I highly doubt that an antivaxer is going to say…wow, seeing these people mock the death of this lady has completely changed my prospective on vaccines. I’ve dealt with anti science and anti medicine types for over a decade and I’ve been semi successful at finding a common ground, but only through caring and respect. I suppose it’s not as fun though, lol
I am not the most caring and cuddly guy if you hadn't noticed. I mean I do care, but I'm not going to grovel and whine to convince someone to do what's in their best interest all too often. It's like when someone builds their own house or hires a cheap contractor and then come to me later looking for help, it's funny and while I'll give them advice, it comes with a fee or whatever cost is necessary to alleviate the issue.
THere's no discount for being an idiot nor is there going to be much empathy from me when attempting to convince someone to get a vaccination that you, as a physician, have advised them to do.
Take the advice of experts you trust. Refuse that advice at your own peril and always remember that one of the perils is the ridicule of those like me who find ignorance and stupidity worthy offenses for ridicule.