New Car Help (with pole) (2 Viewers)

Choose the next SR clown car:

  • Audi

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • Lexus

    Votes: 24 63.2%

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  • Poll closed .
There's typically room on the warranty given the markup. The price of the car might still be a challenge. If the dealership takes the competitive market position on price, squeeze them on trade-in if going that route.
The Audi salesman actually said he’d buy my Acura. If anything, I’ll sell it in lieu of trading in. Or May keep it as my TJ car (car to drive across the border)

That is the other part I don’t know what to do… the negotiation on price. I don’t know how much they’ll budge, what’s common, etc. I’ll hold out forever lol bc I am not pressured to buy a new car since I have a perfectly good car & don’t commute, I’m not in a huge rush.

When I originally decided to buy a new car, immediately told myself I wanted an Audi. Then, like some are trying to do here, people are like “well have you seen/driven xyz car” and I’m like no and I don’t want to. The only one I actually considered was the Lexus because at one point like a decade ago, I wanted the IS so I went and drove them both.

I like the body styles of both and they are the only 2 I’m considering. I. Fact when I went out for a run the other day, literally both cars I wanted were parked adjacent to each other and I couldn’t decide just based on looks alone.

I have a friend with an A8 and he loves it. I have several friends that drive Lexus’ or had them and all have nothing but good things to say about the reliability and service.

I don’t commute and drive 100 miles maybe on a “busy” week lol (because if I go out and drink or anything, I’m Ubering or also Uber when I’m going some place with a sheete parking situation to not deal with the hassle) - so I feel that maintenance will be relatively low for me no matter what.
She'd be getting a lot of looks from the ladies for sure.

Kidding aside, between the two, the Lexus. But if I were in your shoes and in San Diego I'd get a convertible of some type.
I’m not a convertible person. I know it’s San Diego but it’s always chilly here and I have long hair. It’s just not for me. I do love my sunroof & use it most of the time - usually with the seat heater & floor heater on as well bc I’m always cold.
The Audi salesman actually said he’d buy my Acura. If anything, I’ll sell it in lieu of trading in. Or May keep it as my TJ car (car to drive across the border)

That is the other part I don’t know what to do… the negotiation on price. I don’t know how much they’ll budge, what’s common, etc. I’ll hold out forever lol bc I am not pressured to buy a new car since I have a perfectly good car & don’t commute, I’m not in a huge rush.

When I originally decided to buy a new car, immediately told myself I wanted an Audi. Then, like some are trying to do here, people are like “well have you seen/driven xyz car” and I’m like no and I don’t want to. The only one I actually considered was the Lexus because at one point like a decade ago, I wanted the IS so I went and drove them both.

I like the body styles of both and they are the only 2 I’m considering. I. Fact when I went out for a run the other day, literally both cars I wanted were parked adjacent to each other and I couldn’t decide just based on looks alone.

I have a friend with an A8 and he loves it. I have several friends that drive Lexus’ or had them and all have nothing but good things to say about the reliability and service.

I don’t commute and drive 100 miles maybe on a “busy” week lol (because if I go out and drink or anything, I’m Ubering or also Uber when I’m going some place with a sheete parking situation to not deal with the hassle) - so I feel that maintenance will be relatively low for me no matter what.
If you keep the Acura for long drives and TJ trips, I say get the Audi, drive it for 25K miles (which sounds like it maybe 3-4 years for you) and trade it in before you get to the 30K service)

An Audi A 8 is probably going to have ~$8K in margin. I have not bought a new vehicle since the market disruption of COVID and Computer Chips. If they still have a supply issue, you may not be able to negotiate a discount, and may even be charged a premium. If you are willing to take a color they have in stock on the lot, then you can get a better deal than you would if you order one with specifics.

The $8K margin is included in the MSRP, and if the sticker has a "Market Price Adjustment" that is profit for the dealership on top of the $8K margin.

I'd check a couple of dealerships, if none have added a Market Price Adjustment, I'd ask for a $4K discount to start and see where it goes from there. If they all have a Market Price Adjustment, you may be in a spot where you are gonna have to pay what they want, if you want the car.

Good Luck!
Be sure to come back and post pics of what you pick out!
That is the other part I don’t know what to do… the negotiation on price. I don’t know how much they’ll budge, what’s common, etc. I’ll hold out forever lol bc I am not pressured to buy a new car since I have a perfectly good car & don’t commute, I’m not in a huge rush.

thats your leverage- especially if they have had the veh on the lot for a while but cant seem to sell it.

and fwiw, the Lexus body lines are "sharp" where as the Audi body lines are bit more "rounded off" ( think like counter top with square edge vs say bullnose )

If you like the sharp, sleek lines, Lexus. If you like the sporty, but softer look, Audi.
The Audi salesman actually said he’d buy my Acura. If anything, I’ll sell it in lieu of trading in. Or May keep it as my TJ car (car to drive across the border)

That is the other part I don’t know what to do… the negotiation on price. I don’t know how much they’ll budge, what’s common, etc. I’ll hold out forever lol bc I am not pressured to buy a new car since I have a perfectly good car & don’t commute, I’m not in a huge rush.

When I originally decided to buy a new car, immediately told myself I wanted an Audi. Then, like some are trying to do here, people are like “well have you seen/driven xyz car” and I’m like no and I don’t want to. The only one I actually considered was the Lexus because at one point like a decade ago, I wanted the IS so I went and drove them both.

I like the body styles of both and they are the only 2 I’m considering. I. Fact when I went out for a run the other day, literally both cars I wanted were parked adjacent to each other and I couldn’t decide just based on looks alone.

I have a friend with an A8 and he loves it. I have several friends that drive Lexus’ or had them and all have nothing but good things to say about the reliability and service.

I don’t commute and drive 100 miles maybe on a “busy” week lol (because if I go out and drink or anything, I’m Ubering or also Uber when I’m going some place with a sheete parking situation to not deal with the hassle) - so I feel that maintenance will be relatively low for me no matter what.

Did your friend talk about what he likes about his A8 because there are notable differences to the S3?

If the Lexus and Audi are pretty even in your mind, then that's an opportunity to focus your decision on other considerations. Like the deal you can get between the two. Or maybe you do need to prioritize reliability, but rather than making it about potential costs, from the standpoint of whether you would prefer something you're less likely to have to worry about, if that better fits your lifestyle/personality/whatever. If you plan to keep this car as long as the Acura, there's a case to make for the Lexus.

Not sure I have great advice for the shopping part. I tend to make these kinds of decisions based on what I think results in the best blend of convenience and value that I can live with. I'm not somebody who is going hundreds of miles away to get the better deal. Mostly I get an understanding of the current market for exactly what I'm shopping for and try and come up with reasonable expectations about getting a deal done. There is plenty of info online that can help you determine what you should expect to pay for make/model in your location. If you're willing to be patient and it's not something that would feel like a hassle, you could track listings for local dealerships to get an idea about inventory volume and how quickly the models you're interested in seem to be selling, which can help calibrate your expectations about your cost, getting a car to your preferred specifications, etc. Since the S3 is an upmarket variant of the A3, there might be inventory limitations compared to the Lexus, but that's purely a guess. I just mentioned negotiating on warranties (likely there will be options for extended powertrain coverage, another for tires and rims, another for windshield, etc) because that's something I learned doing some research on a car purchase years ago that, admittedly, I wouldn't have thought of myself. There are also third party warranty options, though I don't have experience or recommendations there. I did once use a USAA extended coverage option to get a dealer to match the warranty cost which ended up being considerably cheaper. (FWIW, I don't think USAA offers extended warranties anymore.)
Did your friend talk about what he likes about his A8 because there are notable differences to the S3?

If the Lexus and Audi are pretty even in your mind, then that's an opportunity to focus your decision on other considerations. Like the deal you can get between the two. Or maybe you do need to prioritize reliability, but rather than making it about potential costs, from the standpoint of whether you would prefer something you're less likely to have to worry about, if that better fits your lifestyle/personality/whatever. If you plan to keep this car as long as the Acura, there's a case to make for the Lexus.

Not sure I have great advice for the shopping part. I tend to make these kinds of decisions based on what I think results in the best blend of convenience and value that I can live with. I'm not somebody who is going hundreds of miles away to get the better deal. Mostly I get an understanding of the current market for exactly what I'm shopping for and try and come up with reasonable expectations about getting a deal done. There is plenty of info online that can help you determine what you should expect to pay for make/model in your location. If you're willing to be patient and it's not something that would feel like a hassle, you could track listings for local dealerships to get an idea about inventory volume and how quickly the models you're interested in seem to be selling, which can help calibrate your expectations about your cost, getting a car to your preferred specifications, etc. Since the S3 is an upmarket variant of the A3, there might be inventory limitations compared to the Lexus, but that's purely a guess. I just mentioned negotiating on warranties (likely there will be options for extended powertrain coverage, another for tires and rims, another for windshield, etc) because that's something I learned doing some research on a car purchase years ago that, admittedly, I wouldn't have thought of myself. There are also third party warranty options, though I don't have experience or recommendations there. I did once use a USAA extended coverage option to get a dealer to match the warranty cost which ended up being considerably cheaper. (FWIW, I don't think USAA offers extended warranties anymore.)
The A8 is like floating on concrete. I actually drove it. It's nice but way more car than what I want and am willing to pay for a car. He has a family so of course he likes the space and the drive. Which is fine - some people want that - I want something sporty and more compact.

Common feedback from both sales guys is
1. SUVs are what is selling so that's what they have the most of - which was visible even to me just looking around the lots.
2. Inventory/supply is still an issue. They take what they can get from the manufacturer.

The difference is that the Audi salesman was not as pushy. The Lexus guy was trying to manufacture a panic sell and I didn't like that. i.e. he was trying to get me to purchase that day and immediately the following day "I don't know when I'll get another one of these in if this sells right away" - which may have some truth to it but I was up front with both that I am only looking/investigating at this point so I can make an informed decision and am not in a rush. If the car sells and I have to wait, then fine.

The Audi guy understood and I told him I'd be in contact when I was ready. The only follow-up he sent after my visit was thanks for stopping by and I'll be here when you're ready.

The Lexus guy was still texting me as of yesterday and telling me "if you already bought something just let me know so I can stop bugging you". Sir, you need to stop bugging me regardless and listen to what I told you up front. If I can't find a car until next year then so be it.

Part of being a good sales person is listening to your clients needs and meeting them where they are. I get that the manufactured pressure works on some people but I don't cave to pressure. It just turns me away from things - not just in purchasing a car but in everything with life.
Most manufacturers recommend super, but only for a few is super mandatory. My Mazda 3 recommended super, it’s fine on regular.

The super unleaded requirement vs recommended is something I’d definitely research. A turbocharged motor increases the likelihood of a requirement for super.

Man all y’all rich people and your Porsches, Mercedes, Audis and Lexus’. Ima stick with @zeetes and his Subaru :hihi:
I put super in my Acura already.

Ain't nobody rich over here. I live in Cali, remember? Unless you live in a dual income home where both are making over $200k each (or a single income over $400k), you're poor.
I voted for the Lexus. My limited working knowledge with Audis is that they are more prone to being problematic than some other brands. But I don't really know much about Lexus either, other than they're out of my price range.

I've never owned a vehicle that wasn't at least (or close to) 10 yrs old when I bought it, LOL
I do love my sunroof & use it most of the time - usually with the seat heater & floor heater on as well bc I’m always cold.
I love sunroof open and seat heater on during the "winter", glad I'm not the only one.
I owned two All-Road wagons and loved them. I never had to do anything to mine.

As far as buying the car, regardless of what you purchase, simply ask the dealer for the invoice on the vehicle. That is what they paid for it and they are required in California to show it to you (I lived in Silverlake for some years). Then refuse to pay more than the industry standard markup on top of that. Either one of those cars is not hard to find. You have options to buy from somewhere else.

Finally, if you are planning on keeping your dead body car you should really think about a lease to own. Three years to drive it and at the end you can: buy it, give it back, or lease a brand new one. I started doing it on cars I thought about paying off but wasn’t sure I wanted to commit. Turns out the residuals are fair and you end up getting a certified pre-owned that you drove.
The A8 is like floating on concrete. I actually drove it. It's nice but way more car than what I want and am willing to pay for a car. He has a family so of course he likes the space and the drive. Which is fine - some people want that - I want something sporty and more compact.

Common feedback from both sales guys is
1. SUVs are what is selling so that's what they have the most of - which was visible even to me just looking around the lots.
2. Inventory/supply is still an issue. They take what they can get from the manufacturer.

The difference is that the Audi salesman was not as pushy. The Lexus guy was trying to manufacture a panic sell and I didn't like that. i.e. he was trying to get me to purchase that day and immediately the following day "I don't know when I'll get another one of these in if this sells right away" - which may have some truth to it but I was up front with both that I am only looking/investigating at this point so I can make an informed decision and am not in a rush. If the car sells and I have to wait, then fine.

The Audi guy understood and I told him I'd be in contact when I was ready. The only follow-up he sent after my visit was thanks for stopping by and I'll be here when you're ready.

The Lexus guy was still texting me as of yesterday and telling me "if you already bought something just let me know so I can stop bugging you". Sir, you need to stop bugging me regardless and listen to what I told you up front. If I can't find a car until next year then so be it.

Part of being a good sales person is listening to your clients needs and meeting them where they are. I get that the manufactured pressure works on some people but I don't cave to pressure. It just turns me away from things - not just in purchasing a car but in everything with life.

I agree with all of that. My wife and I had an off-putting and aggressive experience with a Mercedes salesman. This was while Covid was still causing issues and after discussing and driving a GLC, he told us that they were adding something like $3800 to MSRP but if he knew we were buying that day, he could "probably" get that taken off. We ended up leaving and very soon after bought a Volvo XC60. Had a much better experience and she loves the car.

I will say if the Lexus guy is being that pushy and you really like the IS, you can always see how desperate he is to sell you the car. I mean straight up call him out that if he's hounding you that much, he must really want to make a deal, so what is he willing to do or else quit wasting your time. Even then, it's not like you have to buy anything from him if it doesn't feel right. Maybe doesn't hurt to see what leverage you might actually have, though.
Audis are great, but they are expensive AF to maintain and repair.

One of my co-workers just had new brakes put on his Q7 and it was $5k.

I think your maintenance costs on the Lexus will be less than Audi, so that's something to consider.
Maybe cheaper than Audi, but Lexus ain't cheap either. Go with a Toyota. Also, go with one thats already depreciated a couple years instead of brand new.
Car dealers are very good at separating you from your's what they do. I would say you need to find 2 and work both of them.
A dealers #1 strategy is to wear you down and make you just say "ok" because you're tired of messing with it. I almost always have to get rude with them in order to leave. Remember there's going to be more cars come don't HAVE to get the one right there in that moment.
My wife's car we just bought I used one dealer to get what I wanted from the other dealer. I was sitting at the desk texting the other one in front of the salesman. They wouldn't do what I wanted so we left. As we're getting in the car to leave the guy comes running out and says they'll do it. You have to be willing to leave and fight another day until you get exactly what you want.
You're not going to beat them but you can limit the hit you take. I hate hate hate car shopping.

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