Blitzer tells atheist tornado survivor:"You gotta thank the Lord" (1 Viewer)

lolol...if you know you kids will sneak out the house to night and your in the yard waiting for her to come out the window she still had free will to sneak out she just got caught!
No no, all knowing means god knows what time youre born, what age you'll steal, what age you'll die and how. Yet somehow youre supposed to be in control right? If this so called god knows everything about you the moment you're born? You have no control, its already pre-determined and suicide,catastrophic death, illness, still born, crib death, and everything else is known already there would be absolutely no reason to exist IMO if being born to die within 6 months or 15 yrs or however long and god knows this, why would he do it? To test parents? Thats more along the lines of making them suffer dont you think?
Well I might as well ask Santa why I never got that red wagon I never told my parents about.
If god is all knowing and all powerful then why would anyone be more deserving than anyone else? God knows what he is doing right? How can a harmless child be more deserving of death than an old person? These are the unknowable questions that you open yourself up to when you assume there is a plan that one all powerful being controls.

When you make statements like this comparing a persons God to santa claus it makes you come off as if your very intolerent of other peoples religion.
No no, all knowing means god knows what time youre born, what age you'll steal, what age you'll die and how. Yet somehow youre supposed to be in control right? If this so called god knows everything about you the moment you're born? You have no control, its already pre-determined and suicide,catastrophic death, illness, still born, crib death, and everything else is known already there would be absolutely no reason to exist IMO if being born to die within 6 months or 15 yrs or however long and god knows this, why would he do it? To test parents? Thats more along the lines of making them suffer dont you think?

just because he knows what your going to do does not mean you dont have free choice.

If you have a choice to pic A,B,C, or D you have free choice. However no matter which one you choose he knew before you made the choice. Free will has not been taken away. Your trying to place the mortal bonds on god. They do not apply, he is above them. He created them for us not for himself.
whah you added a bunch of stuff and i want to help u understand but nwo it doesnt sound like you want too if you know what i mean...since yall are gettin ugly I dont know but if we cant talk like grow men and be nice i think it better I leave the topic...its a question of faith...i will do like those red letters say turn the other cheek :)
It's perfecty fine to have faith in whatever you choose.Even to believe in whatever you choose. But when you come to say that you "understand" your faith completely and tell someone that they are misguided because you're confidence in belief is much more apparent, yet cant actually prove the existence of an all powerful, all knowing and all loving being that dates back to the beginning of time, its hard to make someoen believe what you think is so true.

I've met a few ppl who have actually made their "higher power" things on earth. From rocks to trees to nutria rats. It helped them to form a positive outlook on life. Are they wrong for believing in that? I think not. Faith is just a from of positiveness in YOUR life. Not anyone elses. Religion may help one person while an inanimate object may help another. No one is right or wrong as long as its positive is the point I'm getting at. There is no concrete proof of something in existence that has been handed down from the dawn of time.
just because he knows what your going to do does not mean you dont have free choice.

Actually, it does. Most people think of this question in terms of the human definition of 'know'. Which includes some tiny possibility of being wrong. But Omniscience isn't like that. Yahweh cannot possibly be wrong. It's written into the fabric of the universe (which incidentally, he created). If there is no possibility whatsoever that you won't do what he's foreseen you doing, your 'free will' is an illusion. You are/were/will never, ever do anything but what he knows/knew/will know, you're going to do. You're the driver of a slot car, turning the wheel in perfect symmetry with the twisting track and you've no more choice in the matter than he does.
If you have a choice to pic A,B,C, or D you have free choice. However no matter which one you choose he knew before you made the choice. Free will has not been taken away. Your trying to place the mortal bonds on god. They do not apply, he is above them. He created them for us not for himself.

Exactly. You're just drawing the wrong conclusion. It's not about being forced, it's about being able to choose B when he saw you choosing D. You can't. No way, no how. It's impossible to choose B, B may as well not exist.
When you make statements like this comparing a persons God to santa claus it makes you come off as if your very intolerent of other peoples religion.

Well who is anyone to say that the Catholic god is more real than Allah or Vishnu or Zeus. Because you were brought up in modern louisiana versus ancient greece, you believe in the god you believe in. I believe that the christian god is about as real as Santa Claus. Being tolerant of people who believe in santa claus is different than thinking he actually exists.
Um free will? you have to have the right to do what you want he cant control everyoneor at least he doesn't...suicide is a terrible choice but a choice none the lest, life is what we make it...and u mispelled 'ridiculous'

I mean if you want to follow down this rabbit hole then you start to run into other issues. What about people born with mental disorders? Painful physical deformities that make them beg for death on a daily basis. If this person is freed from the daily pain by assisted suicide are they condemned to hell? What about someone born with a mental deformity that makes them prone to violent acts. Can god judge them on the same level as a perfectly sane person? If he is all powerful, he could have stopped the person from being born that way. He simply chose not to. Free will was never part of the equation.

I've already addressed this. It has nothing to do with deserving. Also most Christians don't see death and going to heaven as a bad thing. So its not a question of deserving to live but deserving to go to heaven. Most Christians believe we are here for a reason or reasons. In the aspect of life these reasons could be minor or very serious. Our life however short or long does not end until we have done What we have been sent here to do.

Well if there is an eternal afterlife, then really all of this is meaningless. A molecule size period of life before the infinity of afterlife. That's a lot of pressure to put on imperfect beings surrounded by pain and suffering. What were we before this minuscule period of life?

We obviously have very different belief systems, and that's fine, as long as neither of us force the other to believe what we believe. I rather put my stock in logic and science, evidence of what I see before me.
I don't believe in God as most Christians do but I am also not a risk taker so I do not blame him for anything either. Just in case...

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