp salt
1.5 tsp garlic powder
half a tsp ground black pepper

Get the oil hot in a skillet that you have a lid for and saute the uncooked rice until golden brown. Throw in the chicken, the vegetables, and all the spices. Saute until the chicken is almost totally seared and the onions are gettin' see-through. Only a few min. is all it takes. Add the tomato sauce and the chicken broth and bring to boil. Turn down the heat, cover the pot and simmer for 15 min or until the liquid is gone. Remove from heat and let sit for a few min. Stir it up and serve it.
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