World Cup 2022 - Qatar (with SR Pick'Em league) (6 Viewers)

U.S. qualified and got to the knockout so that was the baseline expectation.

The Dutch are tall.

Pepi in '26
I don’t understand why we were both the youngest squad and why we got gassed so early
I know a lot of our squad wasn’t match fit
And our shallow bench did not help
But still

I guess it was the full throttle play that did us - UK and Holland knowing how to throttle up and down was evident

Marsch wouldn’t really help in the regard bc I’m not sure if he knows there are lower gears
I'm just assuming here, but "moment" played a role. Lots of adrenaline flowing at the start. Managing that is tough. It will exhaust you quick if not managed properly.

The other aspect was our passing was not crisp. Too many times moving forward a ball was behind a player causing him to not only stop forward but a step back to get. This breaks momentum and allows defenders to get set or attack.

Wrong day to have off day both fitness and focus wise.
I'm not talking about their team. I mean the country. Netherlands ain't ranked #8 in anything (except maybe soccer). They did boats and windmills like 300 years ago. Now what, hookers and weed?

I thought it was remarkable how fast they could run in those wooden shoes.
I don’t understand why we were both the youngest squad and why we got gassed so early
I know a lot of our squad wasn’t match fit
And our shallow bench did not help
But still

I guess it was the full throttle play that did us - UK and Holland knowing how to throttle up and down was evident

Marsch wouldn’t really help in the regard bc I’m not sure if he knows there are lower gears
Yeah. The throttling up and down like you said. They were positioned to pivot a few steps right or left to stay in their postures while we are running in circles to break their lines.

As a long time FCD fan, I love Jesus but he does a lot of the things Pulisic and Reyna do just not as spectacularly whereas Pepi is the striker we need. Ferreira will be a great fill in during Gold Cup matches and has a tall task staying relevant since he overlaps so much with our stars. But Pepi......oh man that kid has that IT factor we need up top. I know the US has a long history of young promising talent disappearing but hopefully he won't go that route.

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